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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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12 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

How in the hell do you get all that from a dead body? 

The autopsy reveals the full role of the player.  What I posted in a paraphrasing of the role that Mwil would have received.  

I am just reporting what was provided to me.  

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16 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Is the game still going?

Yep but hopefully n6 won't matter once we lynch orca. 

19 minutes ago, squire12 said:

The autopsy reveals the full role of the player.  What I posted in a paraphrasing of the role that Mwil would have received.  

I am just reporting what was provided to me.  

Can confirm, similar to my D1 role. 


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1 hour ago, The Orca said:

Townies moves have been

Self watch, day vig with 1 broken gun, odd night crime scene invest to find something...only a chance though, and then you have 2 bomb defuses. Your move runs counter to what every other townie has had. They are all basic weak moves that either rarely help (touchs did though), backfire (Gopher), or only has a chance to succeed. Your move is so overpowered based on a TEAM MEMBER having the exact same move. 

Swag and Kotn. Slight chance of Touch or Dingo...but Swag's move seems to throw off the balance of the game, and seems not correlated to the other townies with moves. Please dont forget him when I'm gone

I don't know how you keep saying this.  It is possible that I never defuse the correct bomb.

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

What will you think when it doesnt and I'm a townie

We work our way through the suspects.  

squire, bcb, raves, flacco, gopher are all clear in my mind.

Orca, KOTN, touch, dingo, swag are the remaining suspects.  Would need to put pieces of information together on the remaining group.  We have some information, we will obtain more information in various forms.  

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4 hours ago, Dome said:

3 orca - orca, bcb, dingo

2 KOTN - Untouch, gopher

1 gopher - Flacco 


4 hours ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

oh orca btw


4 hours ago, Raves said:

no lynch


3 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

Lol orca


3 hours ago, The Orca said:



2 hours ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Remaining players:

  1. Orca
  2. SwAg
  3. Flacco
  4. Gopher
  5. Squire
  6. BCB
  7. Raves
  8. KOTN
  9. Dingo

IF we are to believe there is one SK left and IF we are to believe that all the named roles are the only civ specials, that leaves us with a ratio of 8-1. There should be almost no way we lose this game if that's to be assumed. 

I am extremely wary of people like bcb and squire because they've primarily laid low the entire game and skated by. Tonight though, I think our best case of finding information is to lynch orca unless something else comes up.


2 hours ago, squire12 said:

Sorry for getting on late.  First nice day and took advantage of it.  

My moves.

N1:  watched forge, no one visited him

N2: quick seat ch of gopher, forge got his move in before me.

N3:  quick search bcb, could not as he is a team member

N4:  quick search dingo2.0, she has a van with cleaning chemicals in it with rubber gloves.

N5:  track Kotn, went no where.

Day autopsy results on Mwil.....serial shooter, drove a bus, some other stuff.

Gopher is not the shooter.


should be the vote and we work our way through suspects from there.


46 minutes ago, DingoLadd said:

Orca. Since gopher is clear, thanks squire for saving us from a mislynch,

@Dome   Unofficial VC

5 orca -  bcb, dingo, squire, Flacco, gopher

2 KOTN - Untouch, Orca

no lynch - Raves


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Just now, squire12 said:

We work our way through the suspects.  

squire, bcb, raves, flacco, gopher are all clear in my mind.

Orca, KOTN, touch, dingo, swag are the remaining suspects.  Would need to put pieces of information together on the remaining group.  We have some information, we will obtain more information in various forms.  


Just now, DingoLadd said:

Probably swag given he's the only non-investigator left and Gopher isn't the shooter. 

Good to hear. Hopefully you all dont forget about my posts. I think I did a pretty good job this game (minus the Tk3 push) and it's my time to go. Good luck finishing this out.

Couple of things

1. I legit dont have a move

2. Everything I said about my role is the truth. All the reports, back story, move, everything

3. Watch how Swag plays and if he spins my town flip in his favor, and see if he tries to get ahead of the lynch. It was exactly what Nacho did and what Swag was doing at times the last two days. I expect more of it

4. Kotn is suspect because of his posting structure and the follow along votes he has had that touch pointed out. It's also been like 2 days since he posted

5. Touch is connected to Swag and Mwil imo. Might be coincidence, but both basically corroborated Mwils role. Touch did call him out on his claim. Swag has been saying Touch will murder us all the first like 4 days as well

Good luck Town!!!


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