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BDL Discussion Thread 2022


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19 minutes ago, RuskieTitan said:


I've kept my mouth shut despite the insults thrown my way, but I'll make one statement on the matter:

You have no integrity. 

You have the absolute worst case of main character syndrome I've ever seen from someone I've interacted with online. My post about piggy backing and the following Big Ben gif response? Sure, that was intentional. When I went to bid on Sweat, any consideration on who had the last bid wasn't my concern - the fact that it was near the deadline, as well as bidding difference from what OP listed and the actual bid is what I was focused on. Rather than recognize that we likely have similar preferences for types of players, you instead jumped to the conclusion that in between my workday and focus on my new puppy, I'm somehow scheming against you. I hope one day you'll realize that while you may view life from your perspective, others don't. Taking a personal reaction to the situation, resulting in you throwing insults at one of the owners who frankly hasn't really beefed with you during your tenure as well as throwing a fit about quitting and holding the league hostage is more reflective on your character than it is mine. You aren't the only one who has to go through **** in life, but you certainly are the most vocal within this thread. You can try and walk back your claim that you won't be voting for me, and that you'll be fair and balanced, but at this point, frankly, I don't believe a word you say anymore.



  I will not be voting on your games. I will not come back later and say I'm gonna be fair about it. Maybe in the future I will feel differently about you as a person in this league But right now I'm going to stick to not voting on your games.

 I think at this point we can agree that there is a mutual hatred for each other. However I definitely do not need to be the main character of anything. I never have been I never will be and frankly I don't want to be

 You're right I've gotten into it with a lot of people here. And every single time instead of anybody taking a moment to see things from my it's easing similar my perspective I get dumped all over. That's OK this time perhaps I deserved it deserves it all that matters here is that you got the guy that you wanted.

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So I know damn well there are some of you right now wondering Hey I thought you had him on ignore. I did and then somebody brought it to my attention that he bothered to respond finally.. And so I took him off to address it. I will not address it again with anybody. That conversation needs to die where it is it doesn't need another response from me from him or from anybody else.

 Moving forward I request that if you need to talk to me send me a pm I am no longer going to partake in this thread

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