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Micro-Mafia Games - Game 2, Jester Mafia - Night Thusday @ 10pm EST


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What is gonna follow are a lot of posts that I felt stood out the most giving what et flipped and orca flipped.  There are definitely some other posts in the quotes that I felt everyone should take another look at.....

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On 5/6/2019 at 4:44 PM, ET80 said:

Two things:

- He was quick to follow the Forge vote, with nothing to base it on. Seeing an opportunity, I went full rage mode (part of it was real, part of it was a ruse). 

- Following that fallout, his phrasing towards me tells me he's special hunting. It was specific to looking for something, not as if he found scum...but because he found someone WITH something to hide.

Needless to say, I'll need protection.


On 5/6/2019 at 5:38 PM, SwAg said:

Jesus, if you’re the Cop, wtf was Orca doing?


On 5/6/2019 at 5:49 PM, The Orca said:




On 5/6/2019 at 5:51 PM, SwAg said:

No, I got it right after that.  No worries.  Good show.


On 5/6/2019 at 8:00 PM, Tk3 said:

I tend to agree

So I get that if you are the cop, you don't want to outright say it... but I have to imagine if ET is lying and is the goon, they already have you pegged as the real cop.. If you are soft CCing, you might as well hard CC so that the doctor knows to protect you


On 5/7/2019 at 10:43 AM, Tk3 said:

Uggg I had zero interest in voting ET until that response

Still Counselor for now, but I have no idea why ET is being so anti town


On 5/7/2019 at 11:01 AM, Tk3 said:

Also, swag is decidedly not typical town-swag this game....


On 5/7/2019 at 11:01 AM, Tk3 said:

Top two reads are Counselor and swag


On 5/7/2019 at 11:06 AM, Tk3 said:

I don’t know what you want from me...

But pardon me for having caution in lynching the person who soft claimed cop


On 5/7/2019 at 11:21 AM, The Orca said:

You have caution...then why are you posting stuff like this

Basically paiting a target on my back with this statement...what good does it do civs with you potentially outing or putting a target on a power role potentially. If I'm the cop or doctor I'm probably getting roleblocked tonight at best. If you thought I was soft CCing...then why not vote ET...then you made cases for ET to stick around. This makes no sense to make a comment like this if you are civ


On 5/7/2019 at 12:03 PM, Tk3 said:

They START the game as 22% of the game participants.. that’s scary

i think @Dome should also track how many times that duo is responsible for lynching me


On 5/7/2019 at 12:58 PM, Pickle Rick said:

And how would they know who the cop is? 


On 5/7/2019 at 2:26 PM, Tk3 said:

It’s not as simple as knowing who the cop is...

Its knowing that if ET is not mafia he is lined up for death, or maybe just the roleblock

by him saying yes or no, it allows our doctor at act appropriately 

if he won’t claim, then I guess we need to lynch elsewhere and the doctor should protect him just in case


On 5/7/2019 at 2:48 PM, ET80 said:


I've always been weary of Tk3, so your thoughts resonate with me. I could see it as confirmation bias on my end, but given what I saw, it lines up.


On 5/7/2019 at 4:50 PM, SwAg said:

Don’t get me wrong, tk3 could be scum, but I don’t think the special hunting rationale is the best means to reaching that conclusion.  I mean, the issue with it, however you feel about it, is that what tk3 said is true.  Mafia probably have a 50-50 on the specials at this point due to semi-claims and the information assymetry.  So, if one half-claim is truthful, the Mafia have their men already.


On 5/7/2019 at 5:01 PM, Tk3 said:

If you don’t think mafia is discussing specials in their chatty then you are missing the boat

I didn’t “point anything out” to them. They saw the same things because you two posted them

I’m literally trying to direct the town into damage control mode so that we don’t lynch and/or leave our specials open to hits. I’m doing this because you guys have loose lips. If I were mafia I’d just promote the groupthink lynches and make the hits

I could have hammered ET.. but I didn’t because I thought through the situation rationally. You should try it instead of your tunnel


On 5/7/2019 at 5:06 PM, The Orca said:

@Tk3 please explain what you saw in my post here that lead you to the conclusion you replied with


On 5/7/2019 at 5:44 PM, SwAg said:

Honestly, I feel like you have to be pretty unobservant to not see the claims.  I don't know why we're even trying to obscure them.  They were not subtle in any way.


