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10 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

If not, I'll probably be able to at least start on it around 11 PM tonight.  I've already scored the Platform Peril matchups.  Can't get a head start on the rest because it might give Hockey an unfair advantage knowing how much he has to/doesn't have to score. 

whats the verdict @Outpost31

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(60) (4 away)I’ll put a bit more focus on the second name I mentioned, DE Carlos Watkins.  He was pressed into action following a torn triceps muscle ended Christian Covington’s season, and he eventually found himself lining up at NT and DE in games.  He was a slow starter, but towards the end of the season, you saw him beating single blocks.  

(47) (9 away) The player closest to the average gets twenty points.  The second closest gets fifteen points.  Third closest gets ten points.  Fourth closest gets five points.  Furthest from the average gets no points.  If players tie, they both get the prize.  But really, I am going to win.

(40) (16 away) The player closest to the average gets 20 points.  The second closest gets 15 points.  Third closest gets 10 points.  Fourth closest gets 5 points.  Furthest from the average gets no points.  If players tie, they both get the prize. 

(78) (22 away) This is my message to all.  The longer I talk the closer I come to winning.  The pickle was squashed but you forgot the biggest creature left.  Orcas are the greatest animal on earth.  They are almost magical in nature and fierce to the core.  They are the king of the sea and the great white is their prey.  Any sea environment without equal.  Flying through the air or swimming to the bottom, they soar to the sky. 

ET is the undisputed Champion of Writes of Passage.  He scores 20.
Malf scores 15.
Touch scores 10
Orca scores 5.



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Malf 26 points (41 total)
Orca - Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay (8 Points)
Touch - Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay (8 Points)
ET80 - Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay, Stay (10 Points)

Et80 18 points (38 total)
Orca - Push, Push, Pull, Stay, Pull, Push, Pull, Stay, Pull, Pull (8 Points)
Malf - Push, Push, Pull, Stay, Pull, Push, Pull, Stay, Pull, Pull (6 Points)
Touch - Push, Push, Pull, Stay, Pull, Push, Pull, Stay, Pull, Pull (4 Points)

Orca 26 points (31 total)
ET80 - Pull, Pull, Stay, Pull, Push, Pull, Stay, Pull, Push, Pull (10 Points)
Malf - Stay, Stay, Pull, Pull, Push, Pull, Push, Push, Stay, Pull (6 Points)
Touch - Pull, Pull, Push, Stay, Pull, Stay, Stay, Push, Stay, Stay (10 points)

Touch 18 points (28 total)
ET80 - Push, Push, Push, Stay, Pull, Pull, Push, Push, Stay, Pull (6 Points)
Malf - Pull, Pull, Push, Stay, Push, Pull, Pull, Stay, Push, Stay (6 Points)
Orca - Pull, Stay, Stay, Pull, Push, Pull, Stay, Stay, Push, Push (6 Points)

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In light of a dominating performance in Swimming With Sharks, we are going to see if anybody has a chance to defeat Malf. 

We are going to do Malf's Lock and Keys rolls.  If he gets his lock unlocked within 60 rolls, he WINS. 

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17 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

(47) (9 away) The player closest to the average gets twenty points.  The second closest gets fifteen points.  Third closest gets ten points.  Fourth closest gets five points.  Furthest from the average gets no points.  If players tie, they both get the prize.  But really, I am going to win.


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@Malfatron, how does the final four feel?

@ET80, are you surprised you've made it this far?

@Hockey5djh, I'm 12 episodes into a the Sopranos and I think Livia Soprano is the best female villain since Nurse Ratchet in One Flew Ober the Cuckoo's nest.  Do you agree or maybe Professor Umbridge in Harry Potter, but certainly the best female villain in television.  Do you agree?

@The Orca, does it hurt seeing your brother in the jury box?

@theuntouchable, who is the next member of our jury?

It is time to vote.  Deadline is 11 PM CST Friday.

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