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Reservoir Dogs Reboot Mafia: Criminals Win!!!


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There is a viability to a strategy involving being the low-hanging fruit when you uncertain to the viability of your survival.  I miscalculated the level to which people would be willing to indulge me on that.  I figured because I have games as mafia, independent, and town that a deviation in strategy would not be a death knell.  

I do not have a win condition, and thus operated under the presumption others are similarly situated.  You stated you had no win condition, which affirmed at least a portion of my theory in my mind.  Therefore, I assumed the protector would not be protecting anyone other than himself right away.  After last game, I felt as though I would have a target on my back early.  So, why not feign a complete lack of care for the outcome to convince scum that I'm not actually playing, while Town does not have enough invested in the game to care, or otherwise would give me a bit more slack since no one is really doing anything (and I am entertaining).

Thus, I'm able to figure out the game for a while, then come out with everything I have.

17 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Just different. You seem panicked

I disagree.  More annoyed than anything.

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lol, if you say so.  I already got a warning for Rule 5, so I have no idea how you have not.

I'm the tracker and thought I stood a better chance of survival and net contribution on the edge of threadplay usefulness than normal given the mechanics.

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This is insanity if you trust Dome on there being some "inside scoop."  I cannot even defend myself to it because I was already told if I keep talking about PMs I'll be modkilled.

You're not even going to know my role or alignment when I die.

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Some of the Dome and Swag interactions feels fabricated and staged.  

Several players deciding to holster vs place a vote, I am not liking that option as it feels like a stall tactic to get more information with Night moves.

Good number of players not posting at all (Pickle, ET, Gopher, James, Whicker, Nazgul)

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