On 5/7/2019 at 5:48 PM, The Orca said:

Do share with quotes



On 5/7/2019 at 5:51 PM, SwAg said:

I don't know why I need quotes since you're one of them.


On 5/7/2019 at 5:54 PM, The Orca said:

Well Tk3 is ignoring the whole situation he created and refusing to reply to me...so if you saw the same thing I would love to know what it was if it was blatant and not subtle


On 5/7/2019 at 6:01 PM, SwAg said:

Well, I'm not going to smash your puzzle box, then, unless you want me to do so.  I'll let tk3 answer first, and I have a five-paragraph explanation waiting in a word document.


On 5/7/2019 at 6:07 PM, The Orca said:

Let's see if Tk3 ever responds

What do you make of Tk3 outright drawing attention to specials and calling it out. I'm willing to bet no one else sees what you all did (I'm betting you each didnt see the same thing either). As a civ, would you ever draw attention to something that isnt clearly stated that puts a special in harms way when it isnt needed to be stated publically for all to see?


23 hours ago, Tk3 said:

Like I have said 100 times

I didn't paint a target on your back.. YOU did by making that post.. Stop blaming me for you being dumb

I thought he soft claimed, and you soft CCed.. I don't know who to believe, hence, why the eff I am trying to get people to hard claim.. Like I've said before, if one of you is the cop and the other is mafia, then the mafia already friggin knows who the cop is, so why not inform the 1 person who can actually help you?


23 hours ago, Tk3 said:

I haven't ignored anything.. I've said numerous times that I didn't special hunt.. the potential specials have just effed around enough that it is obvious


23 hours ago, SwAg said:

Well, yeah.  It's an open setup with what I thought was an obvious claim, and it was The Cop, rather than The Doctor.  So, if I thought Mafia already got it, I would have minimal reservations on the topic, particularly when The Doctor might not have got it. 

And the subsequent reactions were hard to ignore.  Basically down to what theory of the thread you're inclined to believe.


23 hours ago, Tk3 said:

I've said it NUMEROUS times, but I suppose I have to say it NUMEROUS more times to pacify you...

ET soft claimed cop.. I was hesitant to believe it, but also more hesitant to lynch a possible power role..

I also believe you soft claimed cop as well.. 

This creates a classic claim/counterclaim, but unfortunately if we get it wrong, the other will have the ability to say "I didn't actually claim"

At this point, I want both of you to either hardclaim Cop, or hardclaim Normie (if either of you are the doctor, for all that is good just claim Normie)

Then we can see if we have a true claim/counterclaim situation, and make people put their money where their mouth is. In the event one of you is not truly claiming, then the doctor knows who they need to protect

I don't think this is that difficult.. Do you want me to try to explain it again? Maybe with little pictures?


23 hours ago, Tk3 said:

Also, cop can only find 1 person out of 8 potentials, and the "clears" are only even "clear" after the godfather has been killed..

It's borderline more powerful as a town clear (ie Dingo last game) than it is as an actual tool for finding scum.. especially when there is a roleblocker out there and people have soft claimed..

Just hard claim already and let's get a cleared civ from this mess, and the doctor just lives on that person for the rest of the game


23 hours ago, SwAg said:

In before tk3 and ET are together.

Since Counselor isn't going to defend himself, the only reason I'm not on Counselor right now, despite him being one of the three, is because I think the erratic strategy might be to feign liability, while he's actual The Doctor.


23 hours ago, The Orca said:

It's not a test

Cant even show me where I soft claimed...such wasted words here. Just avoiding the task at hand

It's not about special hunting...I've said you outed suspected specials for no reason and you cant show where the suspected soft claim is

Show me where I soft claimed

More posts with no real attempt to answer me. You claim I soft claimed cop...show me where and with quotes. Show everyone what you saw and why you wanted to point it out


22 hours ago, Tk3 said:

For just a minute last game I was beginning to believe that you were evolving.. Being more restrained and whatnot..

But you're the same..

