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4 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Not sure how many times I must type this but...

Conor created a character that everyone loves or hates. He straight up marketed himself from four figures in his bank account like most people, to $150M. By marketing an entertaining character and winning majority of his fights. The guy is a genius that most people are jealous of and most people are hypocrities of. Any of you would portray that character for $150M. Conor's real life personality isn't that what so ever. He's selling fights. You watched it. By far the most bought UFC PPV ever. That's all due to McGregor, not UFC, Dana, or Khabib. People who do not see through McGregors character are 1) Either not very intelligent 2) Very sensitive 3) probably both.

Sorry but Conors a legit genius. And everyone mad at him are all 100% hypocrites because they would all do the same exact thing if knew it would of made them so much money.

You must be really dumb not to see khabib is just makong a persona. Its fine everything he did because its a persona. He spit on connor for promotion. Think about the hype for the rematch. Genius

next week diaz os murdering dustins whole family #hypetrain.

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6 hours ago, GSUeagles14 said:

im chuckling at people calling khabib the most hated fighter ever now. Pretty much everyone is going to be hated when matched up against conor, I think khabib is an absolute moron (in that moment) but realize hes takes this very seriously and honor is a huge thing in his culture. 


I dont see how you do a rematch, theres really no way conor can win. and im pissed i actually feel bad for conor. 

The only reason Khabib is hated is because he crushed the biggest name in the game

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6 hours ago, El ramster said:

Easiest 2 racks I’ve made. Went from 500’to 2k.


jacked up coke and Jack. Feels freaking greats mates. Celebrating this victory. McNuggets is done he’s a one trick pony. Why tf did Dana ruin Khabib moment like that though? Wusssy move on his part. 

You bet Ferg and Khabib parlay?

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6 hours ago, El ramster said:

Bet with a friend or mine..


we also got Eagles vs Rams 1k 


Amanda vs Nunes 1k


max vs Ortega 3k. 


We usually only bet 500$ but he was trying to double up on me on the Cavs vs Celtics series which I won. 


I picked Nunes and Max.. Kinda iffy on those right now. But on in cloud 9. 

You got that one on lock lol

Picking Nunes is a ballsy move

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I'm following the UFC only since the start of the year. The fights on this card were pretty good. Especially the main card was a lot of fun, unfortunately everythign that happened afterwards and the build up was everything else, but funny.

The main event in itself was a pure domination by Khabib and what happened afterwards was a pure disgrace for the sport. I don't even blame Khabib for all of it. It's actually the UFC itself who is mainly responsible for it in my opinion. It was just an absolutely dumb move to let Conor get a fight after the bus attack. The UFC saw the money they could earn with this fight, but should have rather shown some character and getting him a suspension. To make that fight was just crazy. The build up of the fight with all the personal stuff that was going on, was entertaining but dangerous because all of it creates a toxic environment, that just needs to wait for the wrong person to result in an explosion. Exactly that happened. I wouldn't have thought Khabib was hurt that much personally and that he took the comments and the build up of the fight that personally. He said it in the press conferences prior to the fight, but i never thought he meant it that serious. What happened after the fight was just an absolutely disgrace. Khabib going nuts, jumping of the cage to attack Dillon Danis. Conor going nuts and attacking Khabib camp and Khabibs camp going nuts to attack Conor. All of it was a shame which hopefully results in a lot of suspensions and penalties. After the bus accident i thought McGregor should have gone to jail, a closed institution or at least a therapy, but not to a fight in a cage. It's the fault and in the end the responsibility of the UFC for what happened today. They let Conor getting back into the octagon and even if Khabib was the one escalating it after the match, it's ofc not to deny that both were heavily responsible for all those actions, while the UFC took the risk of it, to gain money with the fight. Even if the UFC didn't do it consciously, they are unconsciously responsible for all of it.

So in the end i hope both fighters and both camps getting a significant punishment for their actions and i hope the UFC learns from this incident and realizes, that sometimes it's more important to follow morals than to follow the easy money.

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