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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. That sack wasn't on Robinson... Ball has to be out by then..
  2. RESPOND... FIGHT.... DON"T GIVE IN... Let's go Browns..
  3. Avery had a 1 sack; 2 QB hits; 4 QB pressures in a handful of snaps today for the Eagles. Good times.
  4. Everyone sing it with me... "KUMBAYA.... KUMBAYA...Brown and Orange.... KUMBAYAAA " Nigh...
  5. Just saw Eagles stat twitter said Avery had 2 additional QB hits and 4 additional QB pressures despite limited snaps. Trade will always go down as one of Dorsey's most disappointing moves letting a young talent go.
  6. Maybe you/they are... As long as they wears Brown and Orange...
  7. So you're saying you want a picture of another man, huh? Whatever floats your boat. As long as you "wear Brown and Orange." "I just want you to know this is, like, the first conversation of, like, three conversations that leads to you being ....." "Like, there's this, and then in a year it's like, "Oh, you know, I think I just like guys sending me pictures you know what I mean..." Lol.
  8. The majority of Browns fans 7 out of 8 of the next games: --------- The "He Gets Us" faithful's response to Freddie when he asks them if they would clean his jockstrap... ---------- A big portion of the Rest of Us...
  9. Soon all mysteries shall be solved; all that is hidden revealed... The prophecy foretold of this day... For the final time, I bid thee all a merry journey.. Good 'morrow to ye that shall throw thyself at Jester Freddie of House "He Gets Us" feet forgetting all that has happened until thus. Thoust think it foolery but I still wish thee much bliss in the mindless euphoria of 6 or 7 wins... It is Nigh...
  10. Maybe they realized Greg Robinson wasn't the core/critical issue but merely an issue amongst a whole host of issues of which others are more pressing issues. Or... what you said...
  11. Browns 42; Broncos 12 All shall soon be forgotten The only real prediction is if the "See I told you everything was fine"ers will be out in full force or if they'll wait until a drubbing of some other rookie QB-led talent deficient team.
  12. I was factoring in the opponent's team composition along with it being led by a rookie QB for Broncos/Brandon Allen, Bengals/Finley, and Dolphins/Rosen. You're right about the Steelers not being all that bad though. They have defensive playmakers but their offensive playmakers are up and down and Rudolph can't make enough plays to out-pace an opposing team with any serious impact players especially with James Conner injured. If we finish 6-3, there's no way we fire Freddie and I don't the masses would want to make that move either. I personally would want a new, elite QB coach with OC prowess or experience and for Freddie to give up play-calling a little more in lieu of firing Freddie. Although I just don't see Freddie becoming the really good to elite program leader to lead us where our talent may allow us to go.
  13. We'll see improvements in play-calling b/c of the competition we face but but don't be lulled into the false belief that we've arrived as will the grand masses far and wide when we win 8 straight against rookie Ryan Findley x2, rookie snaps-wise Brandon Allen, rookie Mason Rudolph x2, rookie snaps-wise Dolphins/Josh Rosen, rookie Kyler Murray, and Josh "Buttcheeks" Allen. 7 rookie QBs and Josh Allen. Lamar Jackson and the Ravens are on a different level than that prior grouping. So, what do we learn about our team by beating 7 rookie QB-led teams and one of the worst 2nd year QBs in the league Josh Allen?? To most, they'll be illusioned into thoughts of grandeur. Me, I think penalty reduction would be a nice marker for some progress but I honestly don't think we'll know much about this team until they get tested by a playoff team or a competing team next year. The Ravens and Lamar Jackson still have serious issues on defense and Lamar can be up and down, but matching up with them in the 2nd half of the season will offer some diagnostic information about this team as well.
  14. Barring critical injuries, Brandon Allen beating us isn't even a remote possibility. (Cakewalk) There is zero excuse to lose to teams led by the following QBs the rest of the season: 1.) Brandon Allen 2.) Ryan Findley x2, 3.) Mason Rudolph x2 4.) Josh Rosen probably again by that time That's 6 guaranteed right there. I don't care how much we hurt ourselves, as long as we don't have major injuries we are too talented to lose those games when the competition is lacking that much. ------ 5.) Josh Allen -- idgaf about how tough the Buffalo's defense and coach is (I wish we had McDermot), 15 points beats that team b/c of how atrocious Allen often plays. 6.) Kyler Murray -- fought tough against the 49ers but we should smack that team and rookie QB up ----------- We're winning at least 8 straight. You all who worship Freddie and Baker shall bow at their feet once more in due time.
  15. F*** us... who gives a damn about trying to be understood via Twitter. Worrying about how others you don't know perceive you is wasted bandwith. Telling Twitter about your urgency and frustration level is meaningless. The work will show what is and what isn't. Baker is what he his but I truly hope for his sake he can get back to tuning the noise out as well as not unnecessarily fueling it.
