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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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18 minutes ago, LeeEvans said:

After the episode on the summary of the episode. He wasnt twisting their words either, that's exactly what they said. That segment actually makes me bummed out more than episodes ever could. They just want to create those moments of shock, that's all they care about.

Actually it's not what they said at all.  I'm guessing you're misremembering their comments about wanting the audience to forget about Arya and using the misdirect with Jon being pinned down by Drogon

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1 minute ago, Superman(DH23) said:

They didnt, the bts featurette specifically says they knew since season 3 that Arya was going to kill the NK (interesting choice of words here too, not decided, they knew, almost as if GRRM had told them at that point when he was still doing outlines that Arya was going to be the one to kill the NK)

Yeah, that's exactly what I saw as well (and mentioned it in the thread a few times). I thought maybe I missed something else that happened, but nope.

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3 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

They could explain it that since Arya is now "nobody", she is just a tool/weapon, and actually Bran is the prince. By saying Bran used his abilities to orchestrate everything and put Arya in that spot at that time, they can say Bran is really the one that "killed" the NK. Arya was just the weapon.

I suppose Arya herself could be Lightbringer since as you say she could be interpreted as a weapon. She was heading north to get to Jon which would mean figuratively that he did in fact bring it forth.

But that's alot of God **** assumptions.

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1 minute ago, Superman(DH23) said:

They didnt, the bts featurette specifically says they knew since season 3 that Arya was going to kill the NK (interesting choice of words here too, not decided, they knew, almost as if GRRM had told them at that point when he was still doing outlines that Arya was going to be the one to kill the NK)

They said they decided Arya would kill him 3 years ago, not in Season 3 (which is closer to 8 years ago). Three years ago they were probably shooting Season 7.

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27 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Here we are again with people not understanding what a "plot hole" even is.  Writing choices you dont agree with are not plot holes.  Not having your hand held for a character executing already demonstrated abilities is not a plot hole.  It is a you problem, not a material problem. 

You should read the source material then go back and watch the show. So you would know what the plot holes are instead of claiming everyone doesn't understand the meaning.

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2 minutes ago, Superman(DH23) said:

Actually it's not what they said at all.  I'm guessing you're misremembering their comments about wanting the audience to forget about Arya and using the misdirect with Jon being pinned down by Drogon

I haven't watched it since Sunday night but I could have sworn the quote was something along the lines of:

We didn't choose Jon because it didnt feel right (what!?) and Arya was unexpected (which they went into detail about why they had her run away and then go off screen). 

As I said, maybe I misheard or am misremembering but I could have swore it was around those lines.

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Just now, Calvert28 said:

You should read the source material then go back and watch the show. So you would know what the plot holes are instead of claiming everyone doesn't understand the meaning.

Lol, I've read the source material, and I'm the guy nobody likes to watch a show or movie with the first time bc I pick up on the details of the writing and can usually predict.the ending very quick.  I'm the guy that writers write for.  But hey, you read something on the internet so it must be true

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1 minute ago, Heimdallr said:

"She seemed like the best candidate"

"We hoped to avoid the expected"

"Jon has always been the hero and savior, but it just... didn't seem right to us for this moment"

You're taking these out of context.

They said that she seemed like the best candidate IF they could draw focus off her. They said they hoped to avoid the expected, therefore they kept her off screen so you would forget she was going off to do something.

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Just now, LeeEvans said:

Okay, some I'm not crazy? Good.

Yeah, those were the quotes I was talking about. I understand they wanted it to be a surprise during the episode, but the actual reason they picked her 3 years ago had nothing to do with the lore or prophecy, it is just what they felt like.

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3 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

They said they decided Arya would kill him 3 years ago, not in Season 3 (which is closer to 8 years ago). Three years ago they were probably shooting Season 7.

I think you're right. Which would place it at 2016 which would mean they were shooting season 7.

Strange, they take it as the gospel truth that these guys are true to their word. They've known for 3 years what they were going to do. Yet they claim the only reason why Martin allowed them to make the show in the first place is because they accurately predicted the end of the show.  Which would have been around 2008 and 2009. So how did Martin tell them that Arya is gonna kill the NK and yet they've only known her true purpose for only 3 years now? Which not only would have put it well past the episode of Milessandre taking Gendry but well well past them "accurately" predicting the end for GOT? Something isn't adding up that this is what Martin is going to do for the books.

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