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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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5 hours ago, ET80 said:

General questions for both of you:

- What challenge did you like the most?

- What challenge did you like the least?

I always really like the 20 Questions game played at the F3 HoH (Part 1). I especially liked the new twist on it this time where it was done via PMs. Before we would get like 5 questions each before it reset and we could all keep publicly asking for the same goal. I would strategically go slow on this in the past, allow others to use their questions first, and then use mine in hopes of using their hints to narrow in on the answer. This new way allowed me to be more precise with my questions. I could narrow it down the way I thought was best.

For my least favorite (and I am sure Julie would agree), was the MMO one. Don't get me wrong - it was awesome. It was unique and offered a lot of different challenges than we had seen before. You had to really pay attention to this one - and I thought I did. I made a lot of errors during this game. Things like not realizing the Warrior needed to charge for a strong attack. Not paying attention to the magic points of Outposts' mages. It was a lot to have to keep up with. I also tend to dislike most RNG games - though that's mostly because my RNG in BB8 wasn't the best. So I typically entered those expecting the worst.


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4 hours ago, ET80 said:

- What challenge did you like the most?

i don't remember most of them honestly. 20 questions, is the only recent one i remember "liking". 

- What challenge did you like the least?

i don't like ones where it's like puzzle-type **** or like simulation based.

- Outside of you two, Power Rank the entire house, both jury and non jury. 

1) ET (this isn't because it's your question, i did this in a diary session and had you #1) 

2) Outpost

3) Mission
4) Flux
5) TLO
6) Pickle

7) Orca 
8) gopher
9) dwight

10) counselor
11) rackcs
12) whicker
13) bcb
14) untouchable

- What was the funnest moment in this game for you?

i really just enjoy the whole process of it. when you nominated mission, tlo and myself, that really shifted my entire game. i think that was the biggest move of the game. it really collapsed an entire empire. i enjoyed just traversing that and dealing with all the ramifications. 

- What was the most stressful moment in the game for you?

probably the last challenge i was in. it was a huge moment in the game and i didn't conduct proper research and also decided to do a nearly impossible puzzle while i mid-**** and outpost kept hitting me with notifications and my roommate also had to ****, so he was pissed i was taking so long. that was really the only point i was "stressed".

- Who do you think is America's Favorite Player?

besides myself, i think you were the only one who did multiple things conducive to ratings. that's not me stroking your ego or whatever. besides you, i'd say outpost played the funnest style of game, even though it wasn't as ballsy as i was hoping for from him. 


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5 hours ago, ET80 said:

- Outside of you two, Power Rank the entire house, both jury and non jury. 

1. ET80: You had control of most of the game. I spent a lot of time agonizing over how I could possibly move up from 3rd on your alliance list. You had deals and safety with Outpost, with Flux, and I feared with Touch (when I evicted him over Finn). You were my top ally majority of the game, and I wish that I was yours.

2. Outpost31: If there is one person who I would want on my side in these kind of games; it's Outpost. Not only did he show a prowess for competition wins, but is extremely loyal to those he makes deals with. And this goes back to BB6 when I first played with him. If I didn't think ET held more power in terms of controlling votes, etc. Outpost would be #1.

3. Flux: I didn't feel very good about Flux when he nominated me. I believe in a PM before he did so - I had mentioned I don't know what he would do but that he would probably have no issue nominating me. And I was right. He nominated me. But Flux became a very important ally to me and is actually extremely easy to play with (at least for me). He's open to make a big move, is a threat behind the scenes (as he revealed with his many deals / potential deals). Winning competitions is important, don't get me wrong - but the social game and the relationships made are even more crucial. Flux is great at this part of the game.

4 / 5. Mission/TLO: Pre-jury these two and their MoL alliance caused a lot of damage. Nearly solely responsible for eliminating the BDL group. They were steam-rolling competitions and became a tour de force that needed to be separated. And ET took that shot. Unbeknownst to him, that shot kept me on his side and closed the door on a Naz + MoL possibility.

6 / 7. Touch/Pickle: This one is tough for me because these players weren't players I was in a lot of contact with. So it isn't easy for me to judge their games without the knowledge of what they actually orchestrated or were a part of behind the scenes. I was more so friendly with Touch than Pickle. There was a time when Pickle was brought in with myself, ET and Dwight, but PR didn't really share a lot and that made Dwight skeptical. And I agreed. So I kept PR at a distance since that's what he seemed to be doing with me.

By default; the non-jury gets ranked below the jury. A lot of these players never got a chance to make an impact. We had two previous winners in this group, the very first HoH... and Counselor. Who I don't even remember playing. These players could be ranked in any order really, but this is what I'm rolling with.

8. Rackcs
9. Whicker
10. The Orca
11. BCB
12. Dwight
13. Gopher
14. Counselor

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5 hours ago, ET80 said:

- What was the funnest moment in this game for you?

- What was the most stressful moment in the game for you?

- Who do you think is America's Favorite Player?

I like this game a lot. Malf does a great job of hosting this and I couldn't be more thankful for his willingness to let us play his game. One of my favorite parts are the Diary Room sessions. I always address them to America like on the show, and I take the time to talk myself up as a big badass. It's a huge underrated aspect of the game that I think goes underappreciated. 

As for stressful; worrying about what you meant when you said you had higher priority alliances. That stuck with me for a while and I knew that if I didn't make a move when I could - that I was playing for 4th if I didn't run the gauntlet the entire way. And as I said - I don't bank on winning challenges. To many different aspects involved in winning comps. I made a large PM to you and to Flux during my HoH before I made my nominations. I laid out all of my concerns. Told you that I was worried about my concerns and place in your numbers. Flux gave me an out. He felt as if he was the 3rd in your group of ET and Outpost and I had to run with that. I felt like that was my only and best chance of advancing. But the entire process of knowing that I would need to target you at some point was anxiety-inducing.

