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West Conference Finals: (4) Clippers vs. Suns (2)


Who is going to the Finals?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. The winner will be _____________ in ____ .....

    • Clippers in 4
    • Clippers in 5
    • Clippers in 6
    • Clippers in 7
    • Suns in 4
    • Suns in 5
    • Suns in 6
    • Suns in 7

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  • Poll closed on 06/20/2021 at 08:30 PM

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6 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

Can't believe I agree with Mark Jackson, but Lue probably should've kept Mann in the starting line-up.

Also, Clippers gonna have to make a shot to slow down the pace.

You can't make an adjustment if you just do the right thing in the 1st place

- Ty Lue

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1 minute ago, 11sanchez11 said:

You can't make an adjustment if you just do the right thing in the 1st place

- Ty Lue

lol... Morris hasn't played bad though. He started doing things right after I said that.

Suns have brought that energy (Monty def told them to get their *** in gear) early though and knocked down their shots except those two long shots Book took that were nowhere close, but he hit two tough middies.

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