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2022 Off-Season Thread: The Dead szn...


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6 minutes ago, warfelg said:

For having the second most targets in the NFL it was really underwhelming.

Thats not really saying a whole lot though.   The playcalling and Bens ability were extremely limited, which in turn limited the WRs.

Thats not to say, by any means, that our receiving corps was good....they werent.    But individually, DJ and Claypool are both talented guys who were/are used fairly poorly and were limited by the playcalling and Ben.

DJ is a good, albeit inconsistent WR.      Claypool needs to be used better.

I think adding a true number 1 or at least someone who can take the top off of defenses could really do wonders for both of them....pending they were used correctly.

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16 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

On the below avg bit, that might be harsh but he drops a LOT of passes.

Not really any more than any other top receiver though. Dude gets hammered with targets. Guys like that will have drops. Drops always depend on what source you look at but DJ ended up with less drops than Deebo, Chase, Kelce, Moore, Kupp, Allen, Brown, Jefferson, and a plethora of other guys too.

His can be infuriating, I get that. But he has had Duck, Mason, and the Ghost of Ben as his QB, playing on an offense that doesn’t even cater to his best attributes or the area of the field where he could be most deadly. His stats are minuscule to what they could/should have been with his abilities. 

If Trubisky is an improvement at opening up the offense and DJs make up to drops are 25+ chunks instead of 3 yard slants…they will hit different. 

7 minutes ago, warfelg said:

For having the second most targets in the NFL it was really underwhelming.

did you see our offense? The entire thing could be categorized as underwhelming. Drop percentage wise, he is still better or at least on pace with other top receivers. 

I get his mental issues are glaring and the drops are infuriating. But there’s nothing below average, or in a lot of cases even average, about his game. 

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Y’all focused on the wrong things with that statement. DJ was highly targeted with a below average catch rate on catchable balls and did not do a lot with the ball when he got it (his air intended yards and actual yards were really close together). 

He’s an average number 2 at best. 

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18 minutes ago, warfelg said:

For having the second most targets in the NFL it was really underwhelming.

-We all agree Ben was done

-We all agree the OL was dog poo

-We all agree the OC was terrible

-We should agree he didn’t have a guy with speed to scares defenses 

Yet, you stated he was below average…that doesn’t make any sense.




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10 minutes ago, warfelg said:

Y’all focused on the wrong things with that statement. DJ was highly targeted with a below average catch rate on catchable balls and did not do a lot with the ball when he got it (his air intended yards and actual yards were really close together). 

He’s an average number 2 at best. 

You also focused on the wrong things too then if you think that the intended air yard and actual yards were purely from his own doing. That actually feeds into everyone else’s point about this offense being the biggest reason this even is a debate (which it shouldn’t be). Ben also had one of the highest bad throw % and a bottom 3rd on target %…considering that our offense was built under 10 yards, that’s not good. 

DJ isn’t below average nor is he an average at best 2. 

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20 minutes ago, warfelg said:

Giving him way too much credit man.  Sometimes these things are more excuses and the reality is he’s just a good/ok player.

"Excuses" are used to dismiss blame about things within a persons control, and I dont think anyone is giving DJ a pass for dropping catchable passes or anything like that.     However, you cant dismiss all the factors that were out of his control, like horrendous QB play and ridiculously conservative playcalling and play designs to protect Ben.  

That doesnt mean we are saying "Well, if not for those things, DJ wouldve been a top 10 WR".   We are simply looking at the player and what he has proven to be capable of, and what he can potentially be.....and I havent seen anyone claim he will be anything more than a good, or potentially great number 2....which is why most of us want a true number 1 to pair with him and Claypool.   


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23 minutes ago, 43M said:

"Excuses" are used to dismiss blame about things within a persons control, and I dont think anyone is giving DJ a pass for dropping catchable passes or anything like that.     However, you cant dismiss all the factors that were out of his control, like horrendous QB play and ridiculously conservative playcalling and play designs to protect Ben.  

That doesnt mean we are saying "Well, if not for those things, DJ wouldve been a top 10 WR".   We are simply looking at the player and what he has proven to be capable of, and what he can potentially be.....and I havent seen anyone claim he will be anything more than a good, or potentially great number 2....which is why most of us want a true number 1 to pair with him and Claypool.   


So, goes back to the starting point, right?  Bringing in a slot WR means we have an average/below average outside guy (which is not a good/great #2) and two slot WR’s.


Seems as though the issue is me using average/below average outside guy to label a guy as not a great number 2…..which isn’t wrong.

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DJ is a top 10 route runner and man coverage beater in the NFL, hands down. Not to mention, he is elite after the catch which is an extremely valuable trait in todays NFL.

Yes, he has some inexcusable drops and mental lapses but using the word “ok” or “average” to describe him is a disgrace.

He has the talent to be a #1 and his drops/mental lapses are what’s stopping him from getting there and that’s where the frustration comes. But make no mistake, dude has what it takes to be an alpha #1 receiver in this league.

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Johnson is not a tier 1 guy. But there also are not 32 tier 1 guys in the league. DJ is easily in that next group that range from a single teams legit #1 to a really good #2.

DJ is in a bottom 5 offense with a bottom 5 QB, no other real receiving threats across from him most of the time, and with an offensive scheme/philosophy that at best was awful. With all that, he still produced as a top 10 receiver.

Im sorry, but if you think he is a below average #2 you’re just flat wrong. 

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On 3/19/2022 at 11:40 AM, 43M said:

It happens.

I still think we win 2 or 3 games in our division.    Steelers and Baltimore always give each other fits regardless of quality of the teams.   I still think we take one from Cleveland too.

I think this team has enough talent to win at least 7 games.   I dont think our ceiling is much higher, though (10 wins at best).

let us not pretend the bengals are some inevitable juggernaut now either lol

they beat the piss out of us both times we played them, now that i concede, but realistically they only went as far as they did in the playoffs playing 2017 seahawks ball with burrow necessarily playing at the absolute apex of his powers to regularly bail them out of terrible scenarios behind the chains as of right - taylor isn't a good coach. they nearly got done in week one by the raiders, lol.

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I think today is the last day the Steelers can decide on turn Heywards $6 mill roster bonus and convert it into a signing bonus spreading it over the last 2 years of his deal, thus saving $6 mill towards the cap.

Curious to see if it gets done.

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2 minutes ago, AFF said:

I think today is the last day the Steelers can decide on turn Heywards $6 mill roster bonus and convert it into a signing bonus spreading it over the last 2 years of his deal, thus saving $6 mill towards the cap.

Curious to see if it gets done.

I think they would have done it already.

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