America's Favorite Player usually goes to the player who made big moves and generally good for ratings. Placement isn't super important (I won it in BB5 after I gave up my game for the weasel Dwight). It's definitely between yourself and Outpost. If America decides to reward the player who had a lot of power in the game and influenced a lot of the game flow - it's you. If America liked a bit of a darker player who would sometimes berate you if you weren't done with your challenges quick enough - it's Outpost.

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10 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

2. Outpost31: If there is one person who I would want on my side in these kind of games; it's Outpost. Not only did he show a prowess for competition wins, but is extremely loyal to those he makes deals with. And this goes back to BB6 when I first played with him. If I didn't think ET held more power in terms of controlling votes, etc. Outpost would be #1.

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5 hours ago, ET80 said:

- What was your overall strategy in this game?

from a social stand-point... wrangle in some guys i thought i could trust. be 100% truthful with all of them until they did something i deemed sinful. my social game was abrasive at times, but i did that for the sake of the "show". i feel like strategies are overrated. i just stuck to what i believed throughout the game. i won challenges. i nominated the guys that i thought were either bad for the show or ones that had recently wronged me (from my perspective). my strategy was do what's best for the show. i know guys like you and some of the more seasoned posters don't take anything i do seriously and think i'm not capable of any kind of enlightened thought, but i believe my style can draw guys in and i think i'm pretty good at making guys feel comfortable and also making guys feel guilty, so i can usually (for lack of a better word) manipulate their emotional side to get things in my favor when i need. but i didn't have a "strategy" per se. i know how individual people perceive me, i know what i'm good at, i know things i overlook and ignore about myself that people consider weaknesses. i just played the game day by day. 

- How does this differ from previous strategies you've employed?

it doesn't. that's not to say i'm unable of playing a different style of game. i never have to this point. i wasn't AS reckless as i've been in the past and I think that's probably why I'm still in the game. i didn't keep guys as safety nets, as i'd be inclined to in the past. if a friend did something, i wasn't afraid to completely blow it up. good game play? no. but i think it also kept guys in line to an extent. and i think it made a few guys want to "prove themselves" to me, which was huge. the loyalty some guys expressed to me was top notch. flux was saying earlier most guys WANTED to work with me and i was actively pushing them away. i think that's basic human attraction ****. people want to seek approval. i kept guys at bay and i think made them want to show me they could be trusted. some guys you do that and they're just like ok **** this guy and they move along. others i think it was very useful. i hadn't done that in previous seasons. 

- We know the BDL part with you, and there were a few people who have conflicting stories on your approach. Some people heard you were content with a "reset" of the game once BDL was removed. Others heard you were content with leaving the game after BDL was removed. It's clear your intention was a reset, what do you have to say to those you told you'd leave the game?

i said some **** for theatrical effect with like I'll bow out of the game after BDL is all gone. i never "reset" my game. or i guess i was constantly "resetting" actually. my allegiances were constantly shifting. or my priorities in regards to guys were shifting as i realized things about them. i wanted what was best for the game. i think my survival in this game was best for the game. i never intended "bowing out". i usually post late at night after nights of doing things that alter my thinking and i say things in grandiose or hyperbolic fashion. so i think i answered that 

- Tell me something good about @Nazgul's game.

he was loyal as ****. he played a strong social game in the sense that he was cool with everyone. he won as many challenges as i did. he played good. and he's a good guy imo. i'm a fan of nazgul. when he actually goes at guys and banters back, he's one of my favorites in the game

- Tell me something good about @Outpost31's game. (Because he could easily be in your spot right now).

he was fun to work with. we have double digit pages worth of PM's. he played a loyal game. i think he had more potential than anyone in this game to be a stud in terms of entertainment. outpost is someone i consider a pal on this site. he's a good guy. 

- Tell me something good about @Adrenaline_Flux's game. (Because he also could be in your spot).

he's just rock steady. he's consistent in his approach and for the most part you never suspect him of anything. even when i was pretty certain he was lying to me, i was like "it can't be... flux wouldn't" in my mind. he's just a guy i think that nobody dislikes, so he's always in the mix. he's likable and has a good energy about him. 


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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

1. Who did you work the hardest to evict and why?

BDL. I think most of them are boring in these games. After that probably untouchable because he has a weird hate for me. 

2. Who did you work the hardest to save and why? 

outpost early on. he was my main guy. also you when outpost was getting pissed at me for not putting you up. i didn't because i thought you were one of the only ones being truthful with me as the game progressed. i was shocked i didn't do enough to keep you from going home. that was the most surprising eviction to me. 

3. If you could replace yourself with anyone in the game (from the very beginning) thus allowing them an opportunity to win, who would it be and why? 

outpost. i think he played the game well. and i like him. i wish he was more down to cause some ruckus. despite that, i still believe he played one of the funnest games. 

4. Explain why you think your opposition dererves to win and deserves to lose? 

nazgul played a really good game. he won as many challenges as i did and didn't ruffle many feathers throughout the game. i think he deserves to lose because his game was similar to mine in terms of accolades and what not, but it wasn't very fun. 


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1 hour ago, Nazgul said:

Saying how I thought he wanted to work with me, etc. TLO did a good job of relaying the info that Finn very much went rogue on that decision and that it was supposed to be ET targeted.

i'll point this out to @ET80 that despite our "rivalry" i knew keeping you in the game was beneficial for the sake of the game. naz and schrute weren't engaging in any good banter, so i nommed them. 

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