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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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13 minutes ago, Dome said:

Lynching me will tell us nothing. Matts will make up a report or claim to have blocked another hit and we’ll be exactly where we are again. 

Listen to me for once. We need to lynch counselor or matts.


So your claim is that I just cleared Counselor and now we are both scum. And TK3 cleared me, so is he scum as well?

All 3 of us are 100% clear. The only possibility is that there is, is that there is a converter. Which we have 0 proof of. So until then, you might wanna work on your case against squire. You two are the only non-cleareds left. And he is LOLcleared. 

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Just now, squire12 said:

I originally had targeted to hit Nacho.  Said so earlier in the thread before he flipped Sinister

Thats interesting. Your personal first 2 targets were scum, and Malf moved you from one scum to a different scum?

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Thats interesting. Your personal first 2 targets were scum, and Malf moved you from one scum to a different scum?

Yes.  I have a question into @rackcs on just exactly what he will allow me to post from our PM on might night moves.

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Counselor on the lie detect

You on a track

TK3 was investigated by MD4L, not me

The bold is what is giving me pause as Tk3 was investigated by MD4L, and so was Malfatron.  Both returned as Avenger-aligned, but we know Malfatron was not.  Could it be that some of the invests were false?

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6 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

So your claim is that I just cleared Counselor and now we are both scum. And TK3 cleared me, so is he scum as well?

All 3 of us are 100% clear. The only possibility is that there is, is that there is a converter. Which we have 0 proof of. So until then, you might wanna work on your case against squire. You two are the only non-cleareds left. And he is LOLcleared. 

Obviously someone is lying to me. That’s what I’m saying.

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On 6/1/2019 at 11:15 AM, MD4L said:
On 6/1/2019 at 10:31 AM, Dome said:

I was 1-shot deathproof 

I hoped to get reads of people thinking I was claimed scum. I wanted it to happen during a busy time when I was around. Still think we got some and if nothing else it’s better than a mislynch  

the first to days I went 100% tryhard in an attempt to draw a hit. Probably over extended and ended up looking so scummy I wasn’t a real hit option after that.

if we had pulled this off one of the earlier nights it would’ve worked better. I still think looking back at the people who were avoiding my lunch at all cost is going to provide useful info.

and no, it’s not better than certain scum. But I wasn’t sure we had certain scum anyway.

and no, I didn’t roleblock matts 

This is what you wanted us to not vote a killer and vote you instead? 



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Just now, squire12 said:

The bold is what is giving me pause as Tk3 was investigated by MD4L, and so was Malfatron.  Both returned as Avenger-aligned, but we know Malfatron was not.  Could it be that some of the invests were false?

was MD4l a 50/50 invest (random of some sort) on the accuracy?

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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:

The bold is what is giving me pause as Tk3 was investigated by MD4L, and so was Malfatron.  Both returned as Avenger-aligned, but we know Malfatron was not.  Could it be that some of the invests were false?

Why would TK3 revive me then? He wouldnt have needed too. 

Plus the write up suggested Dr Strange, who has the time stone and made us go back in time. 

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On 5/31/2019 at 2:56 PM, Malfatron said:

hes a regular straight investigator.

he doesnt compare

1. malf

2. whicker

3. et80

4. tk3



On 6/2/2019 at 8:36 AM, rackcs said:

Malfatron lay down in his bed after a long, busy night. He was still getting used to everything but he felt like he was finally settling into his new role well. He finally fell asleep and got a good few hours in when he suddenly woke up feeling very uncomfortable. He looked down to see that his entire body was covered by a large sheet of metal. He looked up and saw a man across the room in a helmet smiling at him. The man raised his hand up and slowly closed it into a fist. As his fist closed up the metal started constricting around Malfatron, crushing him. Malfatron struggled but even with his immense strength, it wasn't long before he was completely crushed.

Malfatron is dead. He was Thor, Skrull-Aligned.

It is now Day 7! With 11 alive and 11 voting, it's 6 to lynch! 

Deadline is Monday at 10 PM EST.

@squire12 => I bet MD4L got the character name and not the alignment. He got the result "Malf is Thor" and just assumed avengers-aligned. 

I think that is would happen to me on a lie detect also, which is why I started specifically asking avengers-aligned. 

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On 5/31/2019 at 10:27 AM, MD4L said:

Tk3 and ET are Avengers aligned.


On 5/31/2019 at 8:51 AM, MD4L said:

I’m not going to get into detail. You were my n1 target, my n2 was Whicker.


On 5/30/2019 at 5:26 PM, MD4L said:

You’re avengers aligned.


On 5/30/2019 at 5:21 PM, MD4L said:

yes, he is mafia. 

Or maybe he can detect mafia but not Skrull?

Either way, it seems hugely unlikely that TK3 is mafia. 

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