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2 minutes ago, RedRider said:

And where would you put Frost, knowing that Florida and perhaps FSU (no sources, making an educated guess) would have had him over their top choice if possible?

Somewhere between ASU hiring Herm Edwards and Tennessee hiring no one.

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At no point was Miss St a Vandy level program that's a lie you tell yourself to justify the hire lol. Sherrill had just as good a program as Dan Mullen had there. Don't confuse the disaster that was Croome for the history of the program. 

Vandy didn't win more than 5 games in a year between 1982 and 2008.

What a patently ridiculous comparison.

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18 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

Taggart has a below .500 record outside of the P5 and a 7-5 record at Oregon. Yea, he can recruit, but he sure doesn't do a lot of winning.

He took dirty jobs, like a Western Kentucky team that was 2-22 in the two years prior to Taggart arriving and flipping that program around. Yeah, any coach would have lost at that program the first year. Do you go up to construction workers and scoff at the dirt on their boots?

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30 minutes ago, eggybucsfan31 said:

Sure, but you're hiring a guy who's no better than Todd Graham. Can't complain about a lack of loyalty, then celebrate the hire of the guy who has proven to show none at all. Taggart literally met with FSU on Oregon's dime, dude is just as slimy as Jimbo. 

I say this as a UF fan who wanted Taggart to be UF's coach. It's a great hire and he'll do very well at FSU and probably won't leave anytime soon/ever, but the way he handled this is with Oregon is really, really bad and not much different than Jimbo. 

You're missing the point. I agree with you that Taggart at least went half Jimbo. But the point is that Jimbo was literally demanding loyalty the day before he left, and "loyalty" has been his slogan all year and in prior years. So that's the reason why FSU fans were bringing up the loyalty thing with Jimbo. 

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14 minutes ago, RedRider said:


Sorry, but can't think of a much more beta program than Nebraska. Since when have you guys ever won anything of relevance?

I guess, in that way, Frost is a good fit for you guys. He's never won a championship like Jimbo.

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6 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

Sorry, but can't think of a much more beta program than Nebraska. Since when have you guys ever won anything of relevance?

I guess, in that way, Frost is a good fit for you guys. He's never won a championship like Jimbo.

Definitely poops standing upside down so that it gets in his mouth.

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3 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

Sorry, but can't think of a much more beta program than Nebraska. Since when have you guys ever won anything of relevance?

I guess, in that way, Frost is a good fit for you guys. He's never won a championship like Jimbo.

Texas A&M is so beta they have to always say A&M at the end otherwise people think Longhorns.

Nebraska's last natty came 58 years more recently than Aggie. Nebraska has won their division more recently than Aggie.


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Jimbo is such an alpha that he hasn't beaten Clemson in 3 seasons or Louisville in 2 seasons. 

Only real alphas lose 6 games in a season. 

And only an alpha program would give an alpha coach like that 70 million dollars. 

And the fact that the alpha program, Texas A&M, gave alpha Jimbo 70 million dollars guarantees that he's going to be a great alpha coach.

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8 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

Sorry, but can't think of a much more beta program than Nebraska. Since when have you guys ever won anything of relevance?

I guess, in that way, Frost is a good fit for you guys. He's never won a championship like Jimbo.

Well, I mean...

We've won five national championships, been to a handful of others. Are the only school to win 3 in 4 years. Have three Heisman winners. Are 4th on the all-time wins list. Have the longest sell-out streak going by to 1962 (our stadium has a capacity of 90,000) which is quite a bit longer than anyone else. And claim what many believe to be the most dominant team of all-time (1995).


We may not be good anymore and may never be great again (hopefully Frost changes that, but he/we are understandably at a disadvantage these days), but..... yeah.

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