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LeBron James to the Lakers 4 Years/$154M

brownie man

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21 hours ago, Kip Smithers said:

On another topic, do you guys see Philly being a fit for LeBron. I don’t see it.

I do. But what is funny is the media seems to try to push LeBron away from going to Philly by continuing to say how terrible of a fit it would be. It wouldn't be ideal and it take some sacrificing from both LeBron and Simmons, but it could absolutely work. LeBron would have to work more so on the block/elbow area, but that's exactly how he should end his career anyways. No need to waste so much energy running a thousand high pick and rolls a game and it's not like he will be the sole shot creator for his teammates. Simmons will be the best passer he has ever played with and he could take care of the playmaking role for the most part. And LeBron by accident will average six-seven assists a game by just passing out of the double teams. 

The defensive potential of that Philly team is insane. LeBron could be more aggressive trying to get steals and in the passing lane with Embiid behind him. I mean LeBron at this point isn't all of a sudden going to put maximum effort on that end of the floor but wouldn't have to either. Simmons will have to at least start attempting some jumpers like Rondo. Could still be suspect but can't just turn down every shot. Great defensive teams will eventually expose you. 

And one way to mitigate teams playing off of Simmons is having him as the roll man with LeBron running the pick and roll. So either teams will have to switch or then have Simmons either finish or find someone open off the roll. Definitely will have to re-sign Redick some how or another sniper. 

Then just imagine if Fultz gets a decent jump shot. This team will be an absolute machine. 

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1 minute ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

I do. But what is funny is the media seems to try to push LeBron away from going to Philly by continuing to say how terrible of a fit it would be. It wouldn't be ideal and it take some sacrificing from both LeBron and Simmons, but it could absolutely work. LeBron would have to work more so on the block/elbow area, but that's exactly how he should end his career anyways. No need to waste so much energy running a thousand high pick and rolls a game and it's not like he will be the sole shot creator for his teammates. Simmons will be the best passer he has ever played with and he could take care of the playmaking role for the most part. And LeBron by accident will average six-seven assists a game by just passing out of the double teams. 

The defensive potential of that Philly team is insane. LeBron could be more aggressive trying to get steals and in the passing lane with Embiid behind him. I mean LeBron at this point isn't all of a sudden going to put maximum effort on that end of the floor but wouldn't have to either. Simmons will have to at least start attempting some jumpers like Rondo. Could still be suspect but can't just turn down every shot. Great defensive teams will eventually expose you. 

And one way to mitigate teams playing off of Simmons is having him as the roll man with LeBron running the pick and roll. So either teams will have to switch or then have Simmons either finish or find someone open off the roll. Definitely will have to re-sign Redick some how or another sniper. 

Then just imagine if Fultz gets a decent jump shot. This team will be an absolute machine. 

If LeBron does want to go to Philly, I imagine it would be a sign and trade with Cleveland. Philly does not have quite the LeBron max space. If I was in the Cleveland FO, I would ask for Covington, Bayless, Fultz, and #10 for LeBron and Korver (your other sniper). Then they could still probably create enough space for another vet to bring in for LeBron, like PG13.

Might seem like a lot for Philly in a S&T but it allows them to land both Bron and PG13






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No, he could go to Philly without a S&T as they can easily create enough for the max slot. But you brought up an interesting scenario. They could sign George with the open max slot and then S&T for LeBron. Now that would work. And it would suck to lose Fultz, but in the scenario you presented with the chance to get PG and LBJ? You gotta do it.

Lawd a team with Simmons/PG/LBJ/Embiid would be nasty. 

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15 minutes ago, MookieMonster said:

You're crazy. That team ain't close to what Houston, Boston, LA, hell even New Orleans could put together. 

Lebron is nuts if he goes to Clippers.


basketball's played with more than 3 players mate.

