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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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20 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Not really.  I said I didn’t care who was lynched of the three.  You’re mad I wasn’t around to save you from your tk3 lock?  Or, any of the other Town who went tk3?  So, I made a mistake abstaining, but that mistake is distinguishable from all of that, I suppose.

Like seriously, don’t roll boulders down the staircase when you live in a glass house.

I walked away right after making the post and became engaged in other ****.  I’m not taking this game that seriously.  You don’t have to believe me.  I don’t really care.

And maybe I offered it to Touch because I think Touch is better? lmao

So that's the theory you think is stupid...that's like the most obvious one. You are a yellow belly chicken that didnt want to vote. Plain and simple you had almost 24 hours to vote and you didnt. You could have lynched the sure fire SK in you mind and didnt, even though you had time to do so, you gave your vote to the person you have claimed since D1 is gonna kill us all

I also posted the quote tree earlier that imo points squarely to you being associated with Whicker and the SKs. Flacco unbeknownst to me had info that pointed to you being a bomber of some sorts

Day 1, you made excuses when you got a couple of votes, you complained about everyone being ****, then D2 defused 2 bombs and then went MIA except pushing that Forge (Morgan) wasnt really what he claimed, and then Mwil again. You have done nothing almost nothing but troll...plain and simple, I'm gonna lock my vote on you tomorrow so you better kill me tonight or lynch me today. Either way I'm done with your BS. 

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Anyone else want to attack Little Big Horn with me? I’m optimistic.


I'd love to see what he does when pushed to the brink. I think he is getting feisty because I figured out his long con of the bomb defuser

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No, you’re just not even explaining your theory.  

You stated a bunch of things, but have yet to articulate how you think it makes sense in the context of the game.

And you just keep repeating those selected facts.

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I don’t know your theory because I’ve proposed the theories you’ve inferred, which have been different, and explained why I don’t think they make sense.  I just quoted it.  I don’t know what to tell you if you’re not going to read what I said, and then get upset that I’m not going to repeat myself for you to still not read.

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I’m genuinely trying to respond, as I have been, and you just keep getting theatrical and fixating on random ****.

If you want me to explain, then give me a clear basis to explain.  There is a reason why no one is agreeing with you, and it’s because they don’t even know what you’re proposing beyond “it’s weird SwAg didn’t vote MWil,” which I already conceded was a mistake.  

So, if you want a response, or to be taken seriously by others, you should take a step back and rationally explain in a coherent fashion.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

No, you’re just not even explaining your theory.  

You stated a bunch of things, but have yet to articulate how you think it makes sense in the context of the game.

And you just keep repeating those selected facts.

For the 1000th time I will explain in detail if you tell me the theory and why its stupid. You are not even participating you are trolling. Just getting me riled up, calling everyone stupid, making excuses, not voting, saying touch will kill us all, saying Mwil is a sure fire SK and not voting him

Just now, SwAg said:

Just lynch me.  

I’m not committing time to this if you can’t read what I say in its entirety, and then just misinterpret it.

Not committing time, where have I seen that before lmao. You do all of the above and then want to ***** out about not wanting to commit time. Some of us have committed time.. Ive committed a lot of time and effort. Where is that from you. Are you getting mad because Im calling you out that you are actually part of the SKs and the defuser is a way for you to have cover, or are you mad because im calling you out on the entire lack of effort, consistent trolling, putting people down, and forced posts that in hindsight appear to connect you to the SKs

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1 minute ago, gopherwrestler said:

Hey @SwAg what’s your theory


Please feel free to lay out a theory of who the remaining SK are.  

N1:  shooter attempts kill on Mwil (not certain, but all we have to go on currently)

N2:  Bomber attempts on Pickle -- with Orca as a decoy

N3:  Arsonist success on Pickle

N4:  Shooter success on Forge


Based on this, it is likely that the slasher was removed with the lynch of either WHicker or Nacho.  The bomber followed the shooter N1-> N2.  So there could be a bomber attempt yet today.  (reason why I asked if anyone had not posted thinking that there might have been a bomb placed last night that would detonate N5).  If the bomber was removed in the Whicker/Nacho lynches, then the arsonist would be next.  

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I want you to read each line until you understand.

I am saying you have not proposed a theory with any clarity.  

You have stated a bunch of facts, which lend themselves to different theories.

I have responded to what I think those theories are, and why I don’t find them compelling.

You largely ignored those, as demonstrated by the multiquote above.

Those theories seem to be incompatible with each other, or contrary to the game posture.

So, I am asking, which theory you’re proposing, if any of them.  Then, I can provide a longer response than simply going through every theory, again.

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