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The Simpsoooonnsss...Mafia. N3 Friday 7PM CT


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1 minute ago, gopherwrestler said:

Lol nacho I barely care anymore, you are now trying to use substance from a post to get some sort of a distraction after getting busted. 

Im that confident now I’ll vote nacho over BDP

"getting busted"?

Please explain how a scum player, who knows who is scum and who isn't and is trying to avoid suspicion, would slip in this fashion.

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1 minute ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Please define how you think that I thought I "f'ed up".

Assume i'm scum and create a logical thought process in which I would "f up" in this way.

I’ve literally posted everything. Your questioning you’re still trying to move the point of emphasis elsewhere with this post. 

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1 minute ago, gopherwrestler said:

@The Orca does this seam like a rookie scum team?

I actually feel like nacho and BDP are both scum



ive never seen you vote you’re brother before also, at least it’s not popping in my head

I'm thinking a combo of BdP, Nacho, Counselor. VikeManDan is possible as well (Pickle would defitely support being bussed by his own teammate during the NCAA tourney...though I doubt that happened)

Out of those, Nacho I've been wary of on some of his posts. Bdp I just cant fathom Pickle not telling/screaming at him to just stay away from the budding up on a teammate lmao

Counselor wasnt himself D2 and his first post of the game I totally could see a mafia Couselor voring his teammate first post. 

Also, I have voted Pickle before...but very rare. He just didnt comenoff like he did when he was wrongly accused in a previous game

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

 He just didnt comenoff like he did when he was wrongly accused in a previous game

Honestly why I didn’t move my vote and I trusted vike. When I falsely accused him the other game he went all out to defend himself pulling out whatever he could. 

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