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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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6 minutes ago, ninjapirate said:

Not really you literally go through donner pass to get to cali. So you get to be reminded about cannibalism. 

Yeah basically my memory every time of going to Reno was getting wasted somewhere in the Donner Pass. lulz. People got to eat. 

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1 minute ago, Bednarik60 said:

Yeah basically my memory every time of going to Reno was getting wasted somewhere in the Donner Pass. lulz. People got to eat. 

People ate each other to survive.


Oh that's pretty cool let's build this city 12 miles from it.

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3 minutes ago, ninjapirate said:

Oh that's pretty cool let's build this city 12 miles from it.

Yeah and lets rename everything around there after it!!! lol. 

In there defense, they were all drunk 24/7 and they were probably a little numb when they were making these choices, or to drunk to go further then 12 miles to build. 

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1 minute ago, Bednarik60 said:

Yeah and lets rename everything around there after it!!! lol. 

In there defense, they were all drunk 24/7 and they were probably a little numb when they were making these choices, or to drunk to go further then 12 miles to build. 

Reno actually became a city because it was the only bridge across the truckee river it literally just built out around a single bridge. 

Edited by ninjapirate
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18 hours ago, Jlash said:

I'm one episode behind, but that should be remedied by tonight.


18 hours ago, Kiltman said:

We have a bunch I think...I just don't want t talk about it here in case people aren't caught up

Was an hour behind on episode 2 and popped on here quick after getting a drink and got something spoiled..so I've been steering clear

24 hour rule is normally the standard.

You good @Jlash?

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12 hours ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

I'm just curious what you guys think since you are more knowledgeable on this stuff.

I want to lose like 40 lbs and get down from the 210+ range to like the low 170s and then put on some mass. 

 But, I always hear that the first year is the easiest time to put on lots of muscle. 

Would it be smarter to put on more muscle first and just shed body fat later on a cut or does it not really matter that much?

This was basically the position that I was in, before I committed myself to the gym again.  I can tell you that recomping your body is going to take a lot of time, if I was starting all over again, I think I'd prefer to do a serious cut first and then focus on building muscle.  There are some good lifting programs that you can do that you'll probably have some good beginner gains with, but can still cut and perform adequately.  Just focus on your form more than anything.

But far and away, the biggest thing is just committing to the lifestyle change. I don't know where you're at in life, but I found that when I was going to the gym at night, I'd find any excuse not to go (long day at work, too fatigued, friends, etc.).  Getting up first thing in morning and going to the gym or for a run eliminates all of those excuses, you either get out of bed and make yourself better or you don't.  I'm not a morning person, I still don't like getting up early, but seeing the progress and feeling better about yourself are two things that will keep you motivated.    

Lastly, as others have said, diet is the biggest factor.  I'm not at a point in my life where I'm about to quit drinking and I'm a little more lax with what I eat on the weekends; that's been the biggest struggle with my progress.  But during the week, my diet is very regimented and that's where I've made the most headway.

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3 minutes ago, BLick12 said:

Lastly, as others have said, diet is the biggest factor.  I'm not at a point in my life where I'm about to quit drinking and I'm a little more lax with what I eat on the weekends; that's been the biggest struggle with my progress.  But during the week, my diet is very regimented and that's where I've made the most headway.

This is my biggest issue, I'm not going to quit drinking or having fun and the weekends are the worst for any semblance of eating right.

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39 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

This is my biggest issue, I'm not going to quit drinking or having fun and the weekends are the worst for any semblance of eating right.

Yeah, it is not essential, but I found it is a lot easier when you have someone that buys into it with you.  My fiancee really started getting serious about her diet the last month or so.  With that, we've gone out a lot less on the weekends, we're cooking a lot more and healthier, but when we do go out, we're much more conscious of what we're getting.  

Speaking of cooking, I bought a water circulator to cook sous vide style, @Bednarik60 you ever use one of those things?  I know you used to cook all the time, it's a game changer.

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