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Just now, EliteTexan80 said:

Reality is, your own regional bias bled into this.

@EliteTexan80, @MookieMonster, how can you honestly continue this nonsense when it's clear this is the reason?  Are you going to let this ruin the game for you because I've never heard of cleaning the yard before? 

I've already mentioned regional bias before.  It harmed Funky Bunch.  Shady is literally from a different country and it harmed him in the word association game.  Shady didn't respond in any way other than an LOL, yeah, regional bias hurt me in this one. 

1. LTBF was guessing rake long before.  You had the opportunity to clarify.  Landscaping/cleaning?  Simple as that.
2. Regional Bias.
3. Funky Bunch literally hasn't even finished their challenge yet.
4. It cost you five minutes MAXIMUM.  Your score was 16.  The earliest you could have gotten rake was 11. 
5. If you continue to nitpick and Funky Bunch loses, THEY will nitpick.  You don't want this to come down to a nitpicking competition when Funky Bunch already has 3 minutes from their Reward Challenge, thanks to Mookie not getting any correct.

Funky Bunch, if you take more than 14 minutes, feel free to nitpick on some of the responses I gave to you. 

I'm not changing my mind.  I gave you two Minutes back.  That's all I'm doing, and now you've both opened the door for Funky Bunch to nitpick on the responses I give to them.  Even if I gave it to you on 11, Funky Bunch still has a 3 minute head start.  We can play this nitpicking game all night, but all three of us know it won't change the outcome unless Funky Bunch has a complete and total meltdown.

You're all competitive.  I get it.  So am I.  If you both took a moment to reflect without the anger of pending defeat, you'd see it's not nearly as big an issue as you make it out to be, that you could have avoided it, and that it didn't cost you nearly as much as you seem to think it did. 

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

He was obviously saying take BEFORE the clean question for it to be disregarded AFTER the clean question .....

No, no he is not. It means specifically what he said - we asked clean (which makes sense when you see "broom" as a guess) thought take, asked a Question and was told no.

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Just curious i haven't caught up yet, but did you say a broom cleans? Cause it is the same thing. If they didn't ask that I bet you would have answered yes to it.. but in reality it sweeps not cleans lol

Also I don't like the use of the /...seems like 2 questions in one...but whatever. I agree let's see what the other group does

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Just now, LetTheBallFly said:

Also I don't like the use of the /...seems like 2 questions in one...but whatever. I agree let's see what the other group does

I interpreted the / as that as well, which is why I didn't use it, but I'm not going to harp too much on that.

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3 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:


Just curious i haven't caught up yet, but did you say a broom cleans? Cause it is the same thing. If they didn't ask that I bet you would have answered yes to it.. but in reality it sweeps not cleans lol

Also I don't like the use of the /...seems like 2 questions in one...but whatever. I agree let's see what the other group does

I'll add a broom cleans inside and the rake is the same thing for the outside imo. 

Let's hope the other group is asleep at the wheel and this is all talk lol

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1 hour ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Is it a broom? No
Would you use it to clean? No

Look at the specific order we asked the questions. We narrowed it down to broom or mop. Had we got a "yes" I was going to ask "do you get it wet" and go from there.

59 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Would you use it to cook? No
Do you sit on it? No
Is it bigger than a basketball? Yes
Do you store things in it? No
Do females primarily use it? No
Is it used for maintenance/Repair? Yes
Do you hit things with it? No
Shovel? No
Does it cut things? No
Does it put things together? Technicality
Is it a tool? Yes
Does it cost more than 25 dollars? Technicality

By my count, that's at least a 5 minute swing.

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1 minute ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Look at the specific order we asked the questions. We narrowed it down to broom or mop. Had we got a "yes" I was going to ask "do you get it wet" and go from there.

Oh.  Thank you.  You just admitted that it would have taken you at least 13 minutes.

Youre beautiful, ET.

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4 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Oh.  Thank you.  You just admitted that it would have taken you at least 13 minutes.

Youre beautiful, ET.


7 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

By my count, that's at least a 5 minute swing.

Tell me where my math is off...

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4 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Is it a broom?  No.

Do you use it to clean?  Yes.

Do you get it wet? Plus one other question.  No, plus other answer.


If you said no it doesn't get wet I would have "circumvented" ET and just guessed rake :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Is it a thing? Yes
Is it a place? No
Is it a person? No
Is it an animal?  No
Is it found on our Survivor Island? No
Can it be held in one hand? Yes
Does it need an energy source? No
Can you eat it? No
Is it bigger than a cell phone?  Yes
Can it be found in a house? Technicality
Is it made primarily of metal? No
Is it made primarily out of wood? Yes
Is it used in a sport? No
Is it used for entertainment? No
Do you put things in it? No
Would somebody use it frequently? Yes
Is it a broom? No
Would you use it to clean? No
Would you use it to cook? No
Do you sit on it? No
Is it bigger than a basketball? Yes
Do you store things in it? No
Do females primarily use it? No
Is it used for maintenance/Repair? Yes
Do you hit things with it? No
Shovel? No
Does it cut things? No
Does it put things together? Technicality
Is it a tool? Yes
Does it cost more than 25 dollars? Technicality

Here's every question we asked. Everything in italics is feasibly removed if we get a straight answer on ONE question.

*Shrug* whatever, I guess. My weekend just started, talk to you Monday.

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1 minute ago, LetTheBallFly said:

If you said no it doesn't get wet I would have "circumvented" ET and just guessed rake :ph34r:

And we would have told you to do so.

You played a good game, bud. Sorry it played out as is, but can't do much when the deck is stacked and the dice are fixed...

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Is it a thing? Yes
Is it a place? No

Is it a person? No
Is it an animal?  No

Is it found on our Survivor Island? No
Can it be held in one hand? Yes

Does it need an energy source? No
Can you eat it? No

Is it bigger than a cell phone?  Yes
Can it be found in a house? Technicality

Is it made primarily of metal? No
Is it made primarily out of wood? Yes

Is it used in a sport? No
Is it used for entertainment? No

Do you put things in it? No
Would somebody use it frequently? Yes

Is it a broom? No
Would you use it to clean? No
Would you use it to cook? No

That is 10 Minutes. 

You said your next guess would have been

Is it a mop?

11 minutes. 

Do you get it wet?
Other question.

12 minutes


13 minutes.

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