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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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3 minutes ago, Phire said:

The WWII era is extremely interesting, but I've been trying to learn more about WWI. 

Yeah it is , it still shapes a lot of the policy and culture we have today. People/politicans are still deeply effected by the after effects of the war and the cold war(something they dont understand usually) , how much negative delusional crap did we hear about the Russians this past election?  Nobody even knew what they are talking about either. "well you know the Russians..."... lol... STFU. 

Edited by Bednarik60
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@Bednarik60 I'm so-so on Oliver...he's a storyteller and trumps up stuff a lot of the time for shock value.
But I appreciate that he puts the amount of time and money into exploring the stuff that he does.


WW1 & WW2 are fascinating to study, what lead to them, what happened during them, and the great many ways it affected the world after them.

I think WW1 is fascinating when it comes to 19th century ideals and men, being thrown into this 20th century war that they were simply not quite ready for.
And watching technology have this huge impact as it's being made and shipped out in waves. 
Add in the ways it set up WW2, it's a shame it's not covered as much in schools and in media.


The Russians were brutal and got the brunt of things amongst the allies...but the numbers are skewed.
Within the casualties totals were people who the Russians either essentially killed, or literally killed..a number in the millions.
They did a lot nasty stuff and it kinda got swept under the rug because Nazi Germany had to be dealt with. 

Strategically they also exposed themselves to more losses, so yea they lost way more people but some of that was on them.
They also left a lot of civilians out to dry for the Germans to scoop up, burn or gas....which was returned when the Soviets made their way through Germany later in the war.
You look at the totals for the Soviets' non-military deaths are almost as much as their military ones.

There is a certain amount in getting done what had to be done, and the world thanks them for their large role in stopping the Germans, but it wasn't all noble and a lot of it was really bad what they were doing in their own labor camps and to their own people. 


On the American side our contribution to winning WW2 is given a fuller picture when you add in what else we gave besides shear life sacrifice.
With technology, with war machines, with supplies and shipments. It's what helped win the war. 


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1 hour ago, Bednarik60 said:

We didn't fight as much as its made out to be, specially not compared to the Russians and Ukranians. 


To be fair, our county wasn't invaded so we had much less resources in the fight.

1 hour ago, Phire said:

I can see that. The US played a part against Germany but we were mainly in direct combat against Japan. Hitler invading Russia was one of the greatest military blunders of all time.

But from what I've read Russia was mainly fighting defensively from German invasion and actually losing those battles. They weren't going deep into Germany and liberating concentration camps unless I'm wrong there like the US did. 

Explains why the Russians were given eastern berlin for example.

I'm not pretending to be a history expert but this is essentially my recollection of the history. Essentially Russia was invaded and kept conceding battles deeper and deeper into Russia until the German supply lines were spread super thin and practically cut off once the Russian winter hit.  


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