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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. I'd rather they have split justice league into two parts than force a New Gods movie that no one will care about if it even goes into production.
  2. Seoul Trades: Jay Ajayi Portland Trades: Jordan Howard 2019 5th Dont'a Hightower Jared Veldheer Brian Orakpo Ted to confirm.
  3. You can't give a player more than one contract per season so if you give him the 5th year option you're locked into it. I could be wrong on that since we do allow 100% extensions but I don't remember if we allow those for people on contracts they signed that year. If you 3upped him you'd be using the franchise tag number until he got a deal (Which isn't a certainty with how stingy New England is) I'd say 5th year option him, but wait a bit to see if he gets a new deal.
  4. If it makes you feel better we pay our players in post it notes.
  5. This, it looks exactly like something a cosplayer would wear. I mean say what you want about D.C's movies so far but their outfits have all been pretty good, save for Cyborg but he's all CGI.
  6. I fully expect you to keep the Compton tradition going and steal Jlash's uniforms.
  7. Costume looks fine and it will probably look better with whatever they do in the CGI department provided they don't re-shoot the entire movie and rush the CG....again. Looks comic accurate but it also looks kind of cheap? I don't know how to describe it.
  8. You got me there, but what's on the side of your helmets...? Blackness?
  9. I question the logic of calling yourself the nightwatchers when most of your games will be played during the day but solid name other than that.
  10. Jacoby Jones TD in mile high. Too lazy to get a gif but you can all replay it in your head.
  11. Cap dumps are a thing, I'll work one our before the draft and use my last 3down before then.
  12. *cough* someone do a mock draft *cough*
  13. I'm hoping for a live action series post ROTJ, Criminal underworld or something ridiculous...hopefully it's not just a basic TV show slapped with a star wars label on it. We should've gotten a Lando movie with Glover playing young Lando and Billy D. Williams at the end of the movie explaining his life post ROTJ. Not gonna happen with Glover busy with Atlanta and the new deadpool series though. When did you stop watching? It's still pretty good if a bit cheesy, definitely the most consistent of the Marvel shows so far. Though I'll say it's not the best show (That's the runaways or Daredevil/Punisher)
  14. At least 10-12 million an episode to get star wars level visuals and a big name cast, they'll probably cap it at 10-13 episodes
  15. I was hoping for Dave Filoni but that wasn't likely. Solid choice and hopefully the show is something we haven't seen before.
  16. Purely screwing with you, curse me as much as you need to.
  17. You're the second Ivory Coast team in BDL history, congrats.
  18. He's still for trade, 28 year old stud going back to his natural 4-3 position. You might as well re-name that award after me at this point.
  19. Cleared the cap, my fault should've checked that before hand.
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