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TV Mafia: Signup and Game Thread-Day three Ends at 9 PM Eastern Saturay


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Like, read the interaction from start to finish, I didn’t quote specific posts each time, but it’s pretty clear to me which posts I am referring to in each segment of the argument.

He’s trying to indirectly save Orca by making me look crazy, and then “no way Mafia would do that!”

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

This is absolutely ridiculous.  Touch is basically memeing.  He is taking my characterizations and quoting posts that are not reflective of those characterizations and declaring them to be mischaracterizations or omissions of critical fact.  

Because that’s exactly what you have been doing. You’ve been making statements to throw shade at me as tho they were facts whilst omitting all relevant information that disproves the statements .....

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Just now, SwAg said:

Like, read the interaction from start to finish, I didn’t quote specific posts each time, but it’s pretty clear to me which posts I am referring to in each segment of the argument.

He’s trying to indirectly save Orca by making me look crazy, and then “no way Mafia would do that!”

You have literally started, maintained and threw the gas on the fire of this argument and now trying to make it seem as though I did this to get you lynched. 

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What do you consider broadcasting in Mafia, Touch?  Your definition you cited seems to support my characterization.  Get over the scare quotes, they’re not working.

I never denied you went through a progression last night.  I said it seemed like hedging, and then you shifted to me on a dime, and then shifted off on a dime again.  Like, what are you not understanding?

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Bro, I cannot be anymore clear in my position than I have been.  You continuously mischaracterize me, pontificate, and make declarations, and summarily move on from any point I actually make, or go for a quick recovery. I have no idea how you can actually have that perception of the game absent extreme bias.

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I am literally inviting people to read this interaction in its entirety.  It’s what?  100 posts? I’m the “one on trial here” with Orca, if I’m wrong, that would seem to be non-conducive to my position, would it not?  You keep cherry picking instead of inviting transparency.

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5 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

That’s not the same statement at all .....

The difference is he died later that phase and came up as town. The other circumstances are extremely identical.

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2 hours ago, The Orca said:

1. Got my role...not happy it's someone I had no clue about

2. Crazy happy i couldnt die N1

3. Once BcB put in that moves are time based immediately put in the Levitation for N1

4. Pissed like crazy when Nacho faked invested me and modkilled himself

5. Went further on the crazy then I originally wanted after I calmed down and thought for sure Nacho had to be modkilled as the lynch...hoping to draw a hit cause my character was outed

6. Got results about at least 1 person targeted me, thought somone for sure tried to kill me or protect me

7. Swag starts on me D2 suspect for sure cause of potentially not killing me

8. Racks talks about roleblock doesnt add up...maybe he was part of the kill attempt on me N1

9. Aang seemed civ on a lookup so I was tunneling a bit on the above

10. No traction on either, flipped to KSJ due to the Dome posts and he wouldnt answer me until it was too late. Really didnt like the pointed questions about killing Counselor. Was afraid of modkill so I didnt quote him and used a Nope gif by itself

11. Just stayed on KSJ partly cause I was out and partly cause it didnt make since how he didnt answer like 3 people and voted Pickle for like no reason

12. Started going hard at Swag and Racks after the flip. Swags late vote and Racks no vote stood out the most for the reasons I have explained

13. Keeped my watch on Pickle that I had put in earlier in the day when I thought he had caught Swag with him posting Swag needs to talk/explain. Given how a few people I thought was town were calling him town I figured acum would hit him because he is unlikely to be lynched

14. Got results about only Swag visited Pickle, typed in my opening post and waited refreshing for the reveal. If Pickle died i was posting immediately. Pickle was killed I posted

15. Rest is pretty self explanatory or be explained a lot today


Hopefully this is something like you wanted, if not, total wast of time lmao


2 hours ago, The Orca said:

Tell you what lmao

I'm Eleven with 4 moves. Cant repeat 1 until I use all 4

N1 Levitated and was told it prevented at least 1 action on me

N2 watch Pickle cause you, Forge, and I think a couple others thought he was civ. Figured he was a good kill target cause he would be unlikley to be lynched

Swag was the only person to visit Pickle. Pickle died. Swag killed Pickle. Wish I caught anyone else other than Swag and you would have believed it imo with little questioning 

Is what it is. I've answered every question...been grilled like none other while Swag uses soft claimed clues he put in the thread...weren't people saying only scum soft claims early lmao. 

