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Micro-Mafia Games - Game 2, Jester Mafia - Night Thusday @ 10pm EST


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Well I was trying to multiquote a bunch of posts but I refreshed the page because of new replies and lost them but whatever. To sum it up.

I wasn't thinking about Swag's motives for claiming jester when I posted that post earlier, I was just trying to discern his alignment. I felt pretty strongly that he was faking the jester role because I felt Swag would play it much more subtly if he were. So I get why that post rubbed some people the wrong way.

I think Counselor is probably the jester. It read to me like someone trying to be subtle about being the jester but utterly failing. To be honest I didn't totally get the squire thing other than malf having a read and squire not being super active but it worked out so fair enough and good on malf. 

I don't really get what people see with orca but his posts didn't really stick with me while reading up either so if he someone wants to explain their thought process on him I'd go back and reread and see if I get the same vibe.

As for now I still feel pretty strongly about Pickle. He started off playing exactly like last game and then has continued to accuse me of being scum basically because I'm saying he's scum. Pickle to me is such obvious scum that I feel pretty certain I'll stay on him today unless someone can sway me.








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Okay, so, I think it’s Pickle because of what I posted above and his interaction with squire.  Malfatron was the jailkeeper, and I think he would use that offensively rather than defensively after he was right on squire.  So, I think he would have blocked Orca.  Malf died, so I think it’s Rick.

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Okay, so, I think it’s Pickle because of what I posted above and his interaction with squire.  Malfatron was the jailkeeper, and I think he would use that offensively rather than defensively after he was right on squire.  So, I think he would have blocked Orca.  Malf died, so I think it’s Rick.

I guess same could be said for Orca since Malf indicated both were suspect.

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6 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:


he has been playing you all from the start 

You realize that this does come off less than ideal after you said that and Malf broke special civ, right? 

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7 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:


he has been playing you all from the start 

Yeah, I broke my gimmick to move votes off of Counselor to squire, who would be my teammate in this scenario, because...?

If I’m playing them, you should be able to detail how I’m playing them.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Can Malfatron replace me so I don’t have to deal with you lot?

The great part is, its largely always the same people in these micro mafia games. Just think of how often you're going to have to deal with us!

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Lynch me and end this...Counselor schooled me agian, 2 games in a row I tunneled him as mafia. Even tried a BW in the last min before night to save my pal squiggles. Thought i could get 5 votes in 60 seconds...almost worked to

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10 minutes ago, rackcs said:

I don't really get what people see with orca but his posts didn't really stick with me while reading up either so if he someone wants to explain their thought process on him I'd go back and reread and see if I get the same vibe.

I thought between the gifs, the tunneling of Counselor....less than ideal. But Pickle is coming off much worse at this point. 

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