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The Ill Mind of SwAg: Game Thread -- Game Over


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8 minutes ago, Dome said:

As soon as the game started I was handed a N3 bomb, it has nothing to do with my role or character. I have no info to share from my role. I can't help us.

I'm Karl Marx, Swag's Socialist Tendencies


I asked some questions about it but I basically got that it looks legit, I can't defuse it or anything and it will "kill anyone around." If i don't visit someone I believe it will be randomized. I was told "It will still be very destructive to someone regardless" more or less trying not to quote swag directly.

I suggested I could be lynched and toyed with that, but figured that's a weinie's way out and I'd use it on my best read.

I'm visiting gopher, he's a vanilla at worst and could be scum and I don't like his claim one bit.


Don't visit either of us, it'll kill everyone. 

You idiot....

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Just now, gopherwrestler said:

Key words I said. 

*one time

*clue on who I was to @bcb1213 in a message

*no info LAST NIGHT


probably shoulda figured that out

Welp... you could've claimed that earlier. 

Though I doubt it would've been enough to persuade me. I still don't believe you.

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

Voldemort can’t kill Harry Potter you twats

you all on some 1st level thinking today 

you just played right into him 

Maybe. If you posted anytime in the last 16 hours we could have lynched MD4L....but you tunneled on me and disappeared for a day basically 

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Just now, The Orca said:

Maybe. If you posted anytime in the last 16 hours we could have lynched MD4L....but you tunneled on me and disappeared for a day basically 

I had meetings all morning.

dont put this on me lol, as if you were planning on doing something else if I were here

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