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Mafia Mafia - Town Wins


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8 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Are you guys serious?  You have got to be ******* with me. 

I spoke in vowels every phase D3 onward.  No idea what Rick is talking about with 2 hours.  I replaced Ragnarok and was immediately pushed by Matts.  I was the lynch until 15 minutes before the deadline.  During that time time I calmly explained the flaws of the argument and no one ******* listened — despite matts even admitting the argument was “lol SwAg is Mafia no matter what.”

I was wrong, but check out the first few posts you made once you took the lead in votes, notice the similarities 

On 11/11/2018 at 8:10 PM, SwAg said:

Jesus Christ.  How is focusing on James claimed role with some level of write-up verification, and then matts and VMD both claiming they did not trigger it, a strawman argument?  If you're focused on the rule / quote portion, then you're isolating a single detail of a larger thought process.  My theory was matts is lying about targeting James, and VMD is the Tracker who tracked matts to James.  Thus, matts is present at James and so is VMD, without VMD actually targeting James.  I was reading between the lines of VMD being suspicious of matts and VMD mentioning he had a theory on James that would involve them both role-claiming.


On 11/11/2018 at 8:15 PM, SwAg said:

I'm really sitting at 5 votes in about a 20 minute span because Touch is locked clear as not Mafia, misconstrued my posts, and then told you to lynch me.


On 11/11/2018 at 8:25 PM, SwAg said:

Whatever, you must think I'm retarded to allow you to frame this lynch unchallenged.

So, what are my choices on bcb?  If I acquiesce and lynch him, then the outcomes will be framed as:

bcb is Town, and I lynched him because I'm Mafia and knew he was not Mafia; 

bcb is Mafia, and I lynch him because I'm Mafia bussing a teammate;

bcb is Town, and I don't lynch him because I'm Mafia abstaining from a Town lynch;

bcb is Mafia, and I do not want to lynch him, therefore I am fulfilling your prediction of me saving him, and thus I am Mafia; or

Any other number of scenarios that can be spun into another narrative.


On 11/11/2018 at 8:30 PM, SwAg said:

Really?  In what circumstances is someone pointing out a massive flaw in the arguments to lynch them not Mafia then?


On 11/11/2018 at 9:00 PM, SwAg said:

Well, you have already framed the lynch as "SwAg is scum because reasons and any reaction of any kind only proves he is scum," which I have already pointed out, and you seem to have no problem with it.  So, I am waiting for other people to arrive.


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You’re literally pointing out my initial point, which is that I go through this interaction every game. People make crackpot arguments in which I’m Mafia no matter what.  It was even happening in that game.  The only game it didn’t happen was The Wire.

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5 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You’re literally pointing out my initial point, which is that I go through this interaction every game. People make crackpot arguments in which I’m Mafia no matter what.  It was even happening in that game.  The only game it didn’t happen was The Wire.

But it is backing up my point. The 1 time you were calm was when you were a civ. For the sake of moving the game forward I will hold off on further comment

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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

But it is backing up my point. The 1 time you were calm was when you were a civ. For the sake of moving the game forward I will hold off on further comment

Okay.  I will indulge this with a series of short questions.  I want no explanation.

1.  The time you are referencing is the end of Trailer Park. Correct?

2.  I have acted this way, or substantially similar, as Town and Mafia.  Correct?

If the answer to 2 is no, then you’re simply wrong, and I will demonstrate it with a wall of text, with links to each respective game.

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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Okay.  I will indulge this with a series of short questions.  I want no explanation.

1.  The time you are referencing is the end of Trailer Park. Correct?

2.  I have acted this way, or substantially similar, as Town and Mafia.  Correct?

If the answer to 2 is no, then you’re simply wrong, and I will demonstrate it with a wall of text, with links to each respective game.

Do it after the game if it's a wall of of text. If it is short and to the point go for it 

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Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

I havent played with Swag enough to form a meta one way or the other. But he reads as town to me.

Don’t worry.  They’ve played with me a lot, and their view of my meta seemingly changes every game to fit the latest theory, and then they tell me I’m Mafia for pointing out that they’re wrong in explicit detail.  And everyone ignores us for the most part.  It’s very circuitous.

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Don’t worry.  They’ve played with me a lot, and their view of my meta seemingly changes every game to fit the latest theory, and then they tell me I’m Mafia for pointing out that they’re wrong in explicit detail.  And everyone ignores us for the most part.  It’s very circuitous.


2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I don’t know how you managed to mess up two yes or no questions.

I dont know how you have managed to repeatedly say that I call you mafia including this game when have not lol

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You can spare me the technical deconstructive logic argument.  

Oh yeah, I didn’t say you were mafia dood!  As I demonstrably lie about your meta and hold it out as inconsistent with your play in this game that has only two alignments.  I’m saying you act differently as a Civ, which is reinforced by my answer to your second question.  But bro, i definitely didn’t say you were Mafia!  I’m relying upon infer nice so I can make this exact post!


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