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Overwatch Mafia: Night 6, Thursday 9 PM EST


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11 hours ago, CWood21 said:

Because mafia are clearly going to be voting for you?

I think its a distinct possibility assuming that there werent all civs at the top. The voting was strange last night.

11 hours ago, mission27 said:

Also very anti-town tbh 

More powers of equal strength on both sides = bad

Less posting = bad

It is a lose los tbh

agreed with this completely

11 hours ago, mission27 said:

Malf cleared tbh.

In a game with no powers, town has a huge edge.  Way more of us than them.  

As you add more powers, mafia gets an incremental edge from their coordination to use those powers.  Adding powers of equal strength on both sides is very anti-town.

A normal activity bonus would be much more balanced.

Giving civs a bonus hit is 50/50 on even helping them. So thats an ok power

11 hours ago, MathMan said:


1 bonus per team favored the mafia.

From now on, people should only post if they need to.

I really, really hate this post

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11 hours ago, Danger said:


A "Normal" activity bonus? I don't see why giving one to just the town any not mafia is fair. It also encourages mafia to not post and rather hide, that's not what I want.

I agree that activity bonuses should encourage both sides

11 hours ago, CWood21 said:

For the record, my role does very little.

This is something everyone, mafia and town, will repeat. Its not a good thing to say.

11 hours ago, MathMan said:

I'd like to put the pressure on beezee


Was just thinking the same thing.

Also interested that I was unable to swing votes. As a town member ended night, I wonder how much pressure mafia felt. It certainly shocked me when night ended.

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21 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

JMC knew the vote was wrong, another piece of information that shouldnt be ignored

I didn't know it was wrong until it was corrected between day ending and OT. If I knew it was tied I would've switched my vote from dome to bucs.

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11 hours ago, Woz said:

You get a table and you will like it.

Don't waste you time trying to read this if you are viewing the forums with either a tablet or a phone. I spent long enough trying it to not scroll horizontally for desktops.


Voting History

11sanchez11         bucsfan333          Woz, MathMan
beezee              Ragnarok
bucsfan333          theuntouchable      Woz, kingseanjohn, Woz, LionsFTW, MathMan, LionsFTW, beezee, Woz
CWood21             Ragnarok            bucsfan333, Jfinley88
domepatrol91        mission27           Ragnarok, Woz
EliteTexan80        MathMan             mission27
james.mcmurry13     domepatrol91
jfinley88           MathMan             bucsfan333, MathMan
kingseanjohn        11sanchez11
LionsFTW            MathMan             domepatrol91, MathMan, domepatrol91, 11sanchez11, MathMan, Woz
MathMan             Hockey5djh          theuntouchable, Jlash, utley4568, Jlash, utley4568, domepatrol91, Matts4314, domepatrol91,
                                        LionsFTW, RandyMossIsBoss, utley4568, RandyMossIsBoss, beezee, Woz
Matts4314           theuntouchable      Woz, utley4568, theuntouchable, Woz, MathMan
mission27           Ragnarok
Mookie Monster      Woz
Ragnarok            theuntouchable      MathMan, utley4568, MathMan
RandyMossIsBoss     Matts4314
thelawoffices       Woz
theuntouchable      bucsfan333          Ragnarok, 11sanchez11, Jfinley88
Tk3                 bucsfan333
utley4568           Ragnarok
Woz                 bucsfan333          MathMan, EliteTexan80

Jlash didn't vote prior to the runoff

Posts per competitor, Pages 7-30

                                MONDAY                                                              TUESDAY
COMPETITOR              TOTAL   P7* P8  P9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30
 1. MathMan             64      4#  2   4   4   8   1#  2   4   5   1   2   4#  1   2   2   4   3   1   1#  3   2   1       3#
 2. domepatrol91        20                                          3   1   1   1   1   3           3           3   2   2
 3. kingseanjohn        9                       1#  1                       2   3   1       1
 4. Matts4313           3                                                                                   1           1   1
 5. james.mcmurry13     11                      1   1               2   1#      1                                   2   3
 6. theuntouchable      23      2   3   3#                                                                  8   3       2   2
 7. EliteTexan80        10                  4                                                                       2#  4^^
 8. Ragnarok            27                          3   4   4   1   3   2           2   1       2   2   2#          1
 9. beezee              0
10. bucsfan333          17          2#  2#  1                                                                   4#  4   2   2
11. jfinley88           15                                                                      2   4   7#                  2
12. Jlash               2                           1                                                           1       1
13. 11sanchez11         1                                                                                                   1
14. thelawoffices       1                                                                                   1#
15. Hockey5djh          0
16. Woz                 63      3#  3   4   6   4   5   3   2   3   2   1   2   3   5   4   3   3   4   3
17. utley4568           8                               2                           1           1       1   1               2
18. RandyMossIsBoss     1                                           1
19. LionsFTW            28                      1#                  3   4#  2   3   2   3#  5#      1   1       1   2
27. mission27           38                          3   4#  5   6       4   4   3   1           4           1   1           2
21. CWood21             1               1#
22. MookieMonster       0

MD. Danger              11      3   3                                                   2   2                       1
R1. HokieHigh           3           2   1

