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Just now, Nazgul said:

You just seem to be going back and forth jumping on everyone.
I don't see a reason to claim - so I am not going to. Not sure why that makes me suspicious.

Also, yes. It was my brilliant idea to have PR try and lynch me N1. It would have been a foolproof plan.
C'mon Touch. I know you're not the brightest - but you're not JFin level bad like this.

I never asked you to claim .... 

i asked for your thoughts/ideas/concerns I was actually very specific with this. 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

I never asked you to claim .... 

i asked for your thoughts/ideas/concerns I was actually very specific with this. 

The "bottom half of the list" you were "liking more and more" were everyone who didn't claim.

I don't necessarily buy Dingo's story. To go along with that, I don't like Orca's either.
They're both trying to lock-on on there being multiple roles for everything - and I don't think that's the case.

I don't know what SwAg uncovered during D1 with his questioning of Orca (after they claimed the same role), but SwAg ended up dying.
All while Orca was getting nearly all of the heat. Of course, SwAg turned up civ. And we still don't know Orca is being truthful.
A few of his recent posts are trying too hard to be all "jokey" and "ho-hum" for my liking. He isn't analyzing.

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1 minute ago, Nazgul said:

The "bottom half of the list" you were "liking more and more" were everyone who didn't claim.

I don't necessarily buy Dingo's story. To go along with that, I don't like Orca's either.
They're both trying to lock-on on there being multiple roles for everything - and I don't think that's the case.

I don't know what SwAg uncovered during D1 with his questioning of Orca (after they claimed the same role), but SwAg ended up dying.
All while Orca was getting nearly all of the heat. Of course, SwAg turned up civ. And we still don't know Orca is being truthful.
A few of his recent posts are trying too hard to be all "jokey" and "ho-hum" for my liking. He isn't analyzing.

It was bottom part, not half but the only thoughts you have are you don’t believe dingo and stuff from d1? Nothing more? 

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8 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

The "bottom half of the list" you were "liking more and more" were everyone who didn't claim.

I don't necessarily buy Dingo's story. To go along with that, I don't like Orca's either.
They're both trying to lock-on on there being multiple roles for everything - and I don't think that's the case.

I don't know what SwAg uncovered during D1 with his questioning of Orca (after they claimed the same role), but SwAg ended up dying.
All while Orca was getting nearly all of the heat. Of course, SwAg turned up civ. And we still don't know Orca is being truthful.
A few of his recent posts are trying too hard to be all "jokey" and "ho-hum" for my liking. He isn't analyzing.

Mate I don't think there are multiple roles for everything, but I can personally confirm multiple roles for detectives at the minimum. Ricky's friend for Orca makes sense but again neither are 100%. 


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

It was bottom part, not half but the only thoughts you have are you don’t believe dingo and stuff from d1? Nothing more? 

You wanted an entire novella?

We allowed Dingo to speak before he gets lynched - and he instantly claims. I didn't like that either.
Seems like a very easy attempt to get some attention off of you. Why not counter-argue first and then claim if that doesn't work?
Maybe the way he would have played that is merely different from the way I would have.

I don't like that you soft-claimed your role as garbageman without having to do it yourself.
Again, Dingo conveniently claiming his role - claims your role for you. You play along and make no mention of it.

VMD's random switch from him finding one N1 results on Orca to zero N1 results is alarming. 
The game I backtracked like this / trying to hide my role better - I ended up being mafia. I didn't like this at all.


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3 minutes ago, DingoLadd said:

Mate I don't think there are multiple roles for everything, but I can personally confirm multiple roles for detectives at the minimum. Ricky's friend for Orca makes sense but again neither are 100%. 


I also don't buy your claim that you purposely left James' name on the list as an attempt to hide a role-claim.

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Just now, Nazgul said:

You wanted an entire novella?

We allowed Dingo to speak before he gets lynched - and he instantly claims. I didn't like that either.
Seems like a very easy attempt to get some attention off of you. Why not counter-argue first and then claim if that doesn't work?
Maybe the way he would have played that is merely different from the way I would have.

I don't like that you soft-claimed your role as garbageman without having to do it yourself.
Again, Dingo conveniently claiming his role - claims your role for you. You play along and make no mention of it.

VMD's random switch from him finding one N1 results on Orca to zero N1 results is alarming. 
The game I backtracked like this / trying to hide my role better - I ended up being mafia. I didn't like this at all.


This part I agree with. There is a chance he took a shot at getting pressure off claiming detective...though he never came out and claimed that character. Touch confirms his info and we are back to where we are with Swag 1.0, myself and then Vike's info. Who knows

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3 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

You wanted an entire novella?

We allowed Dingo to speak before he gets lynched - and he instantly claims. I didn't like that either.
Seems like a very easy attempt to get some attention off of you. Why not counter-argue first and then claim if that doesn't work?
Maybe the way he would have played that is merely different from the way I would have.

I don't like that you soft-claimed your role as garbageman without having to do it yourself.
Again, Dingo conveniently claiming his role - claims your role for you. You play along and make no mention of it.

VMD's random switch from him finding one N1 results on Orca to zero N1 results is alarming. 
The game I backtracked like this / trying to hide my role better - I ended up being mafia. I didn't like this at all.


Yes, yes I do. 

Attention off of me? How so? I’m not too familiar with how dingo would play it but he was only a vote or two from getting lynched (oddly enough nobody hammered it home) 

I’m sorry that someone claimed an invest on me and stated it? I made no mention of it because there was no real need to. 

Agreed on VMD. 

Thank you.

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Yes, yes I do. 

Attention off of me? How so? I’m not too familiar with how dingo would play it but he was only a vote or two from getting lynched (oddly enough nobody hammered it home) 

I’m sorry that someone claimed an invest on me and stated it? I made no mention of it because there was no real need to. 

Agreed on VMD. 

Thank you.

Attention off of himself ("you" being Dingo in this case). My mistake.

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Thoughts on squire? 

Dude's barely played. And when he has he spends his time re-iterating points already made (sometimes pages earlier).
I don't think he's contributing a whole lot. If you don't think I'm helping at all - what do you think he's doing?

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