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Arsenal, Pt. X: Boom-Xhaka-Laca!


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Chambo off to Chelsea. Don't know wtf Wenger was doing starting him at Anfield, it was clear as day he didn't care.

Seems half the club wants out, what a miserable situation. 

Wenger should have used the FA Cup victory to give him room to go out on a high. Instead we're gonna keep moving backwards because a.) Kroenke doesn't care and b.) Wenger's only real priority is keeping control over the club because he's afraid of retirement. 

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Chambo picking between Liverpool or Chelsea, where he'll immediately take a step forward after getting some proper and focused coaching. 

Mustafi seemingly out to Inter.

I think Alexis will go to City before the window shuts as well.

Liverpool looking like they'll pull off a deal for Lemar. 

Complete shambles. As usual there was no real plan or strategy either for the summer or overall just for improving the club, but to the extent they were ever following the beginnings of a plan, they've completely messed it up.

 Disgusted with Kroenke, disgusted with Wenger, disgusted with Gazidis, disgusted with the whole lot of them, I don't truly believe any of them really have the best interests of the club at heart anymore (I think Wenger thinks he does, but his actions all demonstrate that his real priority is just keeping his job/consolidating power and authority within the club). Depressing club with very little to look forward to. 


Edited by BaltimoreTerp
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I don't see Alexis going to City. I just can't believe they would invite that blow back without having any hint of a plan in place. People would absolutely freak out. 

I do agree that there doesn't appear to be any sort of plan or strategy in place. The sales seem pretty random with no real replacements lined up. Lacazette was a good signing but when you compare it to what other clubs have done it's just laughably little. Arsenal obviously can't go toe to toe with City but there has just been a huge reluctance to admit that certain players aren't good enough, both in terms of the starting XI and depth. 

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Swansea getting Renato Sanches, West Brom wrapping up Krychowiak.

If we don't sign Seri or someone along those lines before the window shuts, just another staggering failure on the recruitment front. So far past just "can't compete with the oil money now," we're getting outworked and outhustled by mid-table and relegation fodder teams. 

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8 minutes ago, BaltimoreTerp said:

Swansea getting Renato Sanches, West Brom wrapping up Krychowiak.

If we don't sign Seri or someone along those lines before the window shuts, just another staggering failure on the recruitment front. So far past just "can't compete with the oil money now," we're getting outworked and outhustled by mid-table and relegation fodder teams. 

I think Krychowiak could have been a good fit for what Arsenal need. I'm very interested to see who, if anyone, Arsenal bring in. They have to change this tide of negativity somehow. 

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Frankly Arsenal need to bite the bullet, fire Wenger and rebuild for 3-5 years. Looking at your roster there is so much dead weight and so little promise that Arsenal needs to rebuild from scratch. You still have the likes of Debushy, Santi, Perez, Wilshere, Joel Campbell who literally contribute nothing. Arsenal will lose Alexis next summer for free and they will probably also lose Ozil, especially if Wenger is gone. 

It is going to be really expensive but in order for Arsenal to compete again they are going to have to overspend on a lot of good youngish talent. Sort of like what United did. Fergie left the team in a pretty bad spot imo where most of their stars were in a decline and he was keeping it all together with patch work (testament to him keeping it together) but they spent the past 4 years finding players that will grow into the squad. There were a ton of flops but they look really strong right now. Arsenal needs to go under a similar transformation. 

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3 minutes ago, teamorange said:

Frankly Arsenal need to bite the bullet, fire Wenger and rebuild for 3-5 years. Looking at your roster there is so much dead weight and so little promise that Arsenal needs to rebuild from scratch. You still have the likes of Debushy, Santi, Perez, Wilshere, Joel Campbell who literally contribute nothing. Arsenal will lose Alexis next summer for free and they will probably also lose Ozil, especially if Wenger is gone. 

It is going to be really expensive but in order for Arsenal to compete again they are going to have to overspend on a lot of good youngish talent. Sort of like what United did. Fergie left the team in a pretty bad spot imo where most of their stars were in a decline and he was keeping it all together with patch work (testament to him keeping it together) but they spent the past 4 years finding players that will grow into the squad. There were a ton of flops but they look really strong right now. Arsenal needs to go under a similar transformation. 

I have to agree. I don't even really know what there is to build around. Lacazette and maybe Bellerin? 

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22 minutes ago, LeeEvans said:

I have to agree. I don't even really know what there is to build around. Lacazette and maybe Bellerin? 

I actually forgot about Bellerin, I guess I was a bit harsh in saying there is no young talent (there is one). But yah, Lacazette, Bellerin, Elneny, Xhaha, Kolašinac, and Ozil if he stays (if not Ramsey).  They really should go all in for Lemar maybe see what it will cost Goretzka 

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Lol Arsenal can't even decide on a damn narrative to tell about their disastrous transfer policy.

On the one hand they're now briefing reporters that some arcane EPL wage rule is actually restricting them from spending any more money.

On the other hand they have Ornstein saying we offered Chambo 180k a week.

So we're broke because they've mismanaged the wage bill in such a way that we're now the only EPL club that can't spend money. West Brom out there making it rain but poor old Arsenal has to penny pinch.

But also, Arsenal had the money to offer Chambo huge money. But Chambo turned it down to take less money at Liverpool, because that's how much of a dumpster fire Arsenal is right now.

Arsene Wenger the economist, much frugal so wise, another transfer window masterpiece. So glad he won the power struggle and maintained complete control over transfer/recruitment, who else is gonna pay Carl Jenkinson 70k a week to rehab?

Hate this club. 

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Wow. Just listened to why they can't reinvest that money and that has to be the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. I hope to christ that Arsenal pay for taking such ridiculous stances and wind up 7th this season. If Lacazette and Kolašinac prevent you from spending the 40m how did Arsenal manage to spend it in the first place? They talked about their wages being an issue but they just sold a player and got rid of his wages. How does that not free up some space. The fact that Arsenal even have the audacity to say that to their fans is shocking. Not to mention this is coming off the back of a season where Arsenal failed obtain the holy grail of CL football, they need investment not frugality.

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Arsenal are a big club right, how the heck can wages we a stumbling block to signing players? I can't remember I've heard that from a top 6 club. Well their biggest shareholder is Kroenke, so he must think that there is a salary cap in the PL as well lol.

Edited by Kip Smithers
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2 minutes ago, Kip Smithers said:

Arsenal are a big club right, how the heck can wages we a stumbling block to signing players? I can't remember I've heard that from a top 6 club.

It's honestly laughable. Some other points raised for why their excuse is pure BS is the fact that they offered Sanchez a massive deal to stay and the fact they bid 50m for Lemar after they signed Lacazette and Kolašinac. Where did all of that money disappear to? It doesn't even make sense and the fact they are even trying to pass that off is just a slap in the face to Arsenal fans. 

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