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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. This, MHA is probably a top 3 anime ongoing at the moment.
  2. Yeah that's just the nail in the coffin for him. So who takes over GOTG....?
  3. Fair enough, bring on the consequences.
  4. But it doesn't, the 3up he's using covers the 2019 off-season so thus it takes affect in 2019. It's just the nature of the 3up that you can use it in 2018. If the ruling committee wants to change it, they have the power to do so.
  5. Simple question, do you wanna wait until july of 2019 to get the 75% discount? That's what happens if we wait a year on that rule.
  6. The 3up is used year round, it's going to be used until the next FA period (aka 10 months-ish from now) so it would be kind of stupid to say you can't use the 75% until june/july of next year. It covers both the 2018 season and 2019 off-season hence why it should be used for 2018.
  7. July 2019 for the show. For the book October/December of 2018 For winds of winter, never.
  8. Take it in stride and blame your losses on Mewhort, make him your scapegoat you're gonna need one.
  9. You have had the worst injury/suspension luck so far, RIP berlin.
  10. I mean insert competent movie executive/writer/director with the initials D.C and it will instantly work.
  11. I don't get why Lukic even used a 3up could've just 100% extended him and saved the 3up.
  12. Devin Ceige probably could.
  13. I think we set the dates for 3ups as from *insert day of FA ending* to *day next FA begins* and you can use your 3ups at any point in between. Hence the 6 month gap you can use a 2019 3up in 2018.
  14. RIP Nick Easton my first BDL waiver claim.
  15. You couldnt use a 2019 3up prior to 2018s FA period only the 2018 3ups 2019 3ups go from the end of FA to the day before the next one if my memory is accurate.
  16. Eh it's a 2019 3up so SirA should be able to use the 2019 %age.
  17. Disney controls like 40-50% of all movie business with the fox buyout. He'll get blacklisted.
  18. We have Derek Carr and a whole lot of Owl **** here in Portland.
  19. Given it's the first movie for the character in nearly 40 years I'd bet on an origin story, pure speculation yes but it's the safe route. Eh sue me but it's not a good idea to have two of the same live action characters at any one time, super girl the show would immediately be told "You can't do this storyline and use *Insert characters here*" while the movie would be using whatever they wanted and it wouldn't work out well for either property. I'd Imagine she'll be introduced in MOS2 or superman will be a big part of her origin story so either way that would matter. D.C has like 15-20 characters they could do a movie on if they wanted to so eh, it's subjective at best.
  20. Yes because WB should shelve it's best franchise for reasons. I get the point you're making but like Gotham is way different than any Batman movie that will end up getting made. Super girl the movie would basically do the same thing as the TV show but condensed into 2.5 hours, what's the point if they're just going to do an origin story when the TV show is already doing that. Unless it's a wildly different take on the character I don't see the point of giving her a movie when D.C has way more interesting characters to explore, and definitely not do supergirl before a MOS2 film.
  21. Portland Sub 500 cuts LB Elandon Roberts S Dexter McCoil RB Paul Perkins
  22. I just noticed something while looking through the transaction thread. FA Portland bids: OG Joe Dahl $1,503/3 (501/yr) OT Kelvin beachum $6,400/2 (3,200/yr) OT Will Holden - 2 years $1,302 ($651/yr) C Matt Paradis $10,500/3 (3,500/yr) G Josh Sitton $9500/2 (4750/yr) Matt Paradis isn't on my roster and if he was I'd be 1,500 over the cap. Whoops.
  23. There's already a show with supergirl for one, and while you can do a movie version it's like.....Why? You already have the TV show. Give another character who hasn't had a movie before a movie, like Shazam (Supergirl had one in the 80s) plus it's redundant with the show still ongoing.
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