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  1. Actions speak louder than words...Ssshhh Brock is eating...And when our Offense is firing on 2 out of 8 cylinders.
  2. #13 only TE worth that is Tony G level. All or nothing. No Shannon Sharpe, Tony G or nothing...
  3. Just caught the end of the game when tied 23's...I saw early it was 6/6 and was happy we were still in it so shocked to see a tie later at 23's. Reading this thread is entertaining to say the least. lol What I take from it is that we as fans have little faith...Minshew needs to play his way and not as a conservative game manager. Pass to open the run first. Adams and Bowers are the way forward even with Minshew throwing them the ball. Sounds like Miller is struggling big time. Time to pay Munford (3 YEARS at least) and think about him competing at LT next season and Glaze at RT. JPJ to LG ASAP. Miller has the rest of the season to get back to form and Hopefully it's just injury related. If he plays well and we've extended Munford then trade Miller next year to move up for the QB. Defense just needs the Offense to be productive and give them a rest. Our CB's are young and improving. Spill is underrated and the other LB position is on rotation until someone steps up. Maxx's is what we all want in a player.
  4. Rookies tend to favor throwing to a TE early on and we've got 2... Would be easy to keep both on 2nd contracts to keep that cap low and build a strong running game in FA and draft a WR in the 3rd for two out of three years to go with our speedy Tucker. Defense with the other picks and maybe in 3 years we're a serious contender.
  5. Lamar gives Defenses fits with his ability to break ankles trying to tackle him. If our players are afraid of that, then they've already lost. Aim for his waist and EXPLODE. He'll move or juke to make you hesitate that hit. Don't hesitate and if he gets some solid body shots early, he won't be on his toes by the end of the fight. If you miss that hit, so what it's Lamar Jackson, he makes a lot of men look foolish. Get off the turf and do it again and again and again.
  6. I think if AOC started that game he'd been sacked so much we'd all be saying we should have started Minshew. lol YES' AOC is better in the pocket but still a statue for Mack and Bosa to tee off at. Miller's rust was evident with his anchor yesterday. On skates but he'll get back to form but AOC would have gotten twisted up in that pocket. Pass Rushers are Hard to find but Chargers have really good one's when healthy.
  7. AP deserves this season and I've had a feeling that Gruden will be brought back so I'm hoping AP does well enough to keep that from happening. lol
  8. The Good: Wilkins looks as expected with a little dirt to spice things up. The Defense looked GREAT at times and just needs the Offense to help out more to be great the whole Game. I liked the '13' package with 3 TE's and think we need to work on that more with running the ball. The BAD: The running game looked bad at first and it looked like the passing opened up the running game later. Gardner didn't look comfortable on some of those hand offs so that should get better with time. I thought his stance/footwork (I don't know) but something looked off. His size might also be hindering what he sees open. I'm sticking with him because I still think he can win games for us if he's playing his game. The UGLY: Fumbles... 4th down calls...Being aggressive at the Wrong time which causes you to be conservative when you should go for it. So with that said, I'm adding one more thing to The Good/Bad/Ugly and it's WHAT CAN WE DO TO make it better NOW! Focus on solutions more than the problems. What can we do to make it better NOW!: Let Gardner know I've got his back and to play his game. JPJ replaces Whitehair. A couple times I saw a guy Look LOST on Who to block and it was Cody. At least the rookie can do that and get better. Adding a LOT more plays in 12 and 13 sets. Especially being I'm willing to trade Adams. Trade Adams if we can get a decent pick or a player that helps us out this season. I think the guy deserves better than what we can give him and I don't think he makes us a better team until we have a QB that can get him the ball consistently. I think the talk of him wanting out will become a distraction if we don't Win and get him the ball consistently. This could wait til more losses but Bye then we might get low balled. Extend Koonce before he's off IR. Paying one of our own always looks good and he might SIGN after an injury could have ruined his season before FA. All possible and realistic that can be done now and not next off-season.
  9. I usually work the entire weekend and can watch football there for free. Just got covid's positive this morning so I looked into the plans and LOLOLOLOL Almost 500 for Sunday Ticket?!? I'll just miss week one. lol
  10. I usually just call them The Raiders. It's either Oakland Raiders or that. Even in LA I called them the Raiders more than the other.
  11. So happy I got to go to the first game of the last season in Oakland. I was pissed we just traded Mack but the tailgate environment was so much fun. Even before we were allowed in to park a LOT of Raider fans were parked on some street and it was like pre-gaming for the tailgate. lol When I'm in Vegas during games it's fun to just hang out on the South end of the strip and people watch.
  12. The possibility of civil unrest is the bigger threat but they won't talk about that. Also 'X' being cancelled might make some bad reviews from players when they get back to the states. Some serious bad stuff happens all the time there let alone what might be happening if there's a world stage to make a statement. X gonna give it to ya...
  13. Living in Vegas is a lot cheaper. Just stay away from the tourist areas and it's a lot cheaper. Groceries/services/eating out/gas and rent/housing. It's gone up quite a bit the past few years but not at Cali levels. Spent the past year living in Vegas and working weekends in Cali so I saw the price differences a lot then.
  14. DEAL...Got a feeling we will have to give up the haul for 2 drafts we're so desperate looking. lol
  15. I see it as allowing the owners to get a half a billion out of their franchise before the bubble bursts. Finding an owner to pay 5-6 billion isn't easy but to sell 10% 500-600 million to a PE firm when your product is at an all time high is a smart business decision for you and your family. Growth doesn't last forever so sell some while you're up big like Buffett and BofA
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