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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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Just now, Bednarik60 said:

Jake: "Bro nobody can take my right hook bro!!" 

Conor: " Nobody!?" 

Brad: "You would drop bro" 

Conor: "What *takes shirts off*" 

Jake: "you want this bro!!?" 

10 minutes later they are behind the house in the backyard fighting. 

Pretty much how every "Drunk kick it around a heavy bag" has ever went in my experience. 

Then there's that dude who breaks out the boxing gloves at parties when everybody is drunk. Like doesn't say anything, just quietly gets the gloves and suddenly they're being passed around. All it takes is one dude to put a glove on and make eye contact with another.

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1 minute ago, Kiltman said:

I feel like a lot of people use those apps like that, a way for acceptance....like well these people matched with me so I'm doing ok, people like what I'm selling.

its not a terrible thing, but don't lean on it too heavily Mattsy

i don't think you're ever going to go from not ready to ready...it'll just kinda happen over time.

you'll go from being ok to talk with someone else, to being ok being intimate with someone else, to being ok with a semi regular relationship, and onward.

by the end of it you might not even be happy you left, it could be a non feeling. Like it just is what it was. And now you're doing your own thing.

It wasn't all terrible, at the very least you got some great kids out of it. But dont beat yourself up over deciding to not be miserable. 

Im not beating myself up, haha. She was unfaithful once and was at the bare minimum thinking of having an another affair (I think she already was, but its more speculation than anything). I honestly have no regrets on "leaving" - because I dont feel like I did. I felt like she left the marriage but never divorced me in the process. I mean, people joke about being married is "how long can I stand the other person" - and I would have "put up" with her forever if she was faithful. But oh well, life kicked me in the nuts and thats that. 

That brings me to the now. You are right that there is absolutely a... i dont know the word actually. Not euphoria. hmmm... Excitement maybe? I dont know, there is a fun positive feeling every time someone matches. And it promotes positive self image, so you are spot on. I also agree that I wont plan on when i'll be "ready" - but meeting people and having fun conversations is a great way to start the road to recovery.

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4 minutes ago, Phire said:

Then there's that dude who breaks out the boxing gloves at parties when everybody is drunk. Like doesn't say anything, just quietly gets the gloves and suddenly they're being passed around. All it takes is one dude to put a glove on and make eye contact with another.

Ive had that happen before. And this is spot on for how it transpires. 

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2 minutes ago, Phire said:

Then there's that dude who breaks out the boxing gloves at parties when everybody is drunk. Like doesn't say anything, just quietly gets the gloves and suddenly they're being passed around. All it takes is one dude to put a glove on and make eye contact with another.

Just reminded me of so many terrible parties lol. Seriously this. 

It sounds friendly to, boxing gloves, your drunk feeling them, they are all padded, your thinking more like hardcore pillow fight then boxing match, then two dudes start clobbering each other with over hand rights, your like "not what i was thinking here". 


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2 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Always the coin behind the ear or the "is that my phone number in your pocket" trick. 

Imma try that. 


"Can I show you a magic trick? Im going to need to see your cell phone." *takes phone, dials my number, hangs up* "I have magically created a way for you to contact me at all hours of the night"

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Just now, Bednarik60 said:

Just reminded me of so many terrible parties lol. Seriously this. 

It sounds friendly to, boxing gloves, your drunk feeling them, they are all padded, your thinking more like hardcore pillow fight then boxing match, then two dudes start clobbering each other with over hand rights, your like "not what i was thinking here". 

I've seen friendships never recover lol.

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Imma try that. 


"Can I show you a magic trick? Im going to need to see your cell phone." *takes phone, dials my number, hangs up* "I have magically created a way for you to contact me at all hours of the night"


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1 minute ago, Bednarik60 said:

Just reminded me of so many terrible parties lol. Seriously this. 

It sounds friendly to, boxing gloves, your drunk feeling them, they are all padded, your thinking more like hardcore pillow fight then boxing match, then two dudes start clobbering each other with over hand rights, your like "not what i was thinking here". 


I used to play bball with a big group of dudes. This happened sober. One of the dude just shows up with 2 pairs, saying he just bought them. About 15 minutes later two dudes are beating the hell out of each other. like... im here for basketball. lets do the basketball. 

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4 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Im not beating myself up, haha. She was unfaithful once and was at the bare minimum thinking of having an another affair (I think she already was, but its more speculation than anything). I honestly have no regrets on "leaving" - because I dont feel like I did. I felt like she left the marriage but never divorced me in the process. I mean, people joke about being married is "how long can I stand the other person" - and I would have "put up" with her forever if she was faithful. But oh well, life kicked me in the nuts and thats that. 

That brings me to the now. You are right that there is absolutely a... i dont know the word actually. Not euphoria. hmmm... Excitement maybe? I dont know, there is a fun positive feeling every time someone matches. And it promotes positive self image, so you are spot on. I also agree that I wont plan on when i'll be "ready" - but meeting people and having fun conversations is a great way to start the road to recovery.

Yea I knew about that...just in the sense of don't let it hold you back. 
It can be incredibly lonely not getting out into the world and meeting people...I was stuck in that for awhile.
Just trying to make sure you take some Matts time, even if it's foreign or not super natural after not having to do it really for more than a decade.

Take your time with it...but the more you push the better.

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I used to play bball with a big group of dudes. This happened sober. One of the dude just shows up with 2 pairs, saying he just bought them. About 15 minutes later two dudes are beating the hell out of each other. like... im here for basketball. lets do the basketball. 

lol been buddies every day but those gloves make it ok to beat the crap out of each other with in 15 minutes. Sometimes there is no doubt in my mind we came from monkeys lol. 

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