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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

Didnt :literally everyone: already explain to you that trying to scum hunt based on word choice is a dumbarse way to play this game? 


listen to yourself lmao 

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

I did roleblock you. I didnt listen to Loki, the nontown. 

Bull. That’s why swag asked why you wouldn’t test me if you really thought you roleblocked me. 

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

Quit playing dumb. Its really pathetic. Like saying "lie detect is now D1, but night move".

Which still doesn’t makes sense

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

You were apart of the 300 pages of debate. Its just, frustrating.

This is literally my argument. That people have been here the whole time while you turn a mountain of night moves into exactly jack **** and scream “I’m cleared! I have moves!” And just eat it up. 

It just, frustrating.

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

I already think you suck at this game, now I have to weigh the option that you are illiterate as well. 

You fall back on personal insults far too often. It’s not as impressive of a strategy as you seem to think it.

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6 hours ago, Dome said:


listen to yourself lmao 

Bull. That’s why swag asked why you wouldn’t test me if you really thought you roleblocked me. 

Which still doesn’t makes sense

This is literally my argument. That people have been here the whole time while you turn a mountain of night moves into exactly jack **** and scream “I’m cleared! I have moves!” And just eat it up. 

It just, frustrating.

You fall back on personal insults far too often. It’s not as impressive of a strategy as you seem to think it.

1. I played the "I have information from my role" game. 

2. Are you purposely being dense? I did role block you. Just like I roleblocked Swag. I am not listening to the advice of either one of you. Now that I have tracked you, and see you are still putting moves on yourself, my stance has changed.


4. Im cleared because I was killed, host showed me to be exactly what I am, and then I was brought back to life. I have also cleared UNT/Counselor and Pickle Rick - even though no one believed me.

5. Im being 100% honest that I think you are either playing dumb (hopefully) or you just dont comprehend basic thoughts. I am not trying to insult you. You do stuff like get hung up on one particular word and miss the entire message of a post. Its super frustrating. 

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Just now, Tk3 said:

@Dome @Matts4313 @Counselor

If the ratio was 2:2 (with you being civ), is there anything in your civ role that would prevent the game from already being over?


If they can't make hits and can't lynch me without first stopping my move somehow first I could see that delaying the game. 

But I don't think that's super likely. I'll ask. 

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I think it's just matts. 


tk3 is too confirmed via mechanics

counselor i thought was in on it, but he nearly motivated me last night and he wouldn't have even considered it if that were the case. If he is, he motivated and then unmotivated me as a ploy to get me to believe him and that's brilliant. 

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Here’s the deal... 

There is a 0% chance that Matts is civ and Counselor is scum, based on matts actions..

The ONLY way Counselor is scum is if he is in a duo with Matts

I see 4 scenarios

2:2 ratio, Matts and Counselor team

3:1 ratio: Dome is scum

3:1 ratio: Matts is scum

2:1;1 ratio: Dome is scum, Matts is Skrull


The first scenario ONLY works if Matts was janitors on his lynch and we had a horrifying sequence of luck that he was the one I chose to bring back. I think it’s the least likely and I’m willing to dismiss it

The second scenario is the most likely in my opinion, and probably the safest also

The third option again requires a janitor/conversion. The good news is, if this is the actual case, we probably can afford to try Dome first before getting Matts

The 4th option again requires a janitor or convert. Again, we likely have the opportunity to try Dome first 


Taking everything else out of the equation, it’s hard for me to see a scenario where Dome is not the best lynch... if he’s scum, he’s in it alone right now. I can’t see who would be his partner left

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1 hour ago, Dome said:

Your delusional if you believe half of what you say matts 

I've spoken the truth about everything since my Gambit. 100% truth. So of course I believe it.

1 hour ago, Dome said:

matts what moves did you have last night, and why did you decide to track me?

I only had a track because I wasn't motivated. And I used it on you because you are scum

40 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

@Dome @Matts4313 @Counselor

If the ratio was 2:2 (with you being civ), is there anything in your civ role that would prevent the game from already being over?

Not for me. I'm 98% sure the ratio is 3-1. 

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Just now, Dome said:

I really don't think you should try me first. We'll be in the same boat tomorrow. 

It's matts. Mission converted him.

Please just listen to me for once this game.

either that or he was revived before he fully flipped

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Just now, Dome said:

I really don't think you should try me first. We'll be in the same boat tomorrow. 

It's matts. Mission converted him.

Please just listen to me for once this game.


You are so ridiculous. And you have 0 proof, you just keep spouting nonsense.

Remember, you called me the balck panther, brought back as magneto, converted to Skrill bad guy.


Your accusations are the worst I have ever seen in a y mafia game I have literally played ever.


Stop pretending to be dumb.

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Remember, you called me the balck panther, brought back as magneto, converted to Skrill bad guy.

Nothing like this came close to happening. 


Just now, Matts4313 said:

you just keep spouting nonsense.

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