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How much potential does Nick Mullens have?


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3 minutes ago, Bearerofnews said:

I dont know about Mullins. But my God is Kittle a beast. He will be the best TE in the league next year.  So explosive. 

I love the physicality of kittles game. When he gets the ball in his hands he looks to punish people and make guys regret hitting him. I also love the way he blocks, very versatile. 

He's incredible after the catch with a coach who knows how to scheme TEs open. It's a lethal combo for sure. 

As for Mullens, he carries himself like a veteran. He's very detail oriented and prepares extremely well. Accurate with the ball and throws it on time. He called himself a 'distributor' and I think that's a good word to describe it. A huge percentage of his passing yards come on YAC because he let's guys run in stide but also because he doesn't have the arm to stretch the field vertically. He doesn't have the best arm for balls outside the numbers and he doesn't move well but he can move within the pocket enough to be effective. 

He has good mechanics and footwork. The last two weeks I've seen a bit more zip on his balls when he needs it because his hips and his lower body are more involved with that throw. He doesn't have wasted motion in his release.

He has good ball fakes on PA and has a very good hard count. He got Seattle to jump 5-7 times last week, that's some savy veteran ish. I have also seen him brush off a few hits and get back up unphased. 

Basically, he is limited physically but he has the mental side of the game down. He works hard, he studies hard, he does all of the little things you like to see in professional quarterbacks. He's the type of backup you want, a guy who could start for an extended period and give you a chance to win every week. He's not going to lose games for you.

He's going to prepare every week like he is the starter. I mean when he was on the practice squad apparently he would take the play sheets after the game and go on to the field and simulate the game while blasting crowd noise in his headphones. I had never heard of anyone doing anything like that. It speaks to his work ethic. 

He's going to be collecting a paycheck for a loong time. 

(He's going to be the next tom Brady so everyone should trade us their first rounders) 

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On 12/19/2018 at 1:19 AM, VanS said:

No.  He's a starter in this league.  He's got a starting caliber arm.

I'd keep him as the starter over Garropolo if I were the Niners but I know that won't happen after now much they paid him.

Nick Mullens has a future in this league.  


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