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Just now, mission27 said:

As in he hit it to the little league stadium across the street

Honest question, not even trying to be a ****. How do you explain his H/R splits if he isn't taking advantage of that stadium? Really curious.

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Just now, bigbadbuff23835 said:

He does take advantage of the stadium, but he shouldn’t be criticized for it.

Nobody is criticizing him for it. I'm stating simple facts that his line is a product of where he plays. He's literally a ~.260 hitter on the road. The average range myself and hrubes said he'd fall into as a hitter. 

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Just now, bkobow05 said:

Nobody is criticizing him for it. I'm stating simple facts that his line is a product of where he plays. He's literally a ~.260 hitter on the road. The average range myself and hrubes said he'd fall into as a hitter. 

I mean i expected him to be around there this year as well, but I’m taking what i can get, he’s been awesome again this year.

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2 minutes ago, bkobow05 said:

Honest question, not even trying to be a ****. How do you explain his H/R splits if he isn't taking advantage of that stadium? Really curious.

Judge is a lot more comfortable playing at home for a bunch of reasons all of which, combined with a somewhat favorable park factors and some statistical noise, give him pretty extreme H/R splits so far in his career.  When he's at home, he gets to sleep in his extra long cali king bed, with his high school sweetheart, show up to a stadium where there is an entire section named after him and he is very comfortable.  On the road he's stuffing himself into a human being sized bed at the JW Marriott eating ****ty catered food and playing in front of a hostile crowd.  He's a young, inexperienced guy who lets the pressure get to him sometimes.  That stuff matters too.

You can say I'm biased, but your explanation does not make sense.  You are simply ignoring a lot of critical details here which I will get to.  Even park adjusted, Judge has been the most valuable hitter and player in baseball since the start of 2017.  So you seem to be saying: Judge is somehow magically the perfect player for Yankee Stadium to such an extent that the park factors dramatically understate how much it helps him compared to other players. 

Judge is a right hander.  He hits the ball relatively evenly to all fields and centerfield.  He does not have the profile of someone who should benefit disproportionally from YS.  His only real weakness is contact rate which has nothing to do with Yankee Stadium, and when he does make contact he hits the ball so hard and far that the dimensions don't really matter.  I've seen every one of his 62 career home runs, very few of them in YS would not have been home runs on the road.  Look at the exit velocity and launch angle, both of which are measured at the point of contact and are not impacted by park dimensions or air tunnels or anything like that.  These balls are home runs in every park.

That's the issue with your argument and the reason I don't think you can just throw out the park factors and say they don't apply to him.  He's not abnormally suited to Yankee Stadium in fact probably the opposite.  That's why your explanation doesn't make sense but how do I support my explanation?  Well...

Look at the underlying splits last season.  Judge hit the ball softly 9% of the time at home and 13% of the time on the road.  Again thats a point of contact measurement.  That has absolutely nothing to do with the ballpark, beyond how comfortable Judge is playing in said ballpark.  He hit the ball hard 47% of the time at home and 43% on the road.  8% of his fly balls on the road were IFFB, only 5% at home.  This is all stuff that has nothing to do with the dimensions or other conditions of Yankee Stadium.  It is actually impossible for the short porch or imaginary wind tunnel to have any impact on Judge hitting an infield fly ball or hitting a ball hard or not.  This also all points very strongly to Judge being much more comfortable hitting at home. 

The batted ball data alone explains a huge chunk of the variation in his H/R wOBA and again it is impossible for the ballpark conditions to impact.  Its psychological, or he sleeps better at home, or its random noise.  It cannot be the ballpark. 

I'm not saying he doesn't hit better at home, he obviously does, I'm not saying the ballpark doesn't have a part to play in that.  But he leads all of baseball in WAR and wRC+ over the past season, both of which are adjusted for park factors, and I don't think he's magically engineered Yankee Stadium hitter by any stretch of the imagination.  The appropriate approach given the above closer look at his splits is pretty clearly to park adjust and move on.

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I guess to put it simply, if Judge's H/R splits were driven by Yankee Stadiums park conditions, I'd expect him to have similar batted ball data at home and on the road and an inflated HR/FB rate at home that was not supported by the batted ball data, either because of dimensions or because the ball carries further or whatever.  His HR/FB rate is higher at home but he also hits the ball a lot harder at home.  

I'd also expect his wOBA to be a lot higher than his xwOBA because he'd be playing half of his games in an environment where his batted balls significantly outperform what they should given exit velocity and launch angle.  Again though that's not the case, he's actually right in line both this season and last season with xwOBA.  So he's either getting robbed on the road or he's not getting much of a boost at home, either way the core data about his contact rate + contact quality points to him being a .440+ wOBA stud in any ballpark. 

Bottom line Judge has much better numbers at home because he plays much better at home.  It has something to do with the ballpark, but in my honest opinion, not all that much.

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53 minutes ago, bkobow05 said:

Honest question, not even trying to be a ****. How do you explain his H/R splits if he isn't taking advantage of that stadium? Really curious.

After the All Star Break when Judge was clearly working with the bum shoulder the Yankees played like 13 more games on the road (Counted on BRef on my phone so may be off a few but you get the point) which could easily be pushing down his road stats compared to Yankee Stadium. Just food for thought. I 100% believe he hits less homers on the road but the line drives he hits would be doubles which would keep his average high.

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