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Overwatch Mafia: Night 6, Thursday 9 PM EST


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On 10/2/2017 at 1:21 PM, MookieMonster said:

What has TLO done? Just usual inactivity with sketchy check ins? Or did something occur. I haven't been active, but I also don't want to blindly follow anyone who responds to me haha


In other news, why don't we have a laughing emoji anymore?

Don't want to blindly vote but unwilling to even read up on a few pages to figure out the reasoning for you being voted .... yet somehow knows he's being voted ....

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19 minutes ago, MookieMonster said:

When did I say I was gonna? I'm not reading 50 pages. I've held the same stance all game, I'm here for a town vote but I'm completely out of the loop. I know thats not very helpful. 

I don't think your boys can steer the lynch away from you this time.

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41 minutes ago, MookieMonster said:

lol towns inability to get past the fact that I've been inactive is going to doom us. Good work gents, the most basic "read" in mafia.

Lets not target scummy people, or one of the CCs. Lets target the guy who has barely played the game!


13 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Now the question becomes should we go mookie? Because the most plausible scenario I see is that mookie is the one with the extra hit. RMIB comes out and CCs utley trying to ensure mookie is not the lynch. If we go after RMIB and he is being legit about surviving a lynch, then we accomplish nothing tonight and lynch him the following, which means doomfist would get another hit in the mean time.


also, one thing I didn't think about is I think the likelihood of a role allowing a person to survive a lynch would be rather low considering there was a role that could pardon every lynch as well as a role that could revive people.


13 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

The issue is that there is a very real possibility that I'm wrong. If mookie is not mafia, then I don't think there's a chance that RMIB makes that move. The only valid motive I could see would be to ensure that doomfist survives long enough to get another hit.


13 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

Well, another thing about mookie is when it looked like he was going to be lynched, he played the 'golly gee, I'm town, but I really get why you guys are doing this'.  That's a very scummy response imo.  A townie should actually care if he is being mislynched.  


6 hours ago, Jlash said:

Been saying mookie. Lynch him, if he comes up scum, we then look at exactly who steered us away from his lynch yesterday. Likely RMIB.  Mookie.


5 hours ago, theuntouchable said:





This is not at all how someone who was truly CCing would actually play it. What he's going for here was he was hoping that someone else would chime in and say that he was claiming tracer in hopes he wouldn't have to actually say it. 

at this point in time, mookie was in the lead by a couple votes. It makes sense for RMIB to step in and try to throw shade elsewhere if mookie has an important role. At this point the traffic was way down and I think they were afraid that the votes wouldn't swing elsewhere in time. 

mookie then rmib

These posts are all literally two pages back, so somehow you just didn't read them or what? They are literally on the same page as a few of the votes for you. So how did you even know you were being voted for?

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Touch, I made like 5 posts in a 10 minute span, and I flat out made the CC after Woz asked (I was first just trying to see what Utley would say or if he would back off the claim). I'm not sure what else I should have done short of using a larger font size.


Town has been a mess, the TLO lynch out of left field was ridiculous when you have confirmed mafia in utley (and if he wasn't then, you have confirmed mafia in myself). Woz being civ has made Touch go from almost certainly civ to 100% civ, but if it wasn't for tracking and leading the lynch on Dome I would assume you're mafia by how much you are misdirecting the town.


We can't afford to not get rid of mafia tonight (we could have afforded that last night IF it meant clearing a civ and confirming a mafia), and Mcmurray is probably right about Reaper's ability since nobody has been hit by him, and I'm not sure what other power he could have in this game. So following that, we can't afford to lynch utley even if he's mafia and most likely Reaper (hence why he drew the CC). 


Mookie being so nonchalant about being lynched is scum throwing their hands up. He has to be the lynch tonight, and should have been last night (given nobody was willing to vote utley).

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2 minutes ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

Touch, I made like 5 posts in a 10 minute span, and I flat out made the CC after Woz asked (I was first just trying to see what Utley would say or if he would back off the claim). I'm not sure what else I should have done short of using a larger font size.


Town has been a mess, the TLO lynch out of left field was ridiculous when you have confirmed mafia in utley (and if he wasn't then, you have confirmed mafia in myself). Woz being civ has made Touch go from almost certainly civ to 100% civ, but if it wasn't for tracking and leading the lynch on Dome I would assume you're mafia by how much you are misdirecting the town.


We can't afford to not get rid of mafia tonight (we could have afforded that last night IF it meant clearing a civ and confirming a mafia), and Mcmurray is probably right about Reaper's ability since nobody has been hit by him, and I'm not sure what other power he could have in this game. So following that, we can't afford to lynch utley even if he's mafia and most likely Reaper (hence why he drew the CC). 


Mookie being so nonchalant about being lynched is scum throwing their hands up. He has to be the lynch tonight, and should have been last night (given nobody was willing to vote utley).

This definitely cements my thoughts on you. 

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