Swag is scum...period




9 hours ago, The Orca said:

Listen closely

1. Dexter Morgan was the Vig

2. Odd Day kills, every night kills so far

3. Swag admitted to killing you on N1

4. To assume Swag is civ, you have to agree, in an 18 person game there are odd day hits, even night hits, a vig, and then Swag who can kill

No. Not buying it for a min


1. I caught Swag via thread play

2. I caught Swag via night move

3. You all will admit to me being great after this game

4. I will gloat either way cause you all never give me credit


1. Maybe I was scummy for a reason, maybe wanting to actually catch someone I watched a player many said was civ and basically had no heat any more. Acting scummy gave me the confidence to not levitate and use the watch cause I didnt think I'd be hit cause of the heat i was getting

1. Characterizing my play as wild is accurate. It's always calculated though. I would never sacrifice a win to try and fake a claim to say I got Swag on fake info as scum. I've lynched him a couple of times on fake reads...I dont need fake info lmao

1. Swag Lock

1. Lock your votes on me and end it. It will be lynch or lose possibly tomorrow and I'm telling the ******* truth.  You will have to lynch Swag

1. Swag and Racks





19 hours ago, The Orca said:

To add to this. 

1. If I said I caught for example Squire or Dome, would you believe that?

2. If I was scum doing this, wouldn't I pick anyone other than Swag?



19 hours ago, The Orca said:

Swag is the only person who visited Pickle

Pickle is dead 

Swag killed Pickle

Swag did not protect Malf

Swag is lying and is scum


Swag was pushing me at the start of D2 a lot I believe. Racks pushed for a roleblocker to come forward, pretty poundingly. On top of D1, that is how I came to believe Swag and Racks were Scum. Swag made his late vote on KSJ and Racks didnt vote. Then everything after night further fueled my suspicion. I wish it was anyone else other than Swag that I caught, but it's not

Swag is 100% scum

Racks I believe is as well.




20 hours ago, The Orca said:

Swag killed Pickle. He is scum. Off with his head


21 hours ago, The Orca said:

I watched Pickle last night. Swag was the only visitor 


Here are a few

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14 minutes ago, SwAg said:

What do you consider broadcasting in Mafia, Touch?  Your definition you cited seems to support my characterization.  Get over the scare quotes, they’re not working.

I never denied you went through a progression last night.  I said it seemed like hedging, and then you shifted to me on a dime, and then shifted off on a dime again.  Like, what are you not understanding?

Broadcasting would be unprovoked spill of posts similar to mine. Broadcasting is done with intent. 

I did not intend on you broadcasting false statements. I simply corrected them. 

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Know what really sold me, though, Touch?  What really drove home my conviction?  Maybe other people will find it interesting to read back upon, too.

You kept citing last game as a means of substantiating how I might be scum, as you allegedly struggle with this decision.  You know what you didn’t cite from last game?  I don’t know, how about your mason buddy getting a result of me targeting Orca on N1 as part of a kill cover for Dingo’s faction.  

Almost as though you don’t want to be seen as taking a hard stance on Orca or I, but rather put a question into undecided minds, while you continue to portray our positions as equal while I have a ton of thread proof, and Orca has “well, gee, seems like something Orca would do.”

And it explains your objection to any association with Orca — you’re making it plain as day that you don’t want associated with him, I mean, afterall — you spent so much more time accusing him of lying!

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Broadcasting would be unprovoked spill of posts similar to mine. Broadcasting is done with intent. 

I did not intend on you broadcasting false statements. I simply corrected them. 

I too enjoy made up definitions that fit my position.

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12 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I am literally inviting people to read this interaction in its entirety.  It’s what?  100 posts? I’m the “one on trial here” with Orca, if I’m wrong, that would seem to be non-conducive to my position, would it not?  You keep cherry picking instead of inviting transparency.

And your point? The proof of where I have proven you to be wrong is all right there. 

If you were on trial in regards to me, then why did I stop at voting and stating it should be one of those three. As well as continue to affirm that is my stance throughout this entire argument? 

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