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Packers Lions Post Game


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47 minutes ago, Kenrik said:

So you think we should have played Rodgers more in the preseason? Cmon thats just stupid. Mac didnt think Rodgers would get injured in the first game of the year and not be able to practice. 

No... not saying that. I’m saying with him getting injured they need to put the offense through a simpler lens. And force Aaron to not play hero ball. Focus on just getting first downs. Focus on three step drops and ball out... to jones out of the backfield, Adams on a slant. Drive the defense in to then go deep.

Focus on easy throws and plays... to give confidence for everyone.

look the lack of practice is hurting Rodgers accuracy no doubt. But honestly I’m sure Rodgers is ready to go full speed... but it’s not about just Rodgers, his teammates might not be ready to go full speed. If you aren’t going to use preseason to work thru it, you then need practice reps.... or we all need to understand THIS offense will always be a late bloomer 

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Just now, Green19 said:

No... not saying that. I’m saying with him getting injured they need to put the offense through a simpler lens. And force Aaron to not play hero ball. Focus on just getting first downs. Focus on three step drops and ball out... to jones out of the backfield, Adams on a slant. Drive the defense in to then go deep.

Focus on easy throws and plays... to give confidence for everyone.

look the lack of practice is hurting Rodgers accuracy no doubt. But honestly I’m sure Rodgers is ready to go full speed... but it’s not about just Rodgers, his teammates might not be ready to go full speed.

I don't think Mike can force Aaron to do anything tbh lol. Not even kidding. What's he gonna do? Bench him? He'd get fired before the game ended.

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22 hours ago, PACKRULE said:

Mac loves passing in the RZ. Loves it rarely do we run or offer it. He seemed better a couple games this year well not really. But he cuts his run plays from the play calling in the RZ. Every DC will know this and know his tendencies. We are a good team with capable players. Mac is predictable and stale though. He call win games and he’s adjusted things in the passing game but we re still not that creative. Loved Mac back in the day but he’s really set in his ways it’s too bad too as a slight change could be huge. That Or AR isn’t taking the right reads on the plays. Either way it’s real possible a change is required at the top. 

Chris Speilman was predicting exactly what he was going to do on that series inside the 5 and he was 100% correct.  He knew exactly what was going to be called based on the personnel groupings.  Extremely predictable.  

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1 minute ago, Norm said:

I don't think Mike can force Aaron to do anything tbh lol. Not even kidding. What's he gonna do? Bench him? He'd get fired before the game ended.

I agree... it’s why they are both to blame honestly. They created this offense but neither want to adjust.

it will take a new voice to challenge Aaron, but it needs to be someone Aaron respects. Someone that constructs an offense and shows Aaron if he stays within it how it sets up everything.

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2 hours ago, packfanfb said:

Coaches fall on the swords of their players' poor play all the time. It's not a fair league. If the players were executing, you wouldnt need to fire the coach. So when they don't execute the coach is blamed. Its the way it works. Past time MM falls on the sword...

Good coaches will take blame for loses now and then. That's what leaders do. Players respect that. Yet Fat Mac never takes blame. It's ALWAYS on the players.

And then there's people here whining about me because I don't put any blame on the players and put it all on the coach. This is hilarious.

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4 minutes ago, Slinky said:

Oh, so now stats don't count but the eyeball test does. Lol

Jimmy Graham used to grade out as a better blocker than Rob Gronkowski. Those aren't "stats." I don't even hate stats. Only nerds that can ONLY use stats and nothing else. Neither of them are everything, but this guy clearly thinks stats are everything. Anyone who wants only one is a tard. This guy, well, he only uses stats. Not to mention his numbers don't work so they are wrong or he just lied because nobody has access to his **** so he doesn't care.

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7 minutes ago, Green19 said:

I agree... it’s why they are both to blame honestly. They created this offense but neither want to adjust.

it will take a new voice to challenge Aaron, but it needs to be someone Aaron respects. Someone that constructs an offense and shows Aaron if he stays within it how it sets up everything.

That I agree with. If someone told me there was a guy who could change his style some, I'd be for it. Clearly Mike can't.

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11 minutes ago, Norm said:

I don't think Mike can force Aaron to do anything tbh lol. Not even kidding. What's he gonna do? Bench him? He'd get fired before the game ended.


MM is under contract for 1-2 more years, Rodgers is under contract for like 6.  Rodgers has far more power over MM currently.  MM is just about a lame duck coach and I think Rodgers calling out the game plan after the BUF game was a shot across the bow of MM.  

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2 minutes ago, Slinky said:

Good coaches will take blame for loses now and then. That's what leaders do. Players respect that. Yet Fat Mac never takes blame. It's ALWAYS on the players.

And then there's people here whining about me because I don't put any blame on the players and put it all on the coach. This is hilarious.

This is just flat out wrong. McCarthy talks about needing to be prepared all the time and if his players aren’t... that’s on him.

McCarthy takes blame a lot. If you want to criticize him, there are plenty of areas to do so. His accountability isn’t one of them. But I take it that you don’t care to be fair given you go to name calling so easily with the fat mike comment.

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4 minutes ago, Norm said:

That I agree with. If someone told me there was a guy who could change his style some, I'd be for it. Clearly Mike can't.

I don’t blame him for that too much... he is in a tough spot. He pushes too hard, Rodgers goes to Gute, Murphy and says get rid of McCarthy or get rid of me... who is going to win that game?

He needs to get Rodgers on his side but if Rodgers keeps heading down the path he is on.... there isn’t much Mike can do.

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2 minutes ago, Green19 said:

This is just flat out wrong. McCarthy talks about needing to be prepared all the time and if his players aren’t... that’s on him.

McCarthy takes blame a lot. If you want to criticize him, there are plenty of areas to do so. His accountability isn’t one of them. But I take it that you don’t care to be fair given you go to name calling so easily with the fat mike comment.

This guys has a bible sized repository of Mike quotes yet he's NEVER seen him blame himself. This is the insanity I talk about. I can't imagine being so biased that my brain can erase realities from Earth just so I can be right about something so completely trivial to my life.

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Just now, Green19 said:

I don’t blame him for that too much... he is in a tough spot. He pushes too hard, Rodgers goes to Gute, Murphy and says get rid of McCarthy or get rid of me... who is going to win that game?

He needs to get Rodgers on his side but if Rodgers keeps heading down the path he is on.... there isn’t much Mike can do.

That's my feeling, I wasn't blaming him for it. But I get why you might move on if he's not able to "coach" him anymore. It's not really his fault. Mike might even be happier somewhere else tbh, if all this is really true. I totally get how Mike can't reign him in, you're exactly right. He can go, it's him or me, now you never know FOR SURE, but it seems obvious what they would do to me. It's a no brainer, though who knows, a team might go hey, we're not letting anyone, not even HOFers decide who we let coach and do the craziest ballsiest move of all time.

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7 minutes ago, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

What are you referring to?

The grade listed on Aaron Jones pass blocking isn't a stat- it is someone's eyeball test.  It is really dependent on who that individual is.

I let that even go over my head, it was literally a recording of a guy's eyeball test and he mocked the eyeball test. SLINKY STRIKES AGAIN. Dude's been on fiya.

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