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3 minutes ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

What little I know of the lore, Jigsaw is the main villain of the Saw franchise, so he would've been evil aligned, not a cultist. If someone more familiar with the series has reason to believe he could make sense as a cult leader and not a regular bad guy, please correct me.

Yea...Jigsaw is basically the definition character you would use for a cult leader. Going through the movies he had copycats and apprentices that took on his work long after he died.

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James theory makes sense to me, especially 

4 minutes ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

What little I know of the lore, Jigsaw is the main villain of the Saw franchise, so he would've been evil aligned, not a cultist. If someone more familiar with the series has reason to believe he could make sense as a cult leader and not a regular bad guy, please correct me.

But Bucs didn’t know Evil was town?

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1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

I just didn't trust it. Mostly because he used the same verbiage as tk3 which struck me as odd and that he wasn't being clear on what he knew. Then to find out that he actually lied about what he did know and none of it sits right.

For the record dome never lied, he attempted to give info/soft claim and you were writing paragraphs on why he was wrong and shouldn't be followed lol

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On 10/15/2017 at 7:09 PM, bcb1213 said:

Bucsfan333 was on his way home from his night out when he sees a smoking hot chick at his door.  Never one to be impressed easily, Bucsfan approaches the woman slowly.  With the speed resemblance of a video game character, the woman pulls a sword from behind her and stabs BucsFan in the belly.  Afraid of being caught, she runs off down the street

Bucsfan is in shock, he is lying on his doorstep, trying to solve the puzzle of what has happened to him.  He was targeted, he knows it now.  It is only a matter of tim.....

Suddenly a man comes hobbling down the street towards BucsFan.  Don't worry, I will fix this.  After taking him into the house, the man has managed to save BucsFan from certain death


Okay, so some thoughts now about what might have happened.

1. Bucs tried to convert mafia (hot chick), doesn't work, gets stabbed

2. Bucs got hit by mafia (hot chick), original Jigsaw saves him and turns him into a clone Jigsaw (would that make sense?)

3. Bucs gets turned into clone Jigsaw, hot chick thing is red herring

2/3 are probably stretching it, I think 1 makes a lot of sense given the write-up.

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1 minute ago, Hockey5djh said:

For the record dome never lied, he attempted to give info/soft claim and you were writing paragraphs on why he was wrong and shouldn't be followed lol

He said at one point that he didn't know who he was but he did know he was a cult member. So yes, as stated he technically lied.

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2 minutes ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

Okay, so some thoughts now about what might have happened.

1. Bucs tried to convert mafia (hot chick), doesn't work, gets stabbed

2. Bucs got hit by mafia (hot chick), original Jigsaw saves him and turns him into a clone Jigsaw (would that make sense?)

3. Bucs gets turned into clone Jigsaw, hot chick thing is red herring

2/3 are probably stretching it, I think 1 makes a lot of sense given the write-up.

With the write up I'd say the first part of number two makes the most sense. He was on his way home and the person was at his door. 

Which would also make sense if mafia investigated him, just saying.

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5 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

He said at one point that he didn't know who he was but he did know he was a cult member. So yes, as stated he technically lied.

I knew he was a cult member. 

Nothing else.

knowing his alignment isn’t knowing who he is.... 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

With the write up I'd say the first part of number two makes the most sense. He was on his way home and the person was at his door. 

Which would also make sense if mafia investigated him, just saying.

Makes sense. In hindsight, "trying to solve the puzzle" in line 2 is a pretty big giveaway at bucs' role.

The whole stabbed/saved thing could just be storytelling and non game related.

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