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LyLo Mafia Tournament


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Three men stroll into the center of an old western town. Their spurs cling as they slowly walk towards each other. Once there's a good amount of space between them they all stop and their hands hover over their weapons.

@daboyle250 is the first to speak up, "Alright now! I'm a bounty hunter and I'm here to collect on the notorious outlaw Billy the Boy. Now which one of you scoundrels is Billy?"

@Glen speaks up next, "I'm also a bounty hunter here for Billy the Boy!" He motions towards @MWil23, "So I guess that makes you Billy?"

@MWil23 shakes his head, "No sir, I'm also a bounty hunter. And I'm thinking one of you is lying and is actually Billy the Boy. So who is it?"

The three men tense up, ready to draw at any second.

@Glen, @MWil23, @daboyle250, you must find Billy the Boy. You only have 48 hours from the time of this post to make your decisions. You have until 3:25 PM EST on Friday, March 27th. All votes timestamped before 3:26 PM EST will count. All votes timestamped 3:26 PM EST or later will not count. No Lynch is not an option.

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A tumbleweed blows across the ground between the three men. @MWil23 looks over at @daboyle250. @daboyle250 looks back at @MWil23. They both drew in a flash and fired at @Glen

Glen fell to the ground, clutching his wounds, "You sons of *******..."

As @Glen bled out, @MWil23 remembered something.

"Oh ****, I had this wanted posted the whole time!"

He pulled it out of his pocket and unfurled it. Right in the center of the paper was @Glen. He was Billy the Boy.

@MWil23 and @daboyle250 have won, @Glen has lost. Glen and Mwil have one loss apiece, daboyle has none.

Next game will start soon.

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2 minutes ago, daboyle250 said:

Why would I be Billy Boy if I asked you after the game's pretty much over lol 

Drama and suspense?

1 minute ago, rackcs said:

A tumbleweed blows across the ground between the three men. @MWil23 looks over at @daboyle250. @daboyle250 looks back at @MWil23. They both drew in a flash and fired at @Glen

Glen fell to the ground, clutching his wounds, "You sons of *******..."

As @Glen bled out, @MWil23 remembered something.

"Oh ****, I had this wanted posted the whole time!"

He pulled it out of his pocket and unfurled it. Right in the center of the paper was @Glen. He was Billy the Boy.

@MWil23 and @daboyle250 have won, @Glen has lost. Glen and Mwil have one loss apiece, daboyle has none.

Next game will start soon.

Good work bro!

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