Houston would have Paul/Harden/James and nothing else. all three ball dominant wings/guards. you're gonna have something like Ryan Anderson/Nene at 4/5. ouch

Pels pretty much the same. LeBron/Davis/Cousins is an amazing trio, but then who else? Jrue would be great too, but then that's basically your whole salary right there.

Boston would be better, sure. but hard to see him going there because it would be the ultimate KD beta move, and he's got a long competitive history against them.

Lakers? he goes there he's basically just betting on Ball/Ingram/Randle becoming stars. a lot of uncertainty. or else he's kinda just trying to build a team the same as that Clippers squad. no reason to go to the Lakers when all the pieces excluding George are already there with the Clippers.

the big difference at the end of the day is the draft picks. everyone outside of the Lakers will need cap gymnastics to pull it off. Clippers have two attractive draft picks to help with dumping contracts. Houston/New Orleans don't. it's really not close, and it's not that difficult for the Clippers to pull that team off with Bron/George signing on

so the Clippers end up with a core of James/George/DeAndre and the rest of the team are quality, proven role players. Houston/New Orleans aren't comparable outside of the top 3. Lakers are way behind, and totally unproven.

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1 hour ago, Buckrock101 said:

basketball's played with more than 3 players mate.

Houston would have Paul/Harden/James and nothing else. all three ball dominant wings/guards. you're gonna have something like Ryan Anderson/Nene at 4/5. ouch

Pels pretty much the same. LeBron/Davis/Cousins is an amazing trio, but then who else? Jrue would be great too, but then that's basically your whole salary right there.

Boston would be better, sure. but hard to see him going there because it would be the ultimate KD beta move, and he's got a long competitive history against them.

Lakers? he goes there he's basically just betting on Ball/Ingram/Randle becoming stars. a lot of uncertainty. or else he's kinda just trying to build a team the same as that Clippers squad. no reason to go to the Lakers when all the pieces excluding George are already there with the Clippers.

the big difference at the end of the day is the draft picks. everyone outside of the Lakers will need cap gymnastics to pull it off. Clippers have two attractive draft picks to help with dumping contracts. Houston/New Orleans don't. it's really not close, and it's not that difficult for the Clippers to pull that team off with Bron/George signing on

so the Clippers end up with a core of James/George/DeAndre and the rest of the team are quality, proven role players. Houston/New Orleans aren't comparable outside of the top 3. Lakers are way behind, and totally unproven.

When you get Lebron the cheap veteran contracts come flowing.

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11 hours ago, Buckrock101 said:

my dream scenario for lebron might still be the Clippers. with the two pretty decent draft picks they have, as well as a whole lot of their cap on shorter deals, they are actually really well set up to cut a lot of room. think they could do enough to keep a decent amount of their core and be able to get lebron and george, maybe assuming a sign and trade for one of them.

got Teodosic and Johnson on expiring deals after 2018 for about 6 mill each

22 mil in expiring contracts for Rivers and Boban too, though it would be good to try and keep them, since both guys are pretty valuable bench pieces

toughest piece to move is Gallo, but with his deal only being 2 more years and the fact he was a decent piece the year before, you can attach one of the picks to him and move him

get Deandre to come back, pick up team option on Beverley, did the math and I think you have about 79m committed, including Rivers and Boban

add lebron and george and you have

-Beverley / LouWil
-George / Rivers
-Bron / Dekker / vet?
-Harris / Harrell / vet?
-DeAndre / Boban

that's as good a situation as you're going to get for bron (and george) imo. that team's great defensively, great coach with a ton of experience and respect, got shooters, got ball handlers to take some of the load off (but who can still play off ball). got rebounding, including maybe the best in the league. and they get to do it all in LA, where it seems they both want to be.

call me crazy but I think that's objectively better than what it would be if they went to the Lakers together, or if Bron went to Houston.

That's nice and all, but that team is impossible to put together.

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13 minutes ago, Buckrock101 said:

which cheap veterans, in the price range for a capped out team, are going to be as good as Harris/Beverley/Lou Williams/Rivers?

