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2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Jesus Christ just put the ball at the 25 and be done with it 

Anyone bringing it out except with less than 5 seconds at the end of the half or down 2 scores in the 4th should be cut. 

Maybe after this rule is in place for 5 years and the NFL has no ST players than you can sneak a few past the 25. 

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10 minutes ago, JDD said:

Anyone bringing it out except with less than 5 seconds at the end of the half or down 2 scores in the 4th should be cut. 

Maybe after this rule is in place for 5 years and the NFL has no ST players than you can sneak a few past the 25. 

My biggest issue tbh isn’t even the rule change tbh, most kickoffs are fairly boring.

My issue is the rationale being for player safety.  Like, these same asshats will have guys playing after 3 full days rest and that’s cool, but they draw the line at kickoffs…. Ok pal.

Get rid of Thursday night games and add a second bye and I’d take this nonsense seriously.

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19 minutes ago, JDD said:

Anyone bringing it out except with less than 5 seconds at the end of the half or down 2 scores in the 4th should be cut. 

Maybe after this rule is in place for 5 years and the NFL has no ST players than you can sneak a few past the 25. 

I think the nfl wants to get rid of special teams entirely.


They’ll get rid of punting and make it so teams get the ball 50 yards away from its current spot or something.

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13 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

My biggest issue tbh isn’t even the rule change tbh, most kickoffs are fairly boring.

My issue is the rationale being for player safety.  Like, these same asshats will have guys playing after 3 full days rest and that’s cool, but they draw the line at kickoffs…. Ok pal.

Get rid of Thursday night games and add a second bye and I’d take this nonsense seriously.

Since the NFL is so concerned about their bottom line, I think they should have kept the Thursday night games with a fun caveat:

Since you're upping it to 17 games, each team plays a Thursday Night game, BUT each team gets TWO BYES...and that Thursday Night game is coming off of a bye.

You have an extra weekend of games, meaning more TV revenue and more money, 19 weeks instead of 18.

The Thursday Night product is actually better, and the players have more time to rest...you have that Thursday game with an extra 3 days of rest, and then the next week is also another built in extra week of rest for each team.

It's an obvious win/win for everyone.

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17 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Since the NFL is so concerned about their bottom line, I think they should have kept the Thursday night games with a fun caveat:

Since you're upping it to 17 games, each team plays a Thursday Night game, BUT each team gets TWO BYES...and that Thursday Night game is coming off of a bye.

You have an extra weekend of games, meaning more TV revenue and more money, 19 weeks instead of 18.

The Thursday Night product is actually better, and the players have more time to rest...you have that Thursday game with an extra 3 days of rest, and then the next week is also another built in extra week of rest for each team.

It's an obvious win/win for everyone.

I don’t think the players and coaches will see it as much of a win because they’re either still preparing on a short week or working thorough their bye weeks.

Definitely a better option health wise though.

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8 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I don’t think the players and coaches will see it as much of a win because they’re either still preparing on a short week or working thorough their bye weeks.

Definitely a better option health wise though.

...you don't think that players would be okay playing on a Sunday or Monday, then having a bye that they don't already have, and then playing on the following Thursday after 10 days as opposed to 3, and then playing the following Sunday or Monday 10-11 days after that?

It would basically look like this:

Week 8: Play Sunday or Monday

Week 9: Bye

Week 10: Thursday Night Game

Week 11: Sunday or Monday Game

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6 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

...you don't think that players would be okay playing on a Sunday or Monday, then having a bye that they don't already have, and then playing on the following Thursday after 10 days as opposed to 3, and then playing the following Sunday or Monday 10-11 days after that?

It would basically look like this:

Week 8: Play Sunday or Monday

Week 9: Bye

Week 10: Thursday Night Game

Week 11: Sunday or Monday Game

In that scenario your “vacation” week just starts late and you still have 3 days or whatever to prepare for the Thursday game.

I think if they’re looking to actually care about player safety there’s no need for Thursday night games at all. If player safety is the concern the owners shouldn’t be looking to get anything out of the equation. “We want to make things safer as long as it makes us as much or more money” isn’t being concerned about player safety.

Things like international games, Thursday games, highly variable bye weeks, etc should all be scrapped if you are as concerned about an even playing field and player safety as much as the league pretends it is. But they’re not, so they wont.


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Just now, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

In that scenario your “vacation” week just starts late and you still have 3 days or whatever to prepare for the Thursday game.

You mean your extra vacation week that you already don't have? You'd still get a bye before or after that with 2 extra long weeks. 

Just now, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I think if they’re looking to actually care about player safety there’s no need for Thursday night games at all. If player safety is the concern the owners shouldn’t be looking to get anything out of the equation. “We want to make things safer as long as it makes us as much or more money” isn’t being concerned about player safety.

Things like international games, Thursday games, highly variable bye weeks, etc should all be scrapped if you are as concerned about an even playing field and player safety as much as the league pretends it is. But they’re not, so they wont.


International is stupid.

Thursday Games are stupid but not as stupid if you have 2 extra built in long weeks.

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9 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

You mean your extra vacation week that you already don't have? You'd still get a bye before or after that with 2 extra long weeks. 

