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  1. That's the guy! He was great for a few years.
  2. The Vikings had a guy whose last name I can't remember Xavier (?). He was very good too for a couple of years. He was able to shut down guys like Megatron. After a couple years though, he pretty much fell off of a cliff too.
  3. Russell Wilson must really be done. Nothing against Justin, but with his experience and record of success, his game must have fallen off for real.
  4. Since the poll wasn't public, I just put in a vote for the Patriots out of respect for their 20 year dynasty. You guys may be rebuilding, but no matter what happens, you will always have those 6 Super Bowl wins to remember!
  5. I wonder if there is a reason they couldn't just have both teams in the same hotel? Are they afraid of fights or coaches sneaking into opposing team's rooms to steal playbooks?
  6. If he is actually still suiting up, it's no wonder he got burned a bunch of times. The guy has to be in his 70's!
  7. Yeah, everybody is arguing over who was worse. Can't we all just get along? How about if we all just agree that they were both BAAAAAAD? (In reality, it's Week One, and hardly anybody's QB is going to be playing 100% this week).
  8. AJ Brown just outran him on an open field. He just beat him with speed.
  9. Regarding Jordan Love limping off the field, it might be a tumor... Seriously though, I hope it's not a severe injury. Hopefully, he will be ready for next week's game.
  10. Fortunately for the Packers, they have put themselves in the position where they can seamlessly transition over to Malik Willis if necessary. Seriously though, you never like to see anyone get hurt. Here's hoping it's nothing bad and that he has a speedy recovery.
  11. I guess my business philosophy has always been quite a bit different over the years. I always went by the philosophy that I served myself best by first thinking of ways to improve the lives of my customers. I found that if I did that, I didn't have to worry about my bottom line. The money would just follow to me naturally. I'm not saying you are wrong, Soko. Just two different ways of looking at it, I guess.
  12. That seems like a shortsighted way of looking at things. Sure, they may be able to pick a few extra bucks from the streaming services, but how many long term fans are they eventually going to turn off by doing that to them. I like the NFL, but eventually it just gets to be too much. I normally pay $100/year for NFL+, but they won't even let me see the game on that, unless I want to watch a 3 hour game on a 3" cell phone screen. It gets ridiculous after a while.
  13. It's strange how the NFL wants to increase their market size by playing games in foreign countries, but at the same time, they limit their US fans from being able to see the games unless they agree to sign up for another pay service to watch just a handful of them. Their greed just never seems to have a limit. Sorry NFL, but I'm not signing up for Peacock.
  14. For those who are hanging on hearing every word he says, Skip Bayless is predicting that the Eagles will go 15-2 and win the Super Bowl this year. What does everybody think? Is he right? On another note, Blanka from Street Fighter II is reportedly from Brazil. Could this be why the NFL sent the two teams with green uniforms to that market?
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