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West Conference Finals: (4) Clippers vs. Suns (2)


Who is going to the Finals?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. The winner will be _____________ in ____ .....

    • Clippers in 4
    • Clippers in 5
    • Clippers in 6
    • Clippers in 7
    • Suns in 4
    • Suns in 5
    • Suns in 6
    • Suns in 7

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  • Poll closed on 06/20/2021 at 08:30 PM

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1 hour ago, NYRaider said:

Yeah those PG FT misses are looking pretty terrible right now. But agreed, the Clippers are locking Booker down and CP3 is a known choker in big moments. The media anointed Booker the young Kobe and Ayton said their draft class was the best ever, going down hill now, lol.

I'm willing to give Booker a pass for his first time with the face shield, but he really can't let Beverley lock him down. Booker is a great player, but 'superstar' is an overused term.

I swear the 'experts' are getting dumber by the minute. Not just sport ones. 

It's ridiculous. They trot on these 'experts' who are not brought in for their expertise, but for certain takes or opinions that conform to the agenda. God forbid an expert offer their take without bias or exaggeration. God forbid an expert go against the current. Those experts aren't invited on TV. Nobody has the fortitude to tell it like it is. /rant

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2 minutes ago, Joe_is_the_best said:

It's ridiculous. They trot on these 'experts' who are not brought in for their expertise, but for certain takes or opinions that conform to the agenda. God forbid an expert offer their take without bias or exaggeration. God forbid an expert go against the current. Those experts aren't invited on TV. Nobody has the fortitude to tell it like it is. /rant

Main stream sports television isn't about actual analysis though, it's purely for entertainment and hot takes that draw in casual viewers. 

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20 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

We would've beat the Clippers if Conley didn't miss the entire series and Don wasn't playing on one leg, lol. When Luka gets out of round 1, let us know. Luka puts up great individual stats but Mitchell scored just as well as he did while he was injured

This highlights the fundamental flaw of your basketball evaluation. Scoring similarly does not mean they had or have similar offensive impact. In fact, it's not even close. The difference in playmaking and in attention drawn is legitimately worlds apart. Luka and Zach LaVine scored similar PPG in the regular season on similar efficiency, and yet they aren't at all comparable offensively.

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2 minutes ago, Bullet Club said:

This highlights the fundamental flaw of your basketball evaluation. Scoring similarly does not mean they had or have similar offensive impact. In fact, it's not even close. The difference in playmaking and in attention drawn is legitimately worlds apart. Luka and Zach LaVine scored similar PPG in the regular season on similar efficiency, and yet they aren't at all comparable offensively.

Luka's certainly a much better playmaker than Donovan, not denying that. But Mitchell was able to light them up on a bum ankle without his All-Star PG. Luka's better than Donovan but I firmly believe we win the series if Conley was healthy and Mitchell wasn't hobbled. 

Edited by NYRaider
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Just now, NYRaider said:

Luka's certainly a much better playmaker than Donovan, not denying that. But Mitchell was able to light them up on a bum ankle without his All-Star PG. Luka's better than Donovan but I firmly believe we win the series if Conley was healthy. 

I won't rule that out. Though LAC was also missing their best player for 2 games that series too. If Conley is still hurt, Dallas probably beats them.

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1 hour ago, Bullet Club said:

I won't rule that out. Though LAC was also missing their best player for 2 games that series too. If Conley is still hurt, Dallas probably beats them.

Unlikely. The reason we lost to the Clippers because of their small being able to spread us out. They also had like 5-6 guys who were 6'7+ 220 that could shoot and switch everything defensively. The Mavericks wouldn't have been able to do that.

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3 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

I won't rule that out. Though LAC was also missing their best player for 2 games that series too. If Conley is still hurt, Dallas probably beats them.

And we can speak in hypotheticals all we want, the reality is that the Mavericks still haven't gotten out of round 1 in 3 years with Luka. Donovan took us to the 2nd round as a rookie and beat MVP Russell Westbrook/Paul George and our other 4 starters were Ricky Rubio, Joe Ingles, Derrick Favors, and Rudy Gobert. 

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