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Gophers World Mafia, Rags & The Mother Aligned have Won!

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

you seem more eager to defend youself against being mafia than to help find scum

Interesting, given all the posts I made to try and narrow down the hunt for Sanchez. I made a very detailed, strong post clearing matts. Whether that swayed anyone, I don't know, but I did my part. 

I was simply pointing out the same thing @SwAg has said - you need to give your head a shake, man. Some of this logic is crazy. I use that very point you just made as an argument, and now you're doing it yourself for something else. It can't go both ways. That's a major logic fail one way or the other. 

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And FWIW, I'll do my part to go after scum as well, if there are any left. I'm not convinced that there are. I think Rags is the one taking people out at night. I think he's the hunter / vig, and I think he's searching for the browns. If that is true, then there hasn't been a mafia hit since Dome died. 

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9 minutes ago, DingoLadd said:


Swag is town, maybe brown but he knows what he is.

I've claimed Rags as the vig as either the Hunter (Though to be fair the description of that role is a lot more learning to tracker) 

or the protector but that role seems like a protect role more than anything, with a potential convert aspect in the OP. 

I was probably wrong about there being a vig/rags being the vig. 

We have dead people on multiple nights and a vig wouldn't have more than 1 hit on town's side, would be too easy to screw up the cult mechanic. They also wouldn't have it on back to back if they did have multiple kills. 

There's 1 mafia left IMO.

There is 100% vig hits. 100% 

But maybe we only had 1 and it was the n2. Or maybe we are alternating mafia hit one day, civ hit odd days.


But think of nachos role. That suggest there are multiple civ vig. The fact that we haven't had multiple hits tells me mafia is dead.

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3 minutes ago, Forge said:

i use that very point you just made as an argument, and now you're doing it yourself for something else. It can't go both ways

i like to talk through different sides of things, particularly early when it isnt crunch time. sometimes, when i talk it out i can more easily sort through what probably is or isnt the case.

this game in particular, ive been pretty damn on point when it comes to finalizing my final read and push on scum.

pretty damn on point.

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

i like to talk through different sides of things, particularly early when it isnt crunch time. sometimes, when i talk it out i can more easily sort through what probably is or isnt the case.

this game in particular, ive been pretty damn on point when it comes to finalizing my final read and push on scum.

pretty damn on point.

In fairness, I have noticed that. You switch votes a lot, and don't take that as a criticism, I don't mean it in that way, just that I've noticed that you evaluate it in different methodologies which sometimes leads you to different conclusions at times. 

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Just now, Malfatron said:

yeah, i wonder if hes going to hang around and just skate off his red wedding

He could be mafia traitor, which makes sense because none of the mafia knew I could join them. So it would have caused a.lot.of chaos if I died.



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4 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

There is 100% vig hits. 100% 

But maybe we only had 1 and it was the n2. Or maybe we are alternating mafia hit one day, civ hit odd days.


But think of nachos role. That suggest there are multiple civ vig. The fact that we haven't had multiple hits tells me mafia is dead.

 3/4 of them are dead and 2 of them were town. I think our vig's are dead and I don't think we had 3 potential killers on town's side. 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

He could be mafia traitor,

Jesus, those exist too? lol

This game (not this game specifically, but Mafia in general) is insane lol. I can see why you guys play. 

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2 minutes ago, DingoLadd said:

 3/4 of them are dead and 2 of them were town. I think our vig's are dead and I don't think we had 3 potential killers on town's side. 

Honestly, we should find out tonight. I was the third person on Rags' list. If I am not lynched, I think I would have to be next on the hit list if he is still following the list he posted earlier. 

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

He could be mafia traitor, which makes sense because none of the mafia knew I could join them. So it would have caused a.lot.of chaos if I died.



I'm curious how that mechanic would have worked. If you were lynched, but survived, wouldn't have everyone just voted you to die the next day? 

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On 3/30/2019 at 12:32 AM, Malfatron said:



On 3/30/2019 at 12:54 AM, SwAg said:



On 3/30/2019 at 1:00 AM, BringinDaPain said:

You too? **** shakes man. Which night?


On 3/30/2019 at 1:07 AM, SwAg said:

Last night.


On 3/30/2019 at 1:13 AM, Malfatron said:

were you ever offered weed?


On 3/30/2019 at 1:14 AM, BringinDaPain said:

Yea, IRL


I think BDP slipped / backtracked here.  He implied it happened in game by asking me which night.  Then simply said IRL when Malf asked.

On 3/30/2019 at 4:20 PM, SwAg said:

I mean, if you're thinking it's a quiet person, I'd go Sanchez because Touch was the only one pushing him, then suddenly Touch is converted.


On 3/30/2019 at 4:21 PM, BringinDaPain said:

I think Touch only pushed because he wasn't as active as the rest of us?


Later on:

On 3/30/2019 at 9:42 PM, SwAg said:

I think you’re right, Malfatron.

I think it’s Sanchez or matts, 100%.  

And I’d almost go toward the former because Touch suddenly dropped the Sanchez angle after he was pushing him, and I don’t see any intervening circumstances to support that change.  Add in the “slip” today, in conjunction with the majority of people who were not aware of the information, I think he started non-Town.

I’m going to pull the quotes and whatnot for all this, but that’s my impression right now.

This is after I lost my mind on matts.  This was the start of the votes heading toward Sanchez and sticking.

BDP didn't have any further comment on it.  I kept hammering Matts hereafter, and BDP flipped back and forth between matts and Ted, before eventually settling on matts.  I said it was 100% between matts and Sanchez.  If you're willing to trust me on matts, I don't see why you wouldn't be willing to trust me on Sanchez.

