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On 7/1/2024 at 11:19 AM, ET80 said:

My worst wasn't even on this forum.

So a banned member Flaccomania was banned for something, I don't know. Anyways, he made the prudent decision to start up his own forum! With blackjack! And Hookers!

Having an affinity for 21 and hookers (and 21 year old hookers) I join his site. Flacco had a following, so he had roughly 70-80 members on his site; That could actually prove to be self sustaining!

So, I join and he immediately recognized my SN (ET80, I'm not exactly creative) and he makes the bold decision to make me a Mod AND Admin. Sure, fine... that should work out.

So, I log in one day, start looking at forum posts, click on my Admin dashboard, I notice I have a "BAN" button and figured I needed to test it out...

...two hours later, I wake up from my fever dream and realized I banned every single member on the forum, including both Admins and Flacco himself. I deleted every single thread and locked every single forum. I finally turn the gun on myself and banned myself.

I don't know why I did it. I'm not sure what people thought after I did it. But that's what happens when I have unlimited power.

icl i’m voting for et to win singlehandedly off this post

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On 6/8/2024 at 1:25 PM, Malfatron said:

DR 9:

This is definitely gonna be the round where either me or touch dies.

Some people will be coming hard at me, some by design.

I just gotta trust the process and the rule that more convoluted is more fun.

So if i go out, i died doing what i love....scheming.

And if i do die, i hope its finn who twists the knife in a triplecross.

Its an honor to be backstabbed in the game, and definitely much better than to be told to my face im going.

Again, no illwill toward my victims or my murders


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On 6/9/2024 at 11:37 AM, Malfatron said:

DR 10

Im working on a few things at the same time

1. Dabs is talking to touch on getting a "best player" alliance together (everyone except skywind/finn looked to be proposed). I urged both touch and dabs seperately to start something like that

2. Im talking to finn on our backstabbing touch plan

3. Im talking to touch on our evict skywind plan and leaving the door open to evict finn though

Right now im in so many alliances and overlapping situations and plans. Theres more dimensions here than i can even go into

Just gotta think what the best thing to do is. One thing is sure though: dabs/josh are safe this round

Here im not sure where to go

Evict touch or evict finn.

The turning point in the game

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This is the point where i almost convinced myself to roll with touch as F2, and heres where we started to set everything up to eliminate finn.

@theuntouchable dabs/josh were absolutely going to vote out finn because they didnt think that they had the votes to get you. I could have let that happen and on june 10th, that was the plan. Finn was going to die.

We will see how that changed later

On 6/10/2024 at 6:05 PM, Malfatron said:

DR 11

Leaning toward keeping touch, and touch setting up a loyalist alliance with dabs/josh/touch/adam/me where we eliminate the "nutter rats" starting with finn or skywind


On 6/10/2024 at 10:24 PM, Malfatron said:


Touch set up a f6 alliance with dabs,josh, malf, et, adam.

The goal is to work with them to eliminate finn.

We planned out dialouge from both sides and i was in the chat with dabs/josh urging them on. When i got to the chat, both dabs and touch pretended that they never talked to me about it previously.

Also, finn knows about this part of the plan wants me to do a backstab on touch, where i would convince 


To dabs/josh, im saying that we should vote out finn and either joint with skywind to take the three out or make it to 3-3, and do a comp battle. Then i "got an idea" about how im going to make touch/adam not trust et.

And thats what im going to actually do too when i tell touch that finn came to me with a plot to evict touch and that finn also has et with him.


I cant see myself backstabbing touch though, as we are controlling the game and it would feel cheap as hell. We are going to the finals.


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On 6/11/2024 at 12:07 AM, Malfatron said:


I told touch about the finn backstabbing

This will be a good test to see how touch handles it.

If it gets back to finn, im gonna tell finn that its the perfect plan. A double backstab. We make touch think thats hes gonna get revenge on you for trying to backstab you. And that i am actually with touch

I even tell skywind that the vote is finn, knowing that sky will just leak it back to finn.

And then we have malf/finn/dabs/skywind/josh/et all voting touch

While touch is scrambling all over the place.

I might even tell finn that idea as well to make him excited about adding another level of inception. Tell finn that we reveal the "backstab" to touch and let touch scheme around to different players, and make it known that im in touchs corner. Meanwhile touch knows, finn knows touch knows, but touch doesnt know finn knows touch knows. Unless later i decide to tell touch about that too

Might actually go through with the plan to evict touch if we go that far down the rabbit hole.


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Still debating between who to keep, finn or touch

On 6/11/2024 at 12:38 AM, Malfatron said:


Finn and i came up with a dumb plan for finn to do.

