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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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7 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

SwAg is 100% all in on his scum puppet master schtick. 


I'm really enjoying your attempt at a fake investigation.  I mean, it was poorly executed, and you're incapable of defending it effectively, but it's a sign that you're growing.  Might want to start smaller next time, and with something more believable.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

It's apparently so normal that you chose a game from a year ago to make that point, where I was the Serial Killer, and a game where I didn't think you were scum at that point.

But anyway, those games have "no bearing on this game whatsoever."

I hate you was the first one I thought of. As stated, there’s been several variations of it but it’s typically been very close to that. 

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Lmao.  I like how your longest responses here are you adding extra details completely unrelated to anything I said. 


1 minute ago, SwAg said:

I didn't claim Tracker, and I didn't seriously claim Cop. 

You claimed that I went nowhere Day 1 and then you claimed Cop. Serious or not is ambiguous.

1 minute ago, SwAg said:

You panic spewed that you're The Princess, and The Princess is not a Lie Detect. 

A cheeky P.S. based upon your comment piggybacking of of your claims and accusation is not a panic spew. You ignoring context here is telling, but we should expect that after your absurd back and forth with Touch.

1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Anyone can read it. 

Except you apparently

1 minute ago, SwAg said:

And after that, you insinuated you were The Princess...including in this response! 

I caught you red handed last night on your quote from P. 161. You ignoring that and getting caught up in what you claim/believe is laughable.

1 minute ago, SwAg said:

I'm not mad about anything, but you don't seem to understand how a Lie Detect functions. 

Take that up with the host

1 minute ago, SwAg said:

So, that is another issue.  I would assume you would ask how it worked if you were unclear (but again, I'm not lying about not having a Chat lmao).  You have a fake investigation, and it's pretty obvious when this is the response you muster where you spend 90% of it not addressing the two critical points, and the 10% that you spent addressing it was more-or-less equivocating on it.

I'm clear on what I turned in and the response back that you lied about not having a chat.

Your response that then flips me from definite scum to almost definite Town is also interesting. 

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

I'm really enjoying your attempt at a fake investigation.  I mean, it was poorly executed, and you're incapable of defending it effectively, but it's a sign that you're growing.  Might want to start smaller next time, and with something more believable.


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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm weighing whether or not to post my role PM, get myself modkilled, just to confirm SwAg is lying, resulting in my death, but legitimately forcing Dome to prove that he's anywhere remotely on the same planet as Town.

No balls.

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


You claimed that I went nowhere Day 1 and then you claimed Cop. Serious or not is ambiguous.

A cheeky P.S. based upon your comment piggybacking of of your claims and accusation is not a panic spew. You ignoring context here is telling, but we should expect that after your absurd back and forth with Touch.

Except you apparently

I caught you red handed last night on your quote from P. 161. You ignoring that and getting caught up in what you claim/believe is laughable.

Take that up with the host

I'm clear on what I turned in and the response back that you lied about not having a chat.

Your response that then flips me from definite scum to almost definite Town is also interesting. 

This isn't a credible response.

I don't know how characterizing it as a "cheeky PS" helps you.  You pretty clearly said your role name is The Princess.  You even insinuated it at least twice more, and you keep offering to kill yourself, which is basically what The Princess would do, lmao.  The Princess role is not a Lie Detector and matts is aware of that, and would likely call a Lie Detector a Lie Detector... cannot suddenly abandon the logic several people used on Llama related to the "Sensor/Tricoder/Calculator."

I'm saying you definitely planned this fake investigation, but it's fake.  And you likely actually believe it is the correct result.  But, again, it's fake.

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm weighing whether or not to post my role PM, get myself modkilled, just to confirm SwAg is lying, resulting in my death, but legitimately forcing Dome to prove that he's anywhere remotely on the same planet as Town.

Another thing The Princess would do, lmao.

You lied.  You don't have a lie detect.  You're The Princess role that you claimed.  To believe otherwise would be to disregard all that sense tells us based on your thread statements, regardless of how you try to smooth them over.

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