On 3/30/2019 at 5:12 PM, 11sanchez11 said:

so if we lynch matt he would flip to the other side?


On 3/30/2019 at 5:16 PM, BringinDaPain said:


On 3/30/2019 at 5:16 PM, BringinDaPain said:


On 3/30/2019 at 5:16 PM, SwAg said:

I don't know why anyone is willing to indulge this.

1.)  He is lying, and will be CC'd.

2.)  We have one night unaccounted for.  Something tells me the Jock does drugs and could be his other recruit.

Should stay the course and hold the feet to the fire.

If nothing else, you get me modkilled, and resolve Forge.

On 3/30/2019 at 5:17 PM, BringinDaPain said:


That is a strange willingness to engage with Sanchez, follow me on matts, but not acknowledge the Sanchez push.  Especially when compounded with his posts today at the start of the Day, which I will get to shortly.

After this I started to soften my stance on matts a bit.  I made some remarks that made Malf shift his vote (or at least he quoted me then).  I'm not going to quote everything here, but the interactions are in the long multiquotes if you want to refer to them.  Then Malf restated my case on Sanchez with some supplemental details, and more votes shifted.


13 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:



12 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

i think matts converted malf

11 hours ago, SwAg said:

Does anyone know what the votes are at?

11 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

Votes against - Voter

Matts - Swag, BDP, bcb, Matts

VMD - Ted

Sanchez - Dingo, Forge, Malf, Squire, VMD, Counselor

Ted - Sanchez 

11 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

I really don't see how Ted is out of the running? What am I missing?

He is around to provide a VC, but not really talking.  He questioned why not Ted, is still voting for matts, and is avoiding the Sanchez lynch train.  Basically fishing for alternatives.

Then this happened:

11 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Hmmmm. Do you always keep a personal vc?

Have you been offered drugs?

11 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

Gopher, asked if we would help him out yesterday with the VC while he was at the wedding smart ***. It wasn't the first time he asked for help either for that matter. 

11 hours ago, SwAg said:

What?  You had a VC on D2 though?

11 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

Go back and read @gopherwrestler has asked multiple times for help with the VC.

11 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

I only posted the last one because Swag asked where the count was currently. 

11 hours ago, SwAg said:

Squire, why are you defending BDP so hard for such an innocuous event?  

It was literally matts asking if he kept VCs.  BDP said yeah, gopher asked for help because of a wedding.  I pointed out that BDP had VCs before here, and he then supplemented his answer.

Immediately gets defensive over a pretty innocuous interaction with matts.  And gets the story wrong, then corrected it pretty quickly upon inquiry.


10 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

If anyone asks me a question please tag me. I am here but also watching the game.

Leaving thread.

10 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

Sorry. no drugs here only aspirins.

Denying drugs.

8 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

Curious, to why bcb has been quite, as of lately?

Looking for another alternative lynch.

5 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Why am I getting lynched again?

5 hours ago, SwAg said:

Because it's you or matts based upon Touch's actions and each of your remarks, and matts has at least some evidence to semi-verify a role.  So, short stick, my friend.

4 hours ago, SwAg said:

Matts, you seem desperate to have this lynch go to you instead of Sanchez.

4 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

not going to lie, I would be very very interested in how you get yourself killed tomorrow.

Must be my subconscious, because all I'm trying to do is generate discussion right now. Which I've already told you a couple times.

4 hours ago, SwAg said:

It’s pretty curious that your first interest in generating discussion the entire game comes when it is a lynch between you and another person.  The other person has more votes.  And you keep trying to detract from the theories keeping you alive.

Seems like Sanchez is the Dealer.  You were recruited and maintained a bulletproof.  You survive, then I modkill myself while getting a lolclear.  

Feel free to discuss that.

4 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

matts has been desperate to get lynch for a while. seems like a good strategy to avoid being lynched


4 hours ago, Malfatron said:

yeah, matts is good at the wifom

hes scum for sure, but the question is...is he the main scum?

4 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

This is my thinking too.

Again, voicing support for the lynch that is not Sanchez.


3 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

swag, I was hoping lol

but the point was you guys had nothing on me (that was because of something I did, and really nothing tbh). just the game mechanics made it a simple process of elimination.

3 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

So you claiming Weed Dealer?

Playing dumb during the night phase.  Wasn't modkilled.


2 hours ago, Counselor said:

I think Swag and BDP are mafia

2 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

Dude, I saved his life as the Town Doc he came back Vanilla. He may be something different now though. Remember he was the one that was offered the weed not me.

Immediate incredulity and attempted to distance from me... why?  I just demonstrably participated in the lynching of the Weed Dealer.  He brought up me being offered drugs unsolicited by Counselor or anything else.  He framed it as: I revived him, so if he's scum, don't look my way.  Remember they tried to recruit him! ...Setting up the test lynch, if you lynch me, he is "cleared."

2 hours ago, SwAg said:

He said Mafia.  Your mind jumped to Drug Dealer pretty quick, which is somewhat curious because I definitely shifted away from matts to Sanchez, while you sided with Sanchez all day.

The only unknown roles at at this point are VMD, Ted (maybe I’m misreading a soft?), and Forge.  There is at least one Brown because no one else brought up a failed recruitment.


2 hours ago, BringinDaPain said:

I have not sided with anyone.

I've just shown you at least sided against lynching Sanchez, even if by only inference.


It is BDP or matts.

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