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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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8 minutes ago, Phire said:

Damn son. To be honest I haven't maxed out on anything lower body since having my ACL repaired. Usually go heavy on reps.

Yeah I hear you, crazy thing is, at 545 I'm the weakest person in my lifting group ?


I'm at a 1215 total and I'm about 200 lbs off my total from matching the next person.

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I remember @Bednarik60 from back in the day when he was carrying some weight around (think you had some surgeries) then the dude flipped a switch and was shredded like two weeks later. Definitely listen to him on that stuff.

Sticking to a gym routine is definitely hard with the wrong mindset. Growing up lifting weights was like a chore I had to do for football and I hated it. Then I tore my ACL and put on a lot of bad weight. Think the heaviest I got was upper 190s. So I wasn't able to do anything physical for months and even if I could it was the most mundane thing ever.

Now I've been going strong like... months. Maybe a year. It's fun now. I throw on a podcast. Play some awesome music. Creep on some of the talent. Down close to 170. When I would cut weight for wrestling (aka go anorexic and dehydrate yourself) the lowest I ever got was like 155 so I know I'm pretty close to where I want to be.

Once you start seeing results it becomes addicting and after a while it's a lifestyle. Definitely feel much healthier.

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Just now, Phire said:

I remember @Bednarik60 from back in the day when he was carrying some weight around (think you had some surgeries) then the dude flipped a switch and was shredded like two weeks later. Definitely listen to him on that stuff.

Sticking to a gym routine is definitely hard with the wrong mindset. Growing up lifting weights was like a chore I had to do for football and I hated it. Then I tore my ACL and put on a lot of bad weight. Think the heaviest I got was upper 190s. So I wasn't able to do anything physical for months and even if I could it was the most mundane thing ever.

Now I've been going strong like... months. Maybe a year. It's fun now. I throw on a podcast. Play some awesome music. Creep on some of the talent. Down close to 170. When I would cut weight for wrestling (aka go anorexic and dehydrate yourself) the lowest I ever got was like 155 so I know I'm pretty close to where I want to be.

Once you start seeing results it becomes addicting and after a while it's a lifestyle. Definitely feel much healthier.

Yeah it's wild. It always helps to have people push you. I've been going full blown powerlifter for a while, but I'm switching it up to more bodybuilding style workouts to shock the system.


the body truly is amazing and different movement patterns can make a ton of difference, love it.

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15 minutes ago, Phire said:

I remember @Bednarik60 from back in the day when he was carrying some weight around (think you had some surgeries) then the dude flipped a switch and was shredded like two weeks later. Definitely listen to him on that stuff.

Sticking to a gym routine is definitely hard with the wrong mindset. Growing up lifting weights was like a chore I had to do for football and I hated it. Then I tore my ACL and put on a lot of bad weight. Think the heaviest I got was upper 190s. So I wasn't able to do anything physical for months and even if I could it was the most mundane thing ever.

Now I've been going strong like... months. Maybe a year. It's fun now. I throw on a podcast. Play some awesome music. Creep on some of the talent. Down close to 170. When I would cut weight for wrestling (aka go anorexic and dehydrate yourself) the lowest I ever got was like 155 so I know I'm pretty close to where I want to be.

Once you start seeing results it becomes addicting and after a while it's a lifestyle. Definitely feel much healthier.

Two weeks later?? I highly doubt he was carrying around a lot of weight if that was the case and he probably already had been working out prior to putting on a bit of weight.

The heaviest I've weighed myself at was recently at like 218 lbs, but that was in the middle of the day and not in the morning when I think you're supposed to weigh yourself.

I weighed myself this morning and I was like 212. I'm basically the height (6'0") and weight of Brian Dawkins when he played..... except with a super high body fat percentage... lol.

I feel like not having someone to lift with or share results with was definitely something that would have helped.

Being depressed is probably the biggest reason I've fell off the wagon so often, but I'm not anymore, so I really have no excuses. 

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I'm just curious what you guys think since you are more knowledgeable on this stuff.

I want to lose like 40 lbs and get down from the 210+ range to like the low 170s and then put on some mass. 

 But, I always hear that the first year is the easiest time to put on lots of muscle. 

Would it be smarter to put on more muscle first and just shed body fat later on a cut or does it not really matter that much?

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33 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

Two weeks later?? I highly doubt he was carrying around a lot of weight if that was the case and he probably already had been working out prior to putting on a bit of weight.

Exaggeration, but the turnaround was still pretty damn quick.

Every dude has thousands of years of primal ape in them. @Bednarik60 somehow tapped into that apex predator within and went b34stMod3 before going beastmode was a thing. I'm sure he'd be able to say more but dude transformed into a butterfly.

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14 minutes ago, Phire said:

Exaggeration, but the turnaround was still pretty damn quick.

My first real lean out was like 6-8 weeks, i went from 195ish to 160's really cut, no real muscle maturity tho. 

Forever ago, we were all drunk talking on TAET talking abut getting ready for the summer lol and one of the EBB guys posted a JRE with Rob Wolf talking nutrition and i was sorta hooked on nutrition after that podcast and TAET session. I stopped drinking not to long after that all together and just playing with diets/nutrition pretty much ever since. 

Smart nutrition strategies = way faster results. 

Edited by Bednarik60
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@Phire same boat on the ACL and lifting heavy. Why i don't back squat. But i been finding if you squat on a bosu ball  either one legged or two with dumbbells you can get a incredible work out for your legs, all the stabilizing and balancing makes the tension so great, you can stimulate your legs as much as you would back squating with a lot of weight. Also standing dumbbell lunges are another one that brings in a lot of balance and movement, that even with out going heavy you can destroy your quads, hammys , glutes. Like i been doing ill only 3 sets of each and barely be able to drive stick home and it actually seems like its giving me some definition in my legs. 

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