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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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7 minutes ago, The Orca said:

For the 1000th time I will explain in detail if you tell me the theory and why its stupid. You are not even participating you are trolling. Just getting me riled up, calling everyone stupid, making excuses, not voting, saying touch will kill us all, saying Mwil is a sure fire SK and not voting him

Not committing time, where have I seen that before lmao. You do all of the above and then want to ***** out about not wanting to commit time. Some of us have committed time.. Ive committed a lot of time and effort. Where is that from you. Are you getting mad because Im calling you out that you are actually part of the SKs and the defuser is a way for you to have cover, or are you mad because im calling you out on the entire lack of effort, consistent trolling, putting people down, and forced posts that in hindsight appear to connect you to the SKs

No, I’m frustrated because I’m asking for coherence, rather than a pass, and even when I explicitly ask for it, I still get this.

You can spare me the lecture on time commitment.  I commit inordinate time to most games, more than probably everybody else, tbh.  I commit a lot of time to school, work, and this.  After gophrr’s game where I committed a ridiculous amount of time, I decided to take a step back for a bit because it’s having an averse effect on me, so I tried to take a more relaxed approach this game and last because I don’t find it particularly compelling.

I’m not trying to hide behind my reduced commitment.  I already said I think that it is cheap to use IRL **** to solicit a pass.  I’m merely asking for a coherent post to respond toward instead of guessing what you’re thinking because seemingly no one gets any of it except for not voting MWil was a poor look.

So, if you can spare me the theatrics, and attempt to help me provide you a response, I would appreciate it.  Or, you can keep rambling and I can ignore it.

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13 minutes ago, squire12 said:


Please feel free to lay out a theory of who the remaining SK are.  

N1:  shooter attempts kill on Mwil (not certain, but all we have to go on currently)

N2:  Bomber attempts on Pickle -- with Orca as a decoy

N3:  Arsonist success on Pickle

N4:  Shooter success on Forge


Based on this, it is likely that the slasher was removed with the lynch of either WHicker or Nacho.  The bomber followed the shooter N1-> N2.  So there could be a bomber attempt yet today.  (reason why I asked if anyone had not posted thinking that there might have been a bomb placed last night that would detonate N5).  If the bomber was removed in the Whicker/Nacho lynches, then the arsonist would be next.  

The Bombs were planted N1, I defused on D2.  Those are verified by a write-up.  Thus, if you think it is a round robin approach, MWil is definitely lying about N1.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

The Bombs were planted N1, I defused on D2.  Those are verified by a write-up.  Thus, if you think it is a round robin approach, MWil is definitely lying about N1.

I know that was in the write up.  I was trying to give you a summation of the killings to help with a potential theory you might have.  

Just now, SwAg said:

There was no kill N2.  So, I don’t think that approach even works.

When was the bomb planted on N1 supposed to go off?  On N1 or during D2 or on N2?

NOt on N1, Not during the day on D2, they were supposed to go off on N2.  That was supposed to be the kill on N2.  

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6 minutes ago, SwAg said:

No, I’m frustrated because I’m asking for coherence, rather than a pass, and even when I explicitly ask for it, I still get this.

You can spare me the lecture on time commitment.  I commit inordinate time to most games, more than probably everybody else, tbh.  I commit a lot of time to school, work, and this.  After gophrr’s game where I committed a ridiculous amount of time, I decided to take a step back for a bit because it’s having an averse effect on me, so I tried to take a more relaxed approach this game and last because I don’t find it particularly compelling.

I’m not trying to hide behind my reduced commitment.  I already said I think that it is cheap to use IRL **** to solicit a pass.  I’m merely asking for a coherent post to respond toward instead of guessing what you’re thinking because seemingly no one gets any of it except for not voting MWil was a poor look.

So, if you can spare me the theatrics, and attempt to help me provide you a response, I would appreciate it.  Or, you can keep rambling and I can ignore it.


57 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Also, I’m not spinning anything.  I addressed almost everything in your theory and you just decided to not respond.

Are you even reading?


54 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Not really.  I said I didn’t care who was lynched of the three.  You’re mad I wasn’t around to save you from your tk3 lock?  Or, any of the other Town who went tk3?  So, I made a mistake abstaining, but that mistake is distinguishable from all of that, I suppose.

Like seriously, don’t roll boulders down the staircase when you live in a glass house.

I walked away right after making the post and became engaged in other ****.  I’m not taking this game that seriously.  You don’t have to believe me.  I don’t really care.

And maybe I offered it to Touch because I think Touch is better? lmao


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Orca's not even responding to my explanations for why his theory is stupid.  He's just moving onto the next thing that pops into his mind, lol.

Mic Drop...Booom….Red FLAG...Checkmate

You acknowledged you understand my theory and you addressed almost everything in it, you then called it stupid and are now running around in circles saying im dancing around it and haven been coherent. Which is it master mafia player? You specifically acknowledged my theory was stupid...that 100000000% shows you understand the theory. I asked which theory (I have had a few) and why you thought it was stupid. Yet you refuse to answer now. Grow a pair and quit trolling


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1 minute ago, The Orca said:




Mic Drop...Booom….Red FLAG...Checkmate

You acknowledged you understand my theory and you addressed almost everything in it, you then called it stupid and are now running around in circles saying im dancing around it and haven been coherent. Which is it master mafia player? You specifically acknowledged my theory was stupid...that 100000000% shows you understand the theory. I asked which theory (I have had a few) and why you thought it was stupid. Yet you refuse to answer now. Grow a pair and quit trolling


Also the 2nd quote in there. WTF. Now you have stated you are not taking the game seriously and that you dont want to commit any time to the game...Im sorry, this is garbage play or you are a bonafide SK

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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Orca, can you explain (since I've missed a lot) how SwAg is scum if he defused the bombs on D2 and his background check revealed nothing that indicates he's an SK?

Ill put together a comprehensive breakdown of my thoughts with quotes after I get off work. Probably another 30 min 

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