# = player voted for someone new
^ = player reiterated their vote
! = player edited post

Posts per competitor, Pages 31-50

                        CURR    PREV                                                WEDNESDAY
COMPETITOR              TOTAL   TOTAL   CURR    31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50
 1. MathMan             137     64      73      8#  8#  3#  2       2   8   6   4#  5   3   2       3   3   6#      1   6   3
 2. domepatrol91        23      20      3                                                                       2       1
 3. kingseanjohn        12      9       3                                                                               1   2
 4. Matts4313           23      3       20                              1#  3   1#  3   2   2   4                       1   3#
 5. james.mcmurry13     31      11      20                                              4       4                   5   2   5
 6. theuntouchable      44      23      21                                                      2   2   5       2#  5   4   1
 7. EliteTexan80        21      10      11                  1                   1                   2#  4   4   1
 8. Ragnarok            47      27      20      3           3   1   2   2   1       2   1   4   1
 9. beezee              4       0       4                   1   3
10. bucsfan333          41      17      24      2   3   3   1   3   1                           1#  3       4#  3
11. jfinley88           36      15      21      1   1#  3!  3       2#      2   2   1   2   4
12. Jlash               5       2       3       1                       1                                       1
13. 11sanchez11         1       1       0
14. thelawoffices       2       1       1                                       1
15. Hockey5djh          0       0       0
16. Woz                 92      63      29                                  1   4#  2^  1   3   2   3   3   1   5#  4
17. utley4568           15      8       7                   2   1   1#  1   1           1
18. RandyMossIsBoss     5       1       4           1               1   1                       1
19. LionsFTW            40      28      12                      5   5#^ 1                                                   1
27. mission27           38      38      0
21. CWood21             10      1       9           1#  5   2       1
22. MookieMonster       2       0       2                       1                                               1

MD. Danger              21      11      10          1   1                   1   2   2   1           2
R1. HokieHigh           4       3       1                       1

Posts per competitor, pages 51-70

                        CURR    PREV            WEDNESDAY (cont.)
COMPETITOR              TOTAL   TOTAL   CURR    51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70
 1. MathMan             182     137     45      2           2   4## 1   3#  1   2   4#  4       2   3   3#  3   6   2   1   2
 2. domepatrol91        30      23      7           1#  1               1   1                   1^                  1   1#
 3. kingseanjohn        26      12      14      2   3   2   4       1                                   1   1
 4. Matts4313           74      23      51      2   2^  3   1   6#  4   2   3   6   7   7   2   2       1   2#      1
 5. james.mcmurry13     41      31      10      3   2   1                                                           1   2   1
 6. theuntouchable      65      44      21                                                 10^#^ 3  5   1               2
 7. EliteTexan80        34      21      13              1   2   1                   2   2   1   1       2   1
 8. Ragnarok            64      47      17                  1   1   2#  1   2           1       1       1       1   1   4   1
 9. beezee              11      4       7                           1   5   1#
10. bucsfan333          64      41      23      3#  3               1           4       1       3   3#  1#  2^      1#      1
11. jfinley88           39      36      3                           1       1                                               1
12. Jlash               10      5       5               1   1   1                                       1           1
13. 11sanchez11         21      1       20      1                                           1   2#  3   4#  4#  2^      2   1^
14. thelawoffices       2       2       0
15. Hockey5djh          1       0       1       1
16. Woz                 100     92      8       1   4   3
17. utley4568           29      15      14                          2   3   5   3   1
18. RandyMossIsBoss     6       5       1                                           1#
19. LionsFTW            70      40      30              3   4       1                                       1^  5   5   3   8
27. mission27           38      38      0
21. CWood21             13      10      3                                                                   1   1#  1
22. MookieMonster       4       2       2                                                   1       1#

MD. Danger              26      21      5                       2   1       1                                       1
R1. HokieHigh           4       4       0

# = player voted for someone new
^ = player reiterated their vote
! = player edited post

Posts per competitor, pages 71-80

                        CURR    PREV            WEDNESDAY (cont.)
COMPETITOR              TOTAL   TOTAL   CURR    71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80
 1. MathMan             210     180     30      3   1   2   4   5   3   2   4   4   2
 2. domepatrol91        40      30      10      2   2#  4   2
 3. kingseanjohn        26      26      0       
 4. Matts4313           82      74      8                           1   1#  3   2   1
 5. james.mcmurry13     49      41      8       2   1   1       2       2
 6. theuntouchable      77      64      13                          3   3   2   5#  2
 7. EliteTexan80        36      36      0       
 8. Ragnarok            77      64      13      2   1               2   2   4#  1   1
 9. beezee              11      11      0       
10. bucsfan333          71      64      7       1           1       1   1   1#  1   1
11. jfinley88           60      39      21      3   4   2^  3   4   1   2   1   1
12. Jlash               14      11      3               2   1
13. 11sanchez11         23      21      2                       1                   1
14. thelawoffices       0       2       0       
15. Hockey5djh/Tk3      6       1       5               1   2   1   1#
16. Woz                 102     100     2                                       1   1
17. utley4568           31      29      2           1                               1^
18. RandyMossIsBoss     6       6       0       
19. LionsFTW            87      70      17      2   5   2#  1   2#  3   2
27. mission27           38      38      0       
21. CWood21             15      13      2                                           2
22. MookieMonster       4       4       0       

MD. Danger              31      26      5               1   1                       3
R1. HokieHigh           4       4       0

# = player voted for someone new
^ = player reiterated their vote
! = player edited post


Holy hell. 

I dont have words.


Actually I do - MAlf WTF did you leave your vote on hockey for. Thats like strike 5 against you.

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10 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Holy hell. 

I dont have words.


Actually I do - MAlf WTF did you leave your vote on hockey for. Thats like strike 5 against you.

Yeah, the Hockey vote was completely off-putting. I never even noticed that. Unnecessary and not helpful at all.

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