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Aegon's Conquest Mini Mafia - Game Over


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TheKillerNacho grips the handle of his sword tightly as he prepared to sneak into his target's keep. He was approaching the castle, about a hundred yards out when he heard a large metallic clanking followed by a whizzing sound. A second later, a giant wooden bolt slammed into the ground just feet from him. He held his arm up to block the dirt and rocks sent flying. He immediately started sprinting towards the keep. About ten seconds later another bolt slammed into the ground in front of him. He ran around it and continued, trying to get to cover as soon as possible. 

About twenty yards away from the keep he heard a cackling laughter that made him momentarily stop in his tracks.

"You picked the wrong house Northerner."

A bolt flew and slammed into TheKillerNacho, sending him flying backwards as it impaled him. The bolt hit the ground and TheKillerNacho hung suspended from it as the life slipped away from his body.

TheKillerNacho is dead. He was Torrhen Stark, Westeros-Aligned.


Bcb1213 sat in his keep high, high above the ground. He surveyed the land all around him as far as his eyes could see. Occasionally he would get distracted with his toy knight but he tried his best to stay focused on his task at hand. Despite his age, he knew he had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders.

He was starting to get bored when he spotted something off in the distance. It was something flying very far away but approaching rapidly. As it got closer he realized what it was. A dragon. He clapped his hands with excitement.

"Oh! A dragon! I've always wanted to see a dragon!"

He ran downstairs into the courtyard of his keep, ready to greet his visitor. The dragon landed with a loud boom in the center of the courtyard. Soldiers rushed forward with spears but bcb1213 motioned for them to stay back. He approached the dragon and its rider excitedly.

"Your dragon is simply magnificent! Can I please go for a ride?"

The woman rider pondered for a moment.


The dragon let loose a large gust of flames, setting bcb1213 aflame, before flying away again. 

Bcb1213 is dead. He was Ronnel ArrynWesteros-Aligned.


With 10 alive and 10 voting, it's 6 to lynch! The deadline is Saturday, 6/29 at 10 PM EST.

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5 minutes ago, The Orca said:

State your case for him...quotes would be helpful

1. Swags case. Matts called bcb out for inactivity. Ignored forge even though forge was inactive too. Probably hoping to not draw attention to fellow mafia

2. The lolafk thing this morning to buy an extra day so he didnt have to pop into the thread

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