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Simply Mafia - Civs Win!!!


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Having lists to look back on is helpful to town. Day 1 provided no information according to most of you. Having something to look back to. Tie posters to one another. Note suspicions. All help the town down the line. I don't get how all of you are missing that point. 

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4 minutes ago, MightyMouse07 said:

That's only one person Husk. There are 3 mafia. Who are the other two in your opinion?

You want me to name people that I find scummy after one day? That's kind of pointless. The read that I feel most strongly about is you - anyone else would be a shot in the dark.

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1 minute ago, MightyMouse07 said:

Having lists to look back on is helpful to town. Day 1 provided no information according to most of you. Having something to look back to. Tie posters to one another. Note suspicions. All help the town down the line. I don't get how all of you are missing that point. 

Oh don't get me wrong, I agree but lists don't become useful until you have a but if information to work with. Right now you're better off farting against the wind and then claiming "he who smelt it dealt it". 

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2 minutes ago, MightyMouse07 said:

And what is that agenda? Activity? Getting more information for the town to scum hunt?

The agenda is pushing towards voting for replacement players and trying to get lists from every one where anyone with half a brain could tell you would provide zero information at this point.

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So now you, who hasn't even read up, is claiming not only we should blow smoke up our own *** during Day 1 but also during Day 2? Hell why even be a normie if we have no power. Just simulate through the day then. Discussion leads to mistakes. Be willing to add something of value. 

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

The agenda is pushing towards voting for replacement players and trying to get lists from every one where anyone with half a brain could tell you would provide zero information at this point.

Pretty clear where my vote is. It's on ET. It's that bolded name I posted earlier. I'm also saying that there was one hit on day 1. There should have been two. So unless the serial killer and mafia hit the same dude, odds are one of the people who got replaced are the serial killer. 


So so what do you suggest we do? Sit on our thumbs and just let mafia kill off the town one by one? That makes a whole lot of sense. 

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6 minutes ago, MightyMouse07 said:

So now you, who hasn't even read up, is claiming not only we should blow smoke up our own *** during Day 1 but also during Day 2? Hell why even be a normie if we have no power. Just simulate through the day then. Discussion leads to mistakes. Be willing to add something of value. 

You're assuming far more than you should with this post. 


And who's the judge of "value" .... you? Did the mafia gods call down from atop of mt. Wayta and inform you of the secrets of all to be known within mafia? 


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7 minutes ago, MightyMouse07 said:

Pretty clear where my vote is. It's on ET. It's that bolded name I posted earlier. I'm also saying that there was one hit on day 1. There should have been two. So unless the serial killer and mafia hit the same dude, odds are one of the people who got replaced are the serial killer. 


So so what do you suggest we do? Sit on our thumbs and just let mafia kill off the town one by one? That makes a whole lot of sense. 

I've seen people intentionally "miss" hits to feign activity. 

And Yes we should all have a sit upon our thumbs. 

You were talking of mistakes ...... plop

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

You're assuming far more than you should with this post. 


And who's the judge of "value" .... you? Did the mafia gods call down from atop of mt. Wayta and inform you of the secrets of all to be known within mafia? 


You came into the game as a replacement and then asked to be informed on what happened so far when there were barely 8 pages of discussion. This is why mafia games fail now a days. There is minimal discussion involved and the lack of participation kills these games. At least you've shown a willingness to add something now. I'll admit that. But even then its minimal replies to me instead of looking into what happened at night, any logical reasons why people were on JFin, or anything. And its not just you, its been literally every poster. So if you do have an idea on how to get people more involved in this game then go ahead. My attempt was the list because at a minimum it gets people posting SOMETHING besides dumbass gifs. 

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11 minutes ago, MightyMouse07 said:

You came into the game as a replacement and then asked to be informed on what happened so far when there were barely 8 pages of discussion. This is why mafia games fail now a days. There is minimal discussion involved and the lack of participation kills these games. At least you've shown a willingness to add something now. I'll admit that. But even then its minimal replies to me instead of looking into what happened at night, any logical reasons why people were on JFin, or anything. And its not just you, its been literally every poster. So if you do have an idea on how to get people more involved in this game then go ahead. My attempt was the list because at a minimum it gets people posting SOMETHING besides dumbass gifs. 

Night one lunches are almost always off of useless tidbits and rarely if ever provide any form of insight. Any "looking into it" is generally done by mafia to lead the way so to speak and get a few more people gone.

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