They don't need to be as good as them because you have a bunch of all stars. If you seriously think that Clippers team is better than Lebron on Boston, Houston, LA or New Orleans...well, you're just wrong.

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1 hour ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

No, he could go to Philly without a S&T as they can easily create enough for the max slot. But you brought up an interesting scenario. They could sign George with the open max slot and then S&T for LeBron. Now that would work. And it would suck to lose Fultz, but in the scenario you presented with the chance to get PG and LBJ? You gotta do it.

Lawd a team with Simmons/PG/LBJ/Embiid would be nasty. 

From what I read they can clear up around $30 millino in cap space. ~$5million under what LeBron can max at but that is more than PG13 can... i could be very wrong though.

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2 minutes ago, FEARtheELF said:

From what I read they can clear up around $30 millino in cap space. ~$5million under what LeBron can max at but that is more than PG13 can... i could be very wrong though.

All they have to do is trade Bayless and Anderson and then they can sign LeBron to his max.

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3 hours ago, MookieMonster said:

Of course we do. Its pretty easy to work around though. What deal are you concerned about? Teams can dump salary, stretch contracts, trade for non guaranteed contracts to cut guys. Always a way around the cap my man.

This is also rich coming from a Rockets fan talking about signing Lebron and keeping Capela..............

no one has said the rockets could sign Lebron and keep Capela unless Lebron takes a pay cut. In fact The rockets can't sign Lebron at all with Harden and CP3 both on the roster, if they get rid of everyone else,  unless someone takes a pay cut. There is a difference between far fetched cap clearing moves, and putting together impossible rosters. 

The above trade, there is no way for the clippers to sign Lebron and PG while keeping their entire team? No one can sign both guys without gutting their current team. There is no way to sign both, and Deandre Jordan while keeping Harris, Williams, Rivers, Beverly and Dekker. As soon as Jordan opts out of his deal, his cap hold becomes in the 30 million range, which means to keep him and Sign Lebron and PG, everyone else has to go. They cant even sign Lebron without ditching a large portion of the roster. 

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The 76ers can trade Bayless and anderson and have the cap room to sign Lebron

Then they can easily put together a great package for Leonard. Fultz and Covington would work math wise, plus picks. Maybe the Spurs get lucky and they give up Saric too. 

If i am the 76ers, assuming Leonard is 100% and would be willing to sign long term, and assuming Lebron would committ to the team as well, I am offering a package of Ben Simmons, Fultz and Korkmaz for Leonard. I would keep Covington if I could because the Lebron/Leonard/Covington trio would be able to guard anything. Simmons is not a great fit next to Lebron, and are they really going to have Simmons be the 4th option? You dont bring in Leonard to be the 4th option. send Simmons out to the Spurs and keep the 10th pick in the draft and Saric. 

Starting 5 of McConnel/Covington/Lebron/Leonard/Embiid with Saric able to play with the group while Lebron runs the point 

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5 minutes ago, Pastor Dillon said:

The 76ers can trade Bayless and anderson and have the cap room to sign Lebron

Then they can easily put together a great package for Leonard. Fultz and Covington would work math wise, plus picks. Maybe the Spurs get lucky and they give up Saric too. 

If i am the 76ers, assuming Leonard is 100% and would be willing to sign long term, and assuming Lebron would committ to the team as well, I am offering a package of Ben Simmons, Fultz and Korkmaz for Leonard. I would keep Covington if I could because the Lebron/Leonard/Covington trio would be able to guard anything. Simmons is not a great fit next to Lebron, and are they really going to have Simmons be the 4th option? You dont bring in Leonard to be the 4th option. send Simmons out to the Spurs and keep the 10th pick in the draft and Saric. 

Starting 5 of McConnel/Covington/Lebron/Leonard/Embiid with Saric able to play with the group while Lebron runs the point 

You'd give up Simmons and Fultz?

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