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9 hours ago, titans0021 said:

The money we spend on a billboard would probably be better off as a bribe to Suh tbh.

The money left over from the "fire Mularkey" billboard should do the trick. LOL!

J-ville went out and got Campbell last year. This year JRob grabs Suh.

All together now Titania..... "Suuuuuuuh". :D

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9 hours ago, TitanRedd said:

It was politics why he was benched for gabbert again the 49ers were trying to go in a different direction because of the idiot GM & Harbaugh. Once they went away from kap the franchise went down ship. Say what you want to say bout kap, but facts are facts you play towards his strengths as a QB he can win games. I believe he’s better than a lot of backup QBs & a few starting QBs.. he’s not a pocket passer neither was Michael Vick in Atlanta & Vick won games. 

He was benched for Gabbert long before he got media attention for kneeling. Then he started again and guess what? They didn't win games.

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9 hours ago, TitanRedd said:

A lot people will never admit it but you can sense that kap is really disliked because of his political stance vs his football play, but anyways yes he sucks he’s terrible can’t win in this league ?

For some sure, but I actually back what he was kneeling for. If he came here, I would hope he didn't stop kneeling.

He is just an incredibly overrated player that brings unwanted attention to a backup position. 

Without Harbaugh he's Brett Hundley.

And before anyone brings up his two post-season runs, Mark Sanchez had similar success, why aren't we clamoring for him?


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18 minutes ago, TitanSS said:

He was benched for Gabbert long before he got media attention for kneeling. Then he started again and guess what? They didn't win games.

I’m not talking politics of injustice, read what I said again. I’m talking bout politics of a power struggle in the organization between Harbaugh & the GM. They parted ways brought in a new HC & like I said the new HC try to make kap a pocket passer.

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9 minutes ago, TitanSS said:

For some sure, but I actually back what he was kneeling for. If he came here, I would hope he didn't stop kneeling.

He is just an incredibly overrated player that brings unwanted attention to a backup position. 

Without Harbaugh he's Brett Hundley.

And before anyone brings up his two post-season runs, Mark Sanchez had similar success, why aren't we clamoring for him?


Again dude you making my point you play behind his strengths, strong run game, play action, naked boot, let him throw on the run, zone read up tempo game. He’s your Michael Vick in Atlanta he’s your Tyrod Taylor, your Vince young but better. Play to his strengths & kap is better than any backup in the league not name Nick Foles & few starting QB’s the proof is in the pudding.. can’t argud with facts 

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14 minutes ago, TitanSS said:

Mariota is not a running QB. He's a pocket passer that just happens to be incredibly fast.

Also, we should have extended Lewan before Solder got that deal. Lewan probably wants 17 mil if Solder is getting that ?

I didn’t say nothing about Mariota ??‍♂️, but all that other stuff you said to changer the subject I agree, I think Lewan can still get what solder gets annually if we guarantee him more ?

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I really like the idea of adding Suh. He would make an instant impact on every level of the defense. I feel like it would bring our defense to heights we haven't seen in several years, probably since Haynesworth left. Will be interesting to see what kind of contract he gets by whatever team signs him.

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2 hours ago, TitanRedd said:

I didn’t say nothing about Mariota ??‍♂️, but all that other stuff you said to changer the subject I agree, I think Lewan can still get what solder gets annually if we guarantee him more ?

I know you didn't say anything about Mariota, but you implied Kaepernick would be successful if he wasn't in an offense built for a pocket passer, which is what we will be. We're not going to have a second offensive gameplan for our backup QB. You win in the NFL throwing from the pocket and if you can't throw from the pocket you lose. All that outside the pocket stuff is great but if you can't throw it in the pocket you're worthless.

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12 hours ago, titans0021 said:

This is a genuine question, and I'm borderline fascinated by the answer. Do you honestly, honestly believe that Matt Cassel has had any impact on Marcus Mariota's development? That his presence has, in any way, made Marcus Mariota a better football player? Because I just can't imagine it. I just can't picture Mariota sitting down, getting significant advice from an inferior quarterback, and then putting it into use successfully in a game. Especially when their play styles are so wildly different.

And frankly, if we're looking for someone who has been in situations and can act as a sounding board, Kaep has experienced far more highs and lows in his short career than just about any aging, bad quarterback we could possibly bring in. Beyond all of that, there's also the fact that Marcus hasn't actually improved at all during his time with Cassell. So I'm not quite sure where this idea that the veteran backup is providing valuable lessons and mentorship comes from.

What do you think 99% of NFL QB coaches are? MVP QBs turned coach? Or because they were inferior QBs are their teachings invalid as well and never going to help Mariota improve? Or when they fail as a QB and then become QB coach their teachings just all the sudden become valuable?

Your backup QB is a second QB coach. It's not just my opinion, it has been used by NFL teams with young QBs for years. How else do you think guys like that stick around despite lackluster play and guys like Vince Young never aee the field again?

That idea is just as founded as the idea that an NFL organization would rather lose a game than sign someone who disagrees with the owner politically. And it would have to be the owner or someone in the front office because our entire team stayed in the locker room during the National Anthem one game last year. DaQuan Jones kneeled during the National Anthem for every single game last year just like Colin Kaepernick was doing, and was just given a pretty significant contract with us, but yeah, let's continue the false narrative that a QB who has never been successful in the pocket is only unsigned because all owners are appalled by his political stance.

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15 minutes ago, TitanSS said:

I know you didn't say anything about Mariota, but you implied Kaepernick would be successful if he wasn't in an offense built for a pocket passer, which is what we will be. We're not going to have a second offensive gameplan for our backup QB. You win in the NFL throwing from the pocket and if you can't throw from the pocket you lose. All that outside the pocket stuff is great but if you can't throw it in the pocket you're worthless.

You know how many backup QBs & starting QB’s that can so call play from the pocket but can’t win sh*+ Andy dalton, Matthew Stafford, Alex Smith, Kirk Cousins. I can keep going if you like. Just because you can throw from the pocket doesn’t mean you have what every NFL Scout wants in a QB, intagibles. Like i said you can win games with Kap, with a strong defense & run game, & don’t force him into sitting in the pocket all day making reads. Get him in play action zone read, naked boot uptempo spread. All those concepts has worked wit QB’s running our new system. Now am I saying kap is a franchise QB & he can play in any system H*ll No, but as a backup he’s the best available though it’ll never happen.

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Just now, TitanRedd said:

You know how many backup QBs & starting QB’s that can so call play from the pocket but can’t win sh*+ Andy dalton, Matthew Stafford, Alex Smith, Kirk Cousins. I can keep going if you like. Just because you can throw from the pocket doesn’t mean you have what every NFL Scout wants in a QB, intagibles. Like i said you can win games with Kap, with a strong defense & run game, & don’t force him into sitting in the pocket all day making reads. Get him in play action zone read, naked boot uptempo spread. All those concepts has worked wit QB’s running our new system. Now am I saying kap is a franchise QB & he can play in any system H*ll No, but as a backup he’s the best available though it’ll never happen.

You can go all day if you want, but Mariota is a complete QB and we will run an offense for a complete QB, not the offense that hides the inability of your QB to make reads in the pocket like Kaep needs.

We will not install two offensive game plans to facilitate the flaws of our backup QB. The offense Mariota runs will be the offense the backup runs.

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At the end of the day, it’s all about can you win & lead a group of men, intangibles, doesn’t matter if it comes from the pocket. Michael Vick in Atlanta was a nightmare to defensive coordinators & he wasn’t a pocket passer he knew how to win. A lot of these QB’s can make every throw in the NFL, but can’t win for nothing.. why because they don’t have intangibles.. 

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