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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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Just now, Bednarik60 said:

Your the first person who has brought him up on here, i mentioned him a bunch in old TAET's and these squares never gave a F$T^(. 

When he starts putting his fingers in other peoples mouth and telling them to not look at him look at the parrot... LMAO... 

"Look at the parrot, I'm getting edited out...that's why I'm wearing the suit". As he humps the person. The dude is nuts.

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2 minutes ago, Phire said:

I think part of that is reluctance to give money to Joseph Stalin who was starving and mass murdering his own people way before WWII.

Yeah we never did that either ¬¬.  Not to mention were still doing it at the time. 

I get it, Stalin bad guy, but Hitler REAAAAALY BAD GUY. 

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I would argue tho, our government  was protecting us from communism or Americans sympathizing with some of those ideals. Slowly beatnick thing was taken a shape and Americas were started to enter the early early stages of counter culture. 

Some of those Russian revolutions were brutal/barbaric. 

Im in no way a Russian or communist sympathizer in one bit. 

Edited by Bednarik60
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8 minutes ago, Jlash said:

"Look at the parrot, I'm getting edited out...that's why I'm wearing the suit". As he humps the person. The dude is nuts.

Dude i love when he trashes his set randomly. 

Or the pen!s coming through the desk when he has a guest, kills me. 

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Just now, Bednarik60 said:
5 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

what about Lend-Lease?

Most of the aid didn't come until 1944. In 1941 we gave the Russians  $360,000 dollars while we were giving other countries millions and millions of dollars LOL. 

We gave them pennies compared to the other countries to. 

Are you including the many military vehicles & weaponry sent, many of which were used in the biggest battles for Russia?

It also took a little while to fully crank the American War Machine..they didnt just flick a switch and produce the incredible amount of stuff that they did overnight.

It's also a logistics thing...many US factories and steel mills were on the east coast, the Russians were fighting their war in west Russia.
And we had a huge ocean, filled with another force in the Japanese that the Russians barely did anything about, standing in the way of getting them there.
It was inefficient to focus on that, they could crank stuff out and get it into the war way quicker on the Western Front.

While it wasn't as dramatic, WW2 also had waves of technology that affected the war...and you had a very tuned and smart bunch of german scientists you were competing against.
The months it'd take to setup and execute a similar supply path to Russia would've not worked out so great. As The Germans would have a clear technological edge (faster planes that could go longer, more advanced ships) Meanwhile The Western front is lost entirely probably, as America, Britain, Canada, etc can't regain a foothold cause they gave it up for two long.
Britain would continue to get bombed mercilessly  until they are pretty much out of the war. And then where would we be?

The Allies gave Russian aid...way more than the Soviets let on as it's come out after the fall.
Sacrifices were made to help a needier and closer ally in Britain, and to try to reclaim what remained in France.

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5 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Yeah we never did that either ¬¬.  Not to mention were still doing it at the time. 

I get it, Stalin bad guy, but Hitler REAAAAALY BAD GUY. 

It's just an explanation for why we wouldn't give the same aid to the USSR as we would the UK, for example. We were already kind of fighting an ideological war against collectivist dictatorships that went all the way through the Cold War (another interesting era). The U.S. was probably hoping Hitler and Stalin would beat each other into oblivion.

For reference:


The result of Stalin’s policies was the Great Famine (Holodomor) of 1932–33—a man-made demographic catastrophe unprecedented in peacetime. Of the estimated six to eight million people who died in the Soviet Union, about four to five million were Ukrainians. The famine was a direct assault on the Ukrainian peasantry, which had stubbornly continued to resist collectivization; indirectly, it was an attack on the Ukrainian village, which traditionally had been a key element of Ukrainian national culture. Its deliberate nature is underscored by the fact that no physical basis for famine existed in Ukraine.


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11 minutes ago, Phire said:
21 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Yeah we never did that either ¬¬.  Not to mention were still doing it at the time. 

I get it, Stalin bad guy, but Hitler REAAAAALY BAD GUY. 

It's just an explanation for why we wouldn't give the same aid to the USSR as we would the UK, for example. We were already kind of fighting an ideological war against collectivist dictatorships that went all the way through the Cold War (another interesting era). The U.S. was probably hoping Hitler and Stalin would beat each other into oblivion.

Yea ideally I think they did hope it'd happen.

I think people knew eventually Stalin and the Soviets would be a problem..they were Punk to the US/UK's rock and roll just with real world consequences. 
But instead of peacefully enacting their systems and sticking to the ideals they were founded on.
They bullied, killed and burnt their own on their way to become a new nation for the ashes of old Russia.

It's like giving the Redskins a bunch of your players to beat the Cowboys, only to then have to face off against the Redskins to win the division...only you don't get any of those players back.

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