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7 minutes ago, Malfatron said:


Me winning hasnt been the plan for a long time

Also, there was a 0 percent chance that finn and my work would go to waste after all this.

Just as i was prepared to die, finn is also.

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my first one is great 

On 5/6/2024 at 11:16 AM, FinneasGage said:

the pool for this season doesn't really consist of too many people i'm pals with. i think pretty much only malf and ET. as such, they're the only two people i've reached out to so far. i'm riding with them. my reputation in these games is at the floor as malf had to campaign for me to be the second to last pick instead of the last pick. i usually just **** around and get overly aggressive for my amusement, but i'm just gonna chill and actually put forth effort on challenges for the first time since like 2014 i think. i'm gonna play a relatively low key game. try to get to the end with malf and ET and actually have a better resume than them at the end is goal. usually i come into the these with some grand scheme of trying to **** somebody over and decimate a group of people i don't like, but yeah all i'm really do is actually try in challenges and kinda go with the flow until the merge. guys like scoundrel and bcb i think i've had negative history with? i don't really remember, but i feel like that's the case. so i'm gonna try and lean the votes that way if/when we lose something. that's all i've really got for you. 

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was riding hard with the tribe at this point 

On 5/8/2024 at 1:39 AM, FinneasGage said:

vibe is great in the tribe. glad i'm in the tribe i'm in. everyone's pretty active in discord. haven't really seen ET too much, but we just may be in there at different times. malf got everyone to practice a bit before the challenge. me and scoundrel practiced for like 5 minutes. i was giving clues for the big lebowski so i said rug and he said aladdin, which made me lol irl. i was like i would've ******* said carpet if it was aladdin and then he's like **** MY TEAM lol. malf's like "come and take a trip with me... on a magic rug ride" lmao. the **** we practiced was a lot harder than what the challenge was. other tribe came with the cheating insinuations/accusations, which played out pretty funny. i think we have this wrapped up pretty much? the other tribe is really dragging their feet. 

in the event we lose i'm not gonna push for anything, i'm just gonna stay relatively quiet. which is something new and kinda boring i'm gonna do. malf/et i'm riding with. if they stab me in the back i won't even really be mad, but i'm just gonna play a straight and even game. if we lose i'd hope the votes gear toward toucan just because i don't think i've ever interacted with him. maybe bcb/skywind, i also barely ever really interact with them. i think me and scoundrel are actually cool and i prefer him in the game. boyle and me have talked in the past a lot i remember and we're cool. really have no idea how it'd shake out if we lost. very well could be me just based on reputation of losing interest and fading away in these games. 

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at this point I was trying to keep track of like "resume fodder" or whatever for if I got to the end 

On 5/17/2024 at 8:57 AM, FinneasGage said:

so this is my third diary/confessional or whatever. we're currently working on strategy for survivor soccer. i kinda took the lead with a strategy. malf and bcb are chipping in with thoughts. we'll see. i like my strategy a lot. if they don't do it, I'll have a "ah well shoulda done my strategy" so i'm not too married to it. but i do wanna sweep the other tribe, so whatever happens, I hope we win obviously. 

there isn't too much juice to report. the only promises I've made in the game is that I won't vote out Malf or ET; which I made early on in the game. ET kinda wants out though. he's barely active. I'd say our discord activity is mostly me, malf, scoundrel. Boyle/skywind in there a lot too. bcb sometimes. toucan rarely. ET even more rarely.

i've been pretty decent in all the challenge so far. in the first immunity me and scoundrel got a perfect score. and then in the next immunity challenge I kinda got the momentum rolling in the first series of the connect 4 challenge against AdamQ. In the reward challenges I've been alright too. I got the matrix/hole clue. We lost that challenge, they kinda caught us off guard with their speed on that one. On that most recent reward challenge I got the second most likes in gone fishing besides skywind

all I've really got for you. don't really have anything brewing right now. our tribe is very stable. if we lose, ET wants to go home. if I can convince him not to... I'd think toucan would be the first to be voted out. simply because he's been around the least. 


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