I’m not arguing it isn’t better, it is, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be happy about it.  I don’t think that is the slam dunk a lot of players would be looking for.  I wouldn’t be happy as a player until they get rid of the nonsense.

9 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

International is stupid.

Thursday Games are stupid but not as stupid if you have 2 extra built in long weeks.

Thursday games are a built in competitive variable that should be eliminated imo.  The game after the Thursday night game when teams have their “mini bye” they have a competitive advantage.  

Give the owners their 18 games, drop down to 2 preseason games, add an extra bye.  All teams take their byes either week 6 or 7 and either week 13 or 14.

Id also personally get rid of the bye week for the top seeds and just give everyone a bye and expand the playoffs to make the numbers work.  A couple teams would play an extra game, but ALL teams involved in the playoffs would get an extra week off to prepare/recover.

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17 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I’m not arguing it isn’t better, it is, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be happy about it.  I don’t think that is the slam dunk a lot of players would be looking for.  I wouldn’t be happy as a player until they get rid of the nonsense.

I think it's infinitely better than what is in place now. Someone wise once told me that perfect is the enemy of better. ;) 

17 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Thursday games are a built in competitive variable that should be eliminated imo.  The game after the Thursday night game when teams have their “mini bye” they have a competitive advantage.

Valid point, but then you can say the same about Saturday and Monday games as well. I think at least if you have every team playing at some point on the Thursday after a bye with a "mini bye" it will at least even itself out. Don't let divisional games be played on a TNF game, for example. Make it a crossover game.

17 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

 Give the owners their 18 games, drop down to 2 preseason games, add an extra bye.  All teams take their byes either week 6 or 7 and either week 13 or 14.

I'd drop preseason altogether tbh, or at least make it so that only rookies or practice squad guys can play in them. 

17 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Id also personally get rid of the bye week for the top seeds and just give everyone a bye and expand the playoffs to make the numbers work.  A couple teams would play an extra game, but ALL teams involved in the playoffs would get an extra week off to prepare/recover.

Expand to 8 in each conference?

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I think it's infinitely better than what is in place now. Someone wise once told me that perfect is the enemy of better. ;) 

Sure, but there’s also a difference between reaching a middle ground and solving a problem as well as possible.  

The owners don’t have any skin in the game  really.  It’s not like they’re gonna face the consequences of any of the downsides here and they still rake in the cash.

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Valid point, but then you can say the same about Saturday and Monday games as well.

Hey man, you don’t have to sell me I’m fine with all games being on Sundays.  I’m old and have stuff to do, I don’t watch football all day any longer and hate staying up for the prime time games.

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I think at least if you have every team playing at some point on the Thursday after a bye with a "mini bye" it will at least even itself out. Don't let divisional games be played on a TNF game, for example. Make it a crossover game.

Yeah divisional games on Thursdays suck 

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'd drop preseason altogether tbh, or at least make it so that only rookies or practice squad guys can play in them. 

iirc owners like them because they don’t have to pay players extra but they still sell tickets and concessions. 

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Expand to 8 in each conference?

Sure.  The more the merrier. 

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12 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Sure, but there’s also a difference between reaching a middle ground and solving a problem as well as possible.  

The owners don’t have any skin in the game  really.  It’s not like they’re gonna face the consequences of any of the downsides here and they still rake in the cash.

Blame the NFLPA.  They had their chance to get this right and dropped the ball and caved. That's on them to a massive degree.

12 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Hey man, you don’t have to sell me I’m fine with all games being on Sundays.  I’m old and have stuff to do, I don’t watch football all day any longer and hate staying up for the prime time games.

I'm torn because I don't stay up past 10 unless the Browns are playing, in which case I do and then am full of self loathing almost instantly. Sunday Night/Monday Night 7:15 EST kickoff sounds glorious.

12 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

iirc owners like them because they don’t have to pay players extra but they still sell tickets and concessions.

What better way to completely gouge season ticket owners? You have to pay for the 8/9 game season ticket package which includes 2 preseason games and every other year a "home" international game. These jokes really make themselves at this point.

12 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Sure.  The more the merrier. 


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8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Blame the NFLPA.  They had their chance to get this right and dropped the ball and caved. That's on them to a massive degree.

oh for sure.  

8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm torn because I don't stay up past 10 unless the Browns are playing, in which case I do and then am full of self loathing almost instantly. Sunday Night/Monday Night 7:15 EST kickoff sounds glorious.

people will point to the 4:15pm start time for folks on the west coast, which is fair I guess.  But it’s all about max viewers as opposed to catering to individual fanbases.

They’re not wrong, I just don’t like it 

8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

What better way to completely gouge season ticket owners? You have to pay for the 8/9 game season ticket package which includes 2 preseason games and every other year a "home" international game. These jokes really make themselves at this point.



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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

people will point to the 4:15pm start time for folks on the west coast, which is fair I guess.  But it’s all about max viewers as opposed to catering to individual fanbases.

They’re not wrong, I just don’t like it 

Which I'd argue for a Monday Night game is reasonable, but for a Sunday Night Game, who cares, it's the weekend.


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