Why don't you guys go ahead and lynch ET then?

I'm 1 vote.. you don't need my blessing


22 hours ago, SwAg said:

I'm open to others, but if we're nearing hammer territory, I'm not risking a modkill for not having no vote out.


22 hours ago, Tk3 said:

There are very, very few alignments/roles where your goal is literally to survive

I'm not going to do what I see as a dumb move simply to survive


Doctor needs to protect Orca.. I can only assume he is the real cop based on his hammer


22 hours ago, SwAg said:

If I'm dead:

Counselor, Forge, and an outside shot at Rick.

I made posts about each of them today that contain my thoughts.


22 hours ago, Tk3 said:

Same for me... but include Swag in that list


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7 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

2.  Swag never took a stance whatsoever the entire day.  He coasted by making snark comments and agreeing with people.  He never (imo) made his opinions about a player known or pushed anyone at all. This is a drastic difference to what he is doing today by pushing a few people and actually naming names. 

Not that I'm trying to defend swag or something, but he threw me out on D1 multiple times. Obviously, never with anything concrete, but he brought my name up multiple times (One where he said has anyone given thought that dome just gave me the same role, and a second one where out of nowhere he was wondering why I was being ignored). He then cast a vote on me. He never gave reasons or anything, but he did "push" me out into the ether, if you will. I'm not sure why he chose to focus on me so much, I found that rather peculiar. Maybe hoping to instigate a response similar to the last two games on D1 and make me look bad, I don't know. 

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

@Tk3 why did you not want to vote et? 

sigh... are we really re-hashing this?

I saw what I felt like were two soft claims.. I wanted to see either of them hardclaim cop, or hardclaim normie.. That way we could all determine if there was a true claim/CC situation..

I didn't vote for either of them, because they didn't lock into the claim/CC dynamic, and I was using caution to avoid lynching specials.. Which is exactly what happened because you are all morons..

Had they just both claimed normie, which would have been the correct response given both of their roles, then this wouldn't even have been an issue..

But the fact that NEITHER of them stood up put us in this position where everyone effed up

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3 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

sigh... are we really re-hashing this?

I saw what I felt like were two soft claims.. I wanted to see either of them hardclaim cop, or hardclaim normie.. That way we could all determine if there was a true claim/CC situation..

I didn't vote for either of them, because they didn't lock into the claim/CC dynamic, and I was using caution to avoid lynching specials.. Which is exactly what happened because you are all morons..

Had they just both claimed normie, which would have been the correct response given both of their roles, then this wouldn't even have been an issue..

But the fact that NEITHER of them stood up put us in this position where everyone effed up

Orca seemed to be baiting you and swag on the fact that he never soft cc et.  Why did you keep pushing that he did?

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

Orca seemed to be baiting you and swag on the fact that he never soft cc et.  Why did you keep pushing that he did?

I'm done answering these type of things.. I've made it abundantly clear why I voted the way I did, and why I made the assumptions I did..

Feel free to try to use your brain to come up with these answers.. its all in thread..

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Just now, Forge said:

@Pickle Rick

Why did you tell me not to hammer myself? 

Bc I was reading town on you and if mafia have nightly hits then we only have 2 mislynches before its lynch or lose. Killing yourself in this game is horrible and will cause town to lose most of the time (assuming the person is town).  

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I'm not going to lie, I think my vote is going to be swag / tk / pickle....I'm just not sure where yet. Scum has done an excellent job of muddying the waters between you three at the current point in time and it's kind of a mess. 

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7 minutes ago, Forge said:

@Pickle Rick

Why did you tell me not to hammer myself? 


4 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Bc I was reading town on you and if mafia have nightly hits then we only have 2 mislynches before its lynch or lose. Killing yourself in this game is horrible and will cause town to lose most of the time (assuming the person is town).  

hammering yourself is unforgivable in my opinion, unless there is some sort of unusual mechanic that makes it a strategic play..

self voting (non hammer) is still something that I take great offense to, because it is either

  1. a civ who is acting outside of their alignment
  2. a scum who is trying to feign frustration and using the self vote as a ploy

either way, someone who is self voting with pressure is acting decidedly un-town, and it is a frustrating thing to play with

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