The plan is that finn tells adam that touch is planning to break up the core four by backstabbing me when i was was just supposed to pick up 3 votes by finn/et/skywind and not get voted out.

Finn tells adam of touchs "betrayal" and then us three get in a room and say how thats not cool that touch was trying to backstab me. Meanwhile, adam has already been clued in that finn is trying to backstab touch to begin with so adam will have to play dumb on all that.

Meanwhile, im telling dabs that im pitting finn and touch against each other and et is with one of them, and the goal is to keep dabs/josh safe and hopefully one of them run to dabs/josh bc they need those two to move on


On 6/11/2024 at 12:51 AM, Malfatron said:


Its actually a great plan by finn, so now i need to make sure that touch/adam dont give up the fact that they know about finns backstab

And then i need to ultimately decide which way to go.

Kill finn or kill touch?

Because theres much fun to be had either way.

The real big move if touch is evicted is that i revealed finns backstab but still stabbed him, under the guise of guiding finn to a failed plan that isnt gonna work

Best yet, i have the dabs/josh primed to vote with me on whichever finn/touch give the best deal


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On 6/11/2024 at 1:21 AM, Malfatron said:


So now heres where things are

Both touch/adam cannot reveal that they are aware of finns backstab plan

If found out, i will say that i told touch to make touchs backstab even funnier. That the fake vote is finn, and we are teasing finn to make him look dumb and this will help touch not try harder to get dabs/josh votes

Touch cannot reveal that he knows that finn told adam that Touch supposedly backstabbed me

If found out, i could say that adam ran to touch right away.

Touch is supposed to sell the **** out of skywind being the next to vote.


Skywind cannot reveal that i first told him to vote finn and then told him plans might change

If found out, the first finn vote was just a cover vote and my real vote ask would come later


Dabs/josh need to continue to be equally okay to vote either touch or finn, according to my final decision


So it seems like all the pieces are in place for a big fun move this round, regardless of how it turns out.

I think im gonna reward the person who stays coolest their life


Whats gonna happen at f7, who knows?

Maybe they should think about getting me out one of these days.

I cant help but to be a stinker in these games


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On 6/11/2024 at 1:17 PM, Malfatron said:


I decided a fair way on who to side with, finn or touch. Whichever dabs/josh push to vote, i go with it

I asked finn to do this to level the playing field

"I have another idea for you. You can pm daboyle and say that touch told you that touch/adam set up a fake alliance with dabs/josh/malf, and touch/adam planning to backstab one of the three. Touch tried to ensure your vote and you dont want to do that"


Right now, everyones game is blown up except mine but the genius part is that part of everyones strategy is to pretend that they are unaware that the other is trying to play them.

We got touch/adam knowing finns plan to backstab but keeping that secret

We are gonna have dabs/toucan thinking that touch/adam are trying to trick them but keeping it secret

Skywind is down to vote touch and hes the only one im pretty vague about plans to though i would like to take him into a f4.



On 6/11/2024 at 10:40 PM, Malfatron said:


Predicting the revenge twist

I predict that the evicted housguests will come back and be able to vote in the tribal council.

That would be a cool twist


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This is where I asked ET whether we should take finn or touch to the F3.

ET later responded to me that he wanted to keep both but that wasnt gonna happen

On 6/12/2024 at 7:39 PM, Malfatron said:


I reached out to ET to ask him who he prefers going to f3 with: finn or touch.

His choice will dictate my choice

Me to ET


"Hypothetical, if it comes between finn and touch, which one should we ride with? That choice may be coming to a head down the line and i want to make the right choice. Give me your blessing on the chosen one.Whatever you decree, i will do"

Suddenly ET became the most powerful player in the game


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Just now, Malfatron said:

Suddenly ET became the most powerful player in the game




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Just now, ET80 said:





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On 6/12/2024 at 9:19 PM, Malfatron said:


The choice has been made, not by et but by me.

Im rolling with finn

Tentative plans (me to finn)

I think the dabs push is needed for sure though to leak that touch/adam are playing dabs/malf/josh for fools. Bc touch/adam are totally simping to those guys. Dont bring up the discord either just say that touch was bragging that he convinced malf/josh/dabs to vote sky but he wanted to bring the other 5 together to vote one of them out

The plans hit a snag here because dabs/josh were hesistant to vote touch so i thought maybe we would have to pivot to skywind after all to keep ET happy

On 6/13/2024 at 7:35 PM, Malfatron said:


Dabs/josh pretty hesitant to vote touch

It may be that the walls are crumbling around me on this one.

But im gonna live and die by the sword here.

Keep going balls to the wall 

And sorry skywind but your time might actually be up here


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