  16. Indeed. Freddie is Freddie and Baker is Baker. Winning with their personality types is as good as it gets, but losing with them can create a prolonged volatile environment especially in the hot-takesman, clickbait world we live in. The Grossi thing is only a fatal issue to those that either have no idea what's going on or are in the business of reactionary sports entertainment. Personally, I had more issue with the Tweet rather than the Grossi thing as I would like to think Baker is smart and aware enough to know that he's just yelling into the void with such tweets focused on controlling public perception or justifying his actions. Even then, it's not a fatal issue but it does fuel negative noise..
  17. You're right: It would be beyond annoying to experience that. I couldn't listen or entertain that crap. Freddie though has had more bad strategies that led to bad outcomes rather than the good leading to bad. Challenges, situational football, timeouts, redzone calls, context calls, press conferences, etc bad strategy bad outcome.
  18. You're absolutely right. The whole goal of the multiple pressers throughout the week is for the Team's spokesperson coaches/players generate buzz and headlines that drive up interest and dollars. It's always interesting that those headlines usually come from the losing teams and the slip ups losing typically causes. It would be terrible having to explain and defend everything. I couldn't do it; therefore, the Belichick way is probably the best longterm strategy to keep one's sanity. It's just surprising to me that every single coach says things like "Belichick's the best" but they never follow the example he set in the master class of handling the media. Our writers are beyond terrible and are a cesspool of negativity, but honestly they are more inept than most media pools and beyond the negativity they aren't as fierce as other market's media. Most of the time ours are just sloppy, apathetic, and incompetent. So, our players and coaches should be able to navigate the media landscape without much foolishness imo. The disappointing thing for me is that Freddie is making these mistakes half-way through his first season as a Head Coach. The challenges that show no process or real understanding of rules, the handling of situational football it's just disappointing. I honestly think Freddie the OC has been better than Freddie the HC this year based on the things we can observe. Maybe he's still growing into the position, but currently it seems to be another example of why hiring a successful OC (a small sample size of course) does not make a good HC.
  19. Freddie telling the media " Go ask Higgins about 2 weeks ago again He might have a different answer." Then the media literally goes to Rashard Higgins and says "Freddie told us to ask you again about 2 Then the media's follow-ups questions were framed in ways to cause a juicy headline and stir up conflict. Thankfully, HIggins handled it well and did the "we're on to Denver." Freddie still doesn't get it.. Hue didn't get it in year 2; tons of other coaches don't get it either: you don't give the media gifts that can lead to distractions and division amongst elements of the team. There's nothing to gain by Freddie saying what he did. Just say "we're on to Denver." Don't explain yourself to the media.
  20. ... the prophecy foretold of what is soon to come ... .. prepare thine selves ... .. bliss shall await thee... It is nigh...
  21. There's some nuance in what I stated that may bear some emphasizing: I'm making a distinction between elite work habits versus okay-to-good (where I believe Baker likely is) one's and not elite work habits versus lazy one's. There's a difference between being lazy and just not being elite. I've never once said that baker is lazy. The battle against complacency is a continual battle for all human beings on the journey of elite pursuits. I did say this though: "What I wonder is if Baker loves it enough to get to the next level through elite of the elite commitment, study, and work. Will he obsess over winning like the Drew Brees;, Tom Brady, Russell Wilson as much as he obsesses over the process it takes to prepare his body, mind, and play-ability to be an elite winner? You can't just love the winning outcome or what comes with it.Baker won't be elite without elite work habits, elite study, etc.." Now, the basis of my core belief on why Baker isn't elite at such things stems from what I learned via family and friends of family in the scouting business during the lead-up to that 2018 NFL Draft. While Baker was known to be ultra-competitive and have the type of fire and magnetic personality to uplift a program and organization, despite popular sentiments many scouts had questions about Baker's commitment to next level film study and QB bio-mechanic, eye-training routines that he would likely need to get o the next level in the league all while having an understanding of the hard-work it took to go from walk-on to Heisman. The reason for some concern was based on Baker's apparent private comments to various people in braggadocios ways about how he doesn't "have to train like other QBs." He apprently let down in a moment when not being fully engaged with the Chargers saying he doesn't "believe in any of that stuff" when he was told about Phillip Rivers' routine and whether he planned to do any sort of those things as well. In other meetings/discussion, he was dismissive about other types of rigorous preparation questions and apparently seemed like he truly believed he was the type of Favre-talent that didn't need to bother himself with a lot of the success regimens that help a QB achieve long-term success. At the time, I thought Baker just had a healthy/great disdain for "a bunch of non-football drills where a guy runs with a broom stick at you while you drop back" type of stuff. All that was perfectly great and made sense but then there were other similar type stories that people in and around the scouting business had. Ultimately, I chalked that up to youthful unawareness or misunderstandings and nothing much else. To this point though, I've neither heard anything to counter some of those early concerns. Of course that isn't proof positive positive of anything definitive but coupled with his regression in core fundamentals and eye-cues when I say "I'm not confident that Baker will commit to elite of elite things" those are the type ]type of things behind my uncertainty/